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STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Oct 20, 2023 5:11 pm

PKK Leaves Makhmur Outposts

The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) has abandoned its positions on Qarachugh mountain in the district of Makhmur after recent recurrent airstrikes targeting a camp there, according to a source

On Thursday evening, the PKK left its positions on Qarachugh mountain, and handed them over to the Iraqi army, Kurdistan 24 reported today.

    This move by the PKK comes after the UN had recently complained to the federal government of Iraq, and warned that it will stop its humanitarian assistance to the residents of Makhmur camp unless the PKK leaves areas surrounding the camp
Last Friday, a Turkish drone bombed Camp Makhmur, injuring seven camp residents. The camp was attacked by Turkish fighter jets earlier this month as well, targeting a meeting of the PKK, in which three fighters were reportedly killed and another two injured.

Camp Makhmur is located on the outskirts of the city of Erbil. It is home to thousands of family members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, and has been the target of multiple Turkish airstrikes in recent years due to the presence of PKK outposts in surrounding areas.

Over the span of the last four decades, Turkey and the PKK have been locked in a long-standing armed conflict, which has had far-reaching implications for the Kurdistan Region.

    The presence of the PKK in the Region has caused a substantial number of civilian casualties, and forced the displacement of thousands of villagers, and the abandonment of numerous mountain resorts and valuable agricultural lands

Now we need the PKK to completely leave Southern Kurdistan and STOP making innocent Kurds, farms, villages and resorts targets for Turkish bombs

We need the PKK to leave Yazidi lands, where they have also made innocent locals targets for Turkish bombs, the Yazidis have suffered enough
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs



Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Oct 26, 2023 1:26 am

Drone crashes near Amedi

ERBIL, Kurdistan - An unidentified drone on Friday crashed in the orchard of a villager near Duhok province’s Amedi town, according to a security source. There were no casualties or damage

    The drone crashed in the orchard of Ibrahim Zala village on Friday afternoon, a local security source told Rudaw’s Hayder Doski on condition of anonymity, adding that the incident took place while the Turkish army and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) were clashing in the area
Media affiliated with the PKK claimed that the drone belonged to Turkey and was downed during a confrontation with the Turkish army.

Ankara has yet to comment on the incident.

The drone was still in operation when it was found, according to the security source.

The PKK is an armed group struggling for the increased rights of Kurds in Turkey but is proscribed as a terrorist organization by Ankara. It has bases in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Turkey frequently bombards the Kurdistan Region, especially Duhok province, targeting alleged positions of the PKK.

The PKK on Thursday announced it had withdrawn all its fighters from Makhmour refugee camp in Erbil province. Ankara has bombed the camp as part of its campaign against the PKK.
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Oct 26, 2023 4:01 pm

Turkish Airstrikes on Kurdistan

At least 13 fighters of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) were either killed or injured in Turkey's airstrikes targeting different places in the Kurdistan Region overnight, the Region’s counter-terrorism service said

Nine PKK fighters were killed last night after Turkish fighter jets and drones bombed their positions in Erbil's Sidakan subdistrict, according to a statement released by Kurdistan's Counter-Terrorism Unit on Thursday.

In a different operation in the subdistricts of Shiladze and Deraluk near the town of Amedi in Duhok province, Turkish jets killed one PKK fighter and injured three others on Wednesday night.

Turkey's National Defense Ministry reported on Thursday that they had "destroyed" 19 targets associated with the Kurdistan Workers Party across the Kurdistan Region.

In a separate operation on Wednesday, Turkey's National Intelligence Organization claimed that they had "neutralized" a senior PKK member, Sariye Atilla, in the Hakurk area of the Kurdistan Region.

This increased Turkish military activity in the Kurdistan Region and neighboring Syria is reportedly in response to a PKK suicide attack on Ankara's national police headquarters earlier this month.

Over the past four decades, Turkey and the PKK have been engaged in a prolonged armed conflict, with significant consequences affecting various places in the Kurdistan Region.

