Anthea wrote:Why are you bringing Londoner into this - leave the man alone - he is a fellow Kurd - it is time Kurds stopped fighting among themselves
I'm sorry, but he's a blatant west ass-kisser. Has no dignity. I hold him in low regard because of this self-decrepating behavior.
Anthea wrote:As for Africa - I am at a complete lose as to the connection between Kurdistan using the best security dogs in the world to provide much needed security in Kurdistan - and Africa
Because it's a part of the same foreign policy all of west uses. The same reasoning used in africa is used in kurdistan and the middle-east. It's not just western dogs being hired, that's one little nut in the whole machinery, it's the a part of general pattern. Western countries building infrastructure instead of indigenous companies, western companies owning economical rights in the middle-east, having first hand contracts towards oils and building refineries. Corrupt middle-eastern leaders (including talabani and barzani) that are pro-western and who receive western support. Western countries intervening. The western economical domination of the region, western supported coups, western arm sales.
Anthea wrote:By the way Africans do NOT like to be referred to as Africans - they preferred to be referred to by country or tribe - to a Zulu (an example) referring to him as an African is demeaning because you are saying that he is the same as others he feels he is superior to - referring to someone as an African is bringing him down to the lowest common denominator - that of an uneducated savage - a proud Zulu would NOT be happy
They're states and nations located on africa. And it's irrelevant whether they're individual nations and states. They all get treated the same by USA, europe, china and have similar economical and social problems. They're all the same in the playing field. It's stupid and petty for them to engage in rivalries when there are bigger fish to fry. You think there is a difference between a zulu and someone from congo, when they're both starving and suffering from the same causes? Their government being sellouts and western countries destroying their economy?
Anthea wrote:I assure you that nobody has ever used either Piling or myself
I'm not sure about you. But piling by her own admission works for one kurdish interest group. There are lots of them wherever there are kurdish communities. They usually make parties during newroz where they invite politicians and intellectuals and what else.They collaborate with western politicians and other westerners. Lots of them are associated with PKK. So when they have some westerners working for them, it's because they're trying to create influence for their own cause and ideology, and appeal to western governments. But they don't realize that western goverments don't give a fuck about anything other than money, and they only respect power. Kurdish lobbying doesn't work, because kurds aren't financially powerful.
Anthea wrote:Piling has studied Kurdish language (which she speaks reads and writes far better than most Kurds), history, culture and politics for many years - her knowledge of all things Kurdish is far greater than that of the combined knowledge of the average THOUSAND Kurds
And that means what exactly? It's not the first time some orientalists with a fascination with distant culture turn it into career. For westerners it's some fashionable hobby. Lots of arabologists, kurdologists, assyrologists, turkologists, chinaologists, africaologists, etc.
Anthea wrote:Piling loves and respects Kurds - though why she continues to do so is beyond me - I am disgusted by the way some people on here treat her - you and others like you - should be
ASHAMED of yourselves - Piling has helped run this forum from it's inception
8 YEARS ago
Piling doesn't respect kurds/love. She is a liberal missionary. She sees a cause, and hangs on to it, for whatever reason. It's fashionable thing to do in the west. If it's not kurds, it's palestinians, if it's not palestinians it's the tibetans, if it's not the tibetans it's indigenous indians in south-america. It's the western fascination with the "Other". A fascination with the exotic, strange and mystical, with the opressed "noble savages". It's not genuine sympathy and respect. It doesn't surprise me, considering the literature she reads. Lots of fantasy and mysticalism. It's sort of common amongst western leftists and liberals. You should read more on the topic. Not just accuse me of being hateful.
Anthea wrote:I became friends with a family who owned an eatery more than 30 years ago - and they have remained my friends all that time - and hopefully will continue to remain my friends
their large extended family are all my friends
I'm sure they're all your good-friends, and you haven't mistaken their warm demeanour and hospitality with "friendship". Just because someone is friendly you to you, doesn't make them friends.
Anthea wrote:As a teacher - I have added to my long list of Kurdish friends - how could anyone dare to accuse my of being used by any interest group - my friends are
NOT an interest group
Lol, i'm sorry, but you probably view your friendships a bit differently than kurds do you, and this comes from someone who lived the majority of their adolscent and young adult life in the west. I've asked many kurdish immigrants and refugees aswell as middle-easterners in general, and the overwhelming majority don't have any "friendships" with westerners, they have acquintances and co-workers, but no genuine friends. I've never seen and meet westerners, especially white westerners, who had genuine friendships with people who weren't white westerners. There are casual acquitances, people they know, and co-workers. But no friends. I very occasionally see some middle-easterner with a non-middle-eastern Girlfriend or something like that.