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PostAuthor: kassem » Sat May 21, 2005 1:27 pm

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PostAuthor: ZaniYar » Sat May 21, 2005 1:47 pm

the kurds that registered themselves as arabs, is completely different matter. it was a matter of survival. but what I'm saying if all kurds had been like tatlises, there would be no kurds left in turkey : we would all be good turks like he has been so many years. so good for him, yeah, but I'm not gonna jump in joy for him! if tomorrow turks ban the kurdish language again, is he gonna keep singing in kurdish? I let you wonder......[quote]

It depends on us what changes we make on the ground... I'm sure now they regret and things have changed greatly... I totally understand what u saying, but what will happen if we deny them?... bastards like buland Ajavit should be prosecuted and he is a real enemy and mercenary.

Qassm I heard Turkey was accussing Ibo for been helping PKK financialy in the past..what do u think?

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PostAuthor: kassem » Sat May 21, 2005 1:52 pm

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PostAuthor: ZaniYar » Sat May 21, 2005 2:15 pm

Qassm another points.. I hold the political parties responssible, coz they couldn't do enough and all had no intellectual strategies.. there for many people kept distance from the Kurdish issue.. just couz they wanted to live peacefuly and care about their children's future.

I'll give u another good example... during 1980's Komala and KDPI started a civil war... therefor many peshmargas prefered to go suround themselves to Iran.. and they said we don't wanna kurds kills kurd and untill now when u talk they keep distance from poltic and they chose to look after their private lives. Also myself when I hear the name of KDPI and Komala I really nearly wanna hate myself for being a kurd. U know why? I had a brother he was only 18 years old in that time when he joined Komala peshmargas. even tough we are from south kurdistan. Anyway after 1 year he became a peshmarga civil war started between KDPI and Komala... in a conflict my brother got wounded with another guy from south Kurdistan and they got captured by KDPI.. then they held them for a while then later they told them why they are from south Kurdistan and became kKomala then excute both of them with bullets... . And south Kurdistan is just another example I believe KDP and PUK have down worse icluding PKK. I had a causion too who became PKK for two years then later was killed by PKK themselves for ignoring some stupit military orders.

Qassm that are some reasons people got sick of it.. and believe me we had many Jashes in south Kurdistan most of them had their own reasons, cuz they were hurt badly by peshmarga's tribal orders and rules.

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PostAuthor: Diri » Sat May 21, 2005 3:09 pm


Okey - I agree with most of what you are saying... And I especially agree with the part about the responsibility of the KDP PUK PKK etc.

BUT - The these political armed organizations/parties are not based on tribal system... Look at PKK - Here they have been communist for a long time and therefore have only ONE leader and everybody else is not so important... KDP STARTED as a tribal thing, BUT is not a tribal party anymore... yes they ARE fans of the tribal system - BUT people don't get positions JUST because they belong to a tribe.. they must be competent... PUK has been built on many different intellectuals ideals... but look today - WHO DOES THE PUBLIC SUPPORT???

Appareantly what they have always been familiar to - tribal systems.. why? well the feudal system is NOT dead... especially in Turkey... Here the tribes are VERY important...
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PostAuthor: ZaniYar » Sat May 21, 2005 3:34 pm

Diri wrote:ZANYAR

Okey - I agree with most of what you are saying... And I especially agree with the part about the responsibility of the KDP PUK PKK etc.

BUT - The these political armed organizations/parties are not based on tribal system... Look at PKK - Here they have been communist for a long time and therefore have only ONE leader and everybody else is not so important... KDP STARTED as a tribal thing, BUT is not a tribal party anymore... yes they ARE fans of the tribal system - BUT people don't get positions JUST because they belong to a tribe.. they must be competent... PUK has been built on many different intellectuals ideals... but look today - WHO DOES THE PUBLIC SUPPORT???

Appareantly what they have always been familiar to - tribal systems..
why? well the feudal system is NOT dead... especially in Turkey... Here the tribes are VERY important...