The presence of the PKK has resulted in numerous civilian casualties, the forced displacement of thousands of villagers, and the abandonment of numerous mountain resorts and valuable agricultural lands.
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:34 am

Turkey Targets PKK Outside Erbil

Turkish airstrikes hit two vehicles carrying Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) fighters in Erbil province on Wednesday night, marking the latest escalation in Turkey's ongoing military campaign against the armed group

The attacks took place in the Bejuanan and Dasni villages, located in the Sidakan district of Erbil province. While initial reports did not confirm any casualties, both vehicles were destroyed in the airstrikes.

The PKK is viewed as a "terrorist organization" by Turkey, which has been engaged in a conflict with the group for over three decades, centered around the Kurdish question in Turkey.

On Thursday, Turkey's National Defense Ministry claimed that they had "destroyed" 19 targets associated with the PKK across the Kurdistan Region.

The Counter-Terrorism Unit of the Kurdistan Region later reported that Turkish airstrikes conducted on Wednesday night in different areas of the Kurdistan Region resulted in either the death or injury of 13 PKK fighters.

One operation, carried out in the Sidakan subdistrict of Erbil, resulted in the death of nine PKK fighters after Turkish fighter jets and drones targeted their positions.

In another operation, located in the subdistricts of Shiladze and Deraluk near Amedi in the Duhok province, Turkish airstrikes killed one PKK fighter and injured three more.

Additionally, the Turkish National Intelligence Organization claimed that they had "neutralized" Sariye Atilla, a senior PKK member, in the Hakurk area of the Kurdistan Region during a separate operation on Wednesday.
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Oct 31, 2023 3:49 pm

PKK Logistics Operative Killed

Turkey's security forces on Tuesday announced they "neutralized" a key logistics operative of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in the Kurdistan Region as the country's crackdown on the group intensifies

"The Turkish Intelligence Organization (MIT) has neutralized the terrorist group PKK’s logistical ringleader as part of Operation Claw-Lock in northern Iraq," Anadolu Agency reported today, quoting security sources.

Cahit Aktay, codenamed Huseyin Piran, was responsible for planning a 2016 attack in Türkiye’s southeastern Sirnak province which killed three soldiers and two village guards. Aktay, who was found to be plotting attacks on security forces and working to smuggle weapons and ammunition, was neutralized with a pinpoint operation organized by MIT."

On Monday this week, Turkey's National Defense Ministry announced that its forces "neutralized" six more PKK fighters in the Kurdistan Region.

The National Defense Ministry of Turkey released a statement this week, claiming that its forces have "neutralized" as many as 1,715 members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party in the Kurdistan Region and neighboring Syria throughout this year.

Ankara uses the term "neutralize" to imply actions like killing or surrendering in relation to its military operations against the PKK.

In response to a recent suicide attack by the PKK on Ankara's national police headquarters, Turkey stepped up its airstrikes in the Kurdistan Region and neighboring Syria.

    Over the course of the past four decades, Turkey and the PKK have been engaged in a protracted armed conflict, significantly impacting various aspects of life in the Kurdistan Region. The PKK's presence in Kurdistan has resulted in numerous civilian casualties, the forced evacuation of thousands of villages, and the abandonment of many mountain resorts and valuable agricultural lands
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:46 pm

Turkish attacks against PKK

The Turkish army is trying to break the guerrilla resistance in the Medya Defence Zones by permanent attacks with chemical weapons and unconventional bombs

For three years, the Turkish army has been attacking Zap, Avaşîn and Metîna in the guerrilla-held Medya Defence Zones in Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) with all its might. However, the large-scale attack, which was meant to lead to success within a few weeks, encounters a highly mobile and at the same time highly professional guerrilla force that masterfully combines both the positional warfare of tunnel systems and the battle of fast-moving units in the field.

