Mosul Governor: Kurdish Doctors in Erbil Sent me to Turkey
Mosul Governor Dureid Mohamed Kesmula treated in Ankara like the Iraqis who were wounded in the bomb attacks in Erbil.
Kesmula, who fell off from the roof of his house on the night of May 16, spoke to Zaman in the Ataturk Education and Research Hospital where he is being treated. Having broken bones in his right hip, right arm and shoulder, Kesmula explained: 'The Kurdish doctors in Erbil told me to go to Turkey saying that there is advanced medicine and technology here and I accepted it. I was brought to Diyarbakir on Wednesday by an ambulance and then to Ankara by plane. They look after me with great care in the hospital."
Saying he is of Arab origin, Kesmula said that Turkey gave help to them in many ways. Indicating that he would try to open a Turkish Consulate in Mosul if stability is achieved, Kesmula talked about the confusion in Mosul. Kesmula said: "There are some terrorists in Mosul who bring the Turkmen, Arabs and Kurds against each other there. We do not know who they are; however, they come from both outside and inside. Turkey prevents the passing of the terrorists over its borders to Iraq and Mosul and so gives us a great help.
On Wednesday Kesmula was visited by Sefin Dizai, the Foreign Affairs Representative of Mesud Barzani, leader of Kurdistan Democratic Party. Having an operation the day before, the 61-year-old governor will be sent to Iraq after one week of treatment. Being a member of the Kesmula tribe, Dureid Mohamed is the second person to become Mosul governor during the post-Saddam period. The former Mosul governor, Usame Kesmula, who was also a member of Kesmula tribe, was killed in a bomb attack on a Baghdad road on July 14 2004. Twenty-one Iraqi citizens including policemen are also being treated in the same hospital as those wounded in a bomb attack in Erbil three weeks ago.
Source: Zaman..
So there are Muslim terrorists in Turkey.. or do they mean pkk..