Diri Gyan its not the end of the world if we admit the facts that have brought many disasters in our history. I strongly believe tribal root is our major obstacle till now. For PKK issue u can refere it to our societies tribal root or dectatorila... its obvious that is why PKK come to these days and for sure PUK and KDP will face the same dfeat sooner or later. This time they survived its not because they are smart and reformed themselves it was just because America need them for its own purpose by calling them secular and blaa blaa.... we all know them very well and we lived with them... also about KDP u may know it better than I do. Can u count how many people in Barzani's family holding high ranking positions in KDP? and on what basees the civil war started and why they still divided?.... And lastly who voted for Talabani's family members that they holding great positions in Puk? and so on.......
Last edited by ZaniYar on Sat May 21, 2005 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostAuthor: Diri » Sat May 21, 2005 3:40 pm

Yes... there are such easy answers... but all the people holding positions are educated and well suited people.. .

Tell me more about why you think the PKK is a party based on the tribal system... as to me it is appereant that they are not.. They started as communists... and communists HATE the tribal system..
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PostAuthor: ZaniYar » Sat May 21, 2005 3:56 pm

Diri wrote:Yes... there are such easy answers... but all the people holding positions are educated and well suited people.. .

Tell me more about why you think the PKK is a party based on the tribal system... as to me it is appereant that they are not.. They started as communists... and communists HATE the tribal system..

They are educated?????????!!!!

If Nassrin Barwari was educated then why she accepted to be a 3rd wife of an idiot arab?... or she still has the same tribal mentallty?... What makes u to think that they are only educated ppl in Kurdistan?

Yes they are sort of tribal!!

Haven't u seen the pictures how people queuing for Apo and they bend kissing his hand?.. Also why while Apo arrested straight they chose Osman Ojlan as their leader?

Diri I wont talk about PKK.... cuz I know Kassm will get blue in the face and will fire back. Honestly guy we better think freely and see the world outside of our Ideologies. Instead for the sake of political parties lets think freely for the sake of Kurdistan.

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PostAuthor: Diri » Sat May 21, 2005 4:14 pm

You a mixing the STUPID Kurds of the North with the educated Kurds of East and South--- Yeah - They are stupid because most of them are not educated... So they follow the idiot (In the meaning that he doesn't know politics) all around... There is like I said a much stronger tribal system in North - and this is becuase they are not educated... BUT THERE IS A SMART TRIBAL SYSTEM IN EAST AND SOUTH... Tribal doesn't mean stupid...

That is what the turkish state is telling Kurds - Beucause withouth the tribal system - Kurds will be the same as Turks... The Tribal system is important thing that has stopped the assimilation prosess... just read some books about it... and you figure it out - like the one written by MCdowl - Kurds - history, present and future...
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PostAuthor: kassem » Sat May 21, 2005 4:19 pm

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PostAuthor: ZaniYar » Sat May 21, 2005 4:24 pm

Diri wrote:ZANYAR
You a mixing the STUPID Kurds of the North with the educated Kurds of East and South--- Yeah - They are stupid because most of them are not educated... So they follow the idiot (In the meaning that he doesn't know politics) all around... There is like I said a much stronger tribal system in North - and this is becuase they are not educated... BUT THERE IS A SMART TRIBAL SYSTEM IN EAST AND SOUTH... Tribal doesn't mean stupid...

That is what the turkish state is telling Kurds - Beucause withouth the tribal system - Kurds will be the same as Turks... The Tribal system is important thing that has stopped the assimilation prosess... just read some books about it... and you figure it out - like the one written by MCdowl - Kurds - history, present and future...

Hey Diri u really disappointed me with ur insult... can't u please show some respect? at least u know kassm is here. In fact I see them smarter and more loyal to kurdish issue than the other parts.

U left me with no word untill u apologize.

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PostAuthor: kassem » Sat May 21, 2005 4:39 pm

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PostAuthor: ZaniYar » Sat May 21, 2005 4:47 pm

Kassm I apologize only on my behalf. that was really hurt. Believe me Kassm that is how we are...I'm sure if u tickle Diri's stomachache then he will go further and syaing Nuh its just Soranis that they are stupit. I still don't get it what was the reason of that insult?!! :shock:

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PostAuthor: kassem » Sat May 21, 2005 4:49 pm

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PostAuthor: ZaniYar » Sat May 21, 2005 4:53 pm

He insulted indiscriminately to 18 millions kurds. "stupit kurds in north"?!!!

Diri ur the one brough up this subject and u were defending Ibo and Mahsum krmizi gull.... so why would u support stupit ppl?

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