In order to break this resistance, the Turkish army uses all means at its disposal and goes far beyond conventionally permitted weapons. Chemical weapons and unconventional bombs continue to be used against the guerrillas. In doing so, the Turkish army concentrates its forces on certain key positions. Most recently, the focus has been on the resistance areas of Girê Ortê and Şehîd Delîl in Metîna as well as Girê Cûdî on the western front of Zap.

Footage taken by the guerrillas shows the Turkish army planting unconventional explosive devices, quickly retreating and then detonating them. The footage of the detonation of the bombs shows the high pressure and the rocks flying around as a result of the huge explosions. The smoke from the detonations spreads over hundreds of metres.
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Nov 05, 2023 7:02 am

PKK Targets in Kurdistan Destroyed

Turkey's National Defense Ministry has announced that its forces have destroyed at least 15 targets of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in the Kurdistan Region

"Turkish airstrikes on Saturday on PKK terrorist targets in northern Iraq, near the Turkish border, destroyed 15 targets thought to be housing terrorist ringleaders," state media Anadolu Agency reported yesterday, citing remarks from the country's Defense Ministry.

Air operations were carried out in the Hakurk region to eliminate terrorist attacks against Türkiye and security forces from northern Iraq by neutralizing members of the PKK/KCK terror group and other terrorist elements and to ensure border security in line with the self-defense rights arising from Article 51 of the UN Charter.”

    The Turkish Ministry of National Defense issued a statement last week, claiming its forces had "neutralized" at least 1,715 PKK members in the Kurdistan Region and neighboring Syria throughout the year
On Tuesday last week, Turkey's security forces announced they "neutralized" a key logistics operative of the Kurdistan Workers' Party in the Kurdistan Region as the country's crackdown on the group intensifies.

Ankara uses the term "neutralize" to imply actions like killing or surrendering in the context of its military operations against the PKK.

Following a recent suicide attack by the PKK on Turkey's national police headquarters in Ankara, Turkey intensified its airstrikes in the Kurdistan Region and neighboring Syria.

Over the past four decades, Turkey and the PKK have been involved in a prolonged armed conflict, significantly affecting various aspects of life in Kurdistan .

The PKK's presence in the Region has led to numerous civilian casualties, the forced displacement of thousands of villages, and the abandonment of many mountain resorts and thousands of acres of valuable agricultural land.
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:47 am

Senior PKK Fighter Neutralized

Turkey's National Intelligence Organization on Tuesday announced its forces "neutralized" a senior member of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in the Kurdistan Region

"Turkish intelligence has neutralized Ayse Arslan, so-called social area coordinator of the PKK terror organization in northern Iraq's Hakurk region," Anadolu Agency reported today, citing security sources.

Türkiye had been tracking the terrorist, who had joined the PKK in 2004 and had been active in the group's Syrian offshoot YPG since 2014."

Ankara uses the term "neutralize" to imply actions like killing or surrendering in the context of its military operations against the PKK.

After a recent suicide attack on Turkey's national police headquarters in Ankara by the PKK, Turkey has increased its air raids in both the Kurdistan Region and neighboring Syria.

    This ongoing decades-long conflict between Turkey and the PKK has deeply affected life in the Kurdistan Region, leading to a significant number of civilian casualties, the displacement of thousands of villages, and the abandonment of multiple mountain resorts and valuable agricultural land
On Monday, a Turkish drone attack targeted a vehicle at Boskeni village near the district of Ranya in Sulaymaniyah province, killing two PKK fighters and injuring two others.
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:34 am

Turkey Strikes Qandil Villages

Turkish warplanes conducted airstrikes in various regions of the Qandil mountain in the Kurdistan Region on Tuesday, targeting areas where the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) maintains a presence, according to local sources

The airstrikes took place at approximately 6:15 p.m. (Erbil Time) in locations including Sinamoka, Bepalan, Dole Rasw, Ashqulka, Kurtak, and other sites, as reported by Nehro Abdullah, the head of local administration in Sangasar, to Kurdistan 24.

Details regarding potential casualties or material damage from the airstrikes are not yet available, the official mentioned.

Turkey classifies the PKK as a "terrorist organization," and the two sides have been engaged in a prolonged military conflict over the Kurdish issue within Turkey. The armed group maintains positions along the border areas of the Kurdistan Region, drawing the Turkish military to the region.

On Tuesday, Turkey's National Intelligence Organization claimed that its forces had "neutralized" a senior member of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) within the Kurdistan Region.

"Turkish intelligence has neutralized Ayse Arslan, the self-proclaimed social area coordinator of the PKK terror organization in northern Iraq's Hakurk region," as reported by Anadolu Agency, citing security sources.

"Turkey had been tracking the terrorist, who had joined the PKK in 2004 and had been active in the group's Syrian offshoot YPG since 2014."

In its military operations against the PKK, Ankara uses the term "neutralize" to indicate actions such as killing or arresting PKK members.

Additionally, a Turkish drone attack on Monday targeted a vehicle in the village of Boskeni near the Ranya district in Sulaymaniyah province, resulting in the death of two PKK fighters and injuries to two others.
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Nov 11, 2023 5:14 am

Turkey bombs houses in Amadiya

The Turkish state continues its genocidal campaign against the Kurdish people in various parts of Kurdistan

The invading Turkish state bombed civilian houses in the countryside of Duhok governorate in South Kurdistan.

The attack on Friday targeted villages in the city of Amadiya. According to reports from the ground, a cannon ball hit a house in the village of Berçî, causing material damage.

Attacks by Turkey that violate international law have been routine in southern Kurdistan for years. The Turkish air force bombs Kurdish territory on an almost daily basis, especially where guerrillas are suspected.

However, civilian settlement areas are also regularly attacked by the Turkish army, including the Yazidi settlement area of Shengal and the Maxmur refugee camp.

With its aerial terror, Ankara is pursuing a targeted policy of displacement - in particular by deliberately destroying civilian infrastructure.

The attacks are on PKK and their offshoots that illegally occupy areas of Iraq and Kurdistan

If the PKK had not taken possession of these areas then Turkey would not attack them

When the PKK go back to inside Turkish borders, others areas will be free of Turkish attacks

At the moment there are 2 groups of invaders attacking each other inside Kurdish borders where neither of them belong
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Nov 14, 2023 5:33 pm

Turkey Kills 10 PKK Fighters

"Turkish security forces neutralized 10 PKK terrorists in northern Iraq," state media Anadolu Agency reported today, citing a statement from the country's Defense Ministry. "The terrorists were taken down in Qandil and Hakurk regions."

Turkish officials use the term "neutralize" to imply actions like killing or surrendering in the context of the country's military operations against the PKK.

Also on Tuesday, Turkey's National Intelligence Organization announced its forces "neutralized" the head of the PKK in the disputed (stolen) Kurdish province of Kirkuk.

The decades-long conflict between Turkey and the PKK has profoundly impacted life in the Kurdistan Region, resulting in numerous civilian casualties, the displacement of thousands of villages, and the abandonment of multiple mountain resorts and thousands of acres of arable land.

In an overnight drone attack, Turkish security forces targeted a vehicle belonging to a PKK-affiliated group, resulting in the death of two fighters. This comes in the aftermath of the country's growing operations against the Kurdistan Workers' Party following a PKK's suicide attack on Ankara's national police headquarters in early October.

By leaving Turkey for the much smaller land of South Kurdistan and putting local Kurdish lives at risk, the PKK have LOST RESPECT
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Nov 18, 2023 11:45 am

Turkey Killed 13 PKK Members in Kurdistan

Turkey's National Defense Ministry on Friday claimed that at least 13 fighters of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) were “neutralized” in the border areas of the Kurdistan Region

The operation targeted the terrorists in the Claw-Lock zone and Hakurk region, state media Anadolu Agency cited a statement by the ministry, without providing further details in this regard.

The term "neutralized" is used by Turkish authorities to indicate that the individuals were either killed or arrested.

Turkey initiated Operation Claw-Lock in April 2022 to target PKK positions in the Metina, Zap, and Avasin-Basyan regions of the Kurdistan Region, close to the Turkish border.

This operation follows previous initiatives, including Claw-Tiger and Claw-Eagle in 2020, against the PKK which is in a decades-long military conflict with the Turkish army.

On Wednesday, the Turkish defense ministry claimed that its forces had "neutralized" three PKK fighters in the Kurdistan Region. The day before, the ministry had indicated that a minimum of 10 PKK members were "neutralized" in various locations across Kurdistan.
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:03 pm

Ankara Destroys 17 PKK Targets

Turkey's National Defense Ministry has announced that its forces have destroyed as many as 17 targets of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in the Kurdistan Region

"Turkish security forces carried out air operations in northern Iraq, destroying 17 terror targets and neutralizing many terrorists," state media Anadolu Agency reported on Friday, citing a statement from the Turkish Defense Ministry.

    The operations were carried out in the Gara, Metina, Hakurk and Qandil regions to eliminate terrorist attacks against Türkiye and its security forces from north of Iraq by neutralizing members of the PKK/KCK terror group and other terrorist elements and to ensure border security."
The statement detailed that these targets included "caves, bunkers, shelters and warehouses considered to be housing ringleaders of the terror group," also adding that "a large number of terrorists were also neutralized" During the operations.

Turkish officials use the term "neutralize" to imply actions like killing or arresting in the context of the country's military operations against the PKK.

    The prolonged conflict lasting for decades between Turkey and the PKK has greatly influenced everyday life in the Kurdistan Region. It has resulted in a significant number of civilian casualties, the displacement of many villages, and the abandonment of numerous mountain resorts and extensive acres of arable land
Last week, Turkey's National Defense Ministry claimed that their forces had "neutralized" at least 10 fighters from the Kurdistan Workers' Party in different locations in the Kurdistan Region.

These intensified military operations were prompted by a suicide attack on Ankara's national police headquarters in early October, for which the PKK took responsibility.
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Dec 01, 2023 3:59 pm

Another Turkish Drone Attack

The Turkish National Defense Ministry has reported the targeting of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) fighters by drones in the ongoing Operation Claw-Lock. This action resulted in the "neutralization" of 5 guerrillas in the Kurdistan Region

Since 2020, Turkey has launched a series of major operations in Kurdistan, including Operation Claw Tiger, Operation Claw-Eagle, and, presently, Operation Claw-Lock, targeting PKK positions.

    The enduring decades-long conflict between Turkey and the PKK has profoundly impacted daily life in the Kurdistan Region, leading to a considerable toll on civilians, the displacement of villages, and the abandonment of mountain resorts and arable land
Last week, Turkey's National Defense Ministry announced that its forces destroyed as many as 17 targets of the Kurdistan Workers' Party across the Kurdistan Region.

These heightened military operations are reportedly in response to the PKK claiming responsibility for a suicide attack on Ankara's national police headquarters in early October.
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Re: STOP making Kurdistan a target for Turkish bombs

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Dec 05, 2023 6:39 pm

Turkish attack kills civilian

The Turkish state killed a civilian named Alî Cemîl Kelaş and wounded another in an attack on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Warplanes of the occupying Turkish state bombarded Bamernê neighbourhood of Duhok in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) on Tuesday. As a result of the bombardment, a civilian named Alî Cemîl Kelaş, from the Batufa neighbourhood of Dohuk, was killed and another person was wounded.

    The occupying Turkish state continues to commit war crimes by attacking the Medya Defence Zones with banned explosives, chemical gas and drones loaded with explosives, causing great damage to civilians and residential areas
In its statement on 2 December, the HPG Press Liaison Centre stated that the villages and guerrilla areas in the Medya Defence Zones were bombed 39 times by the occupying Turkish army on 30 November and 1 December, and that the vineyards, gardens and residential areas of the people of the region were damaged in these bombardments.
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