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Common beliefs between the Yarsani and ancient Kurds

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Common beliefs between the Yarsani and ancient Kurds

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:54 pm

How would Kurdistan in the absence of Islam?
Mahdi Kakk

Prior to the Arab invasion of Kurdistan in the name of Islamic religion, the border of Kurdistan stretched from south to the Black Sea north and from Persia east to the Mediterranean west

The Kurds made up the vast majority of the people of Kurdistan, whose area could then be estimated to be more than a million square kilometers. Kuwait, Basra, Nasiriyah, architecture, Hilla, Baghdad, Tikrit, Mosul, Aleppo and other cities and regions were the lands of Kurdistan and the vast majority of its population were Korda.

    If it weren't for the Arab-Islamic occupation of Kordistan, today's souls would have reached more than (100) million people, since about 50 % of the Kurdish people have been expatriated, preyed and left
At first, it is useful to compare European colonization with Arab-Islamic colonization:

The Europeans occupied many countries and did not claim that the ownership of these colonial countries belonged to them, but rather they imposed their rule on these countries and looted their wealth and exploited their working hands, but they did not strip the peoples of these countries, their religious, languages, cultures, heritage, and history. They even conducted a lot of scientific research on the languages, cultures, history and heritage of colonial peoples, and explored the effects of the ancestors of these peoples and finally the colonization went away from these countries

    And these countries became independent countries
Let's take Kurdistan as an example of the Islamic occupation, as the occupation of Kurdistan in the name of Islam caused Kurdistan to fall under a settlement occupation. The occupiers claimed to be the owners of Kurdistan, and they own it. In addition to imposing their rule over Kurdistan and looting its wealth, they imposed on the Kurdish people the Arabic language, culture, Turkish, Persian and Arabian beliefs in the Kurdish heritage and visited the Kurdish history, but rather concealed Kurdish history and governed the Kurdish people with a rod of iron.

    For as long as the occupiers brag that Kurdistan is parts of their countries, they want to continue to rape it and don't accept leaving it like the Europeans did with the countries they colonized
Thus, if it were not for Islam, the Turks would not have established the Ottoman Empire which was founded in the name of the Islamic religion and the Turks would probably still be living in their homeland (Turan) in the current Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Persians would not have adopted the Shiite doctrine for the service of Persian nationalism. If it weren't for the Arab-Islamic occupation, the Arabs would now be a small desert people, confined to their homeland on the Arab island. If it were not for the Arab-Islamic occupation, the peoples of the Middle East region would have been from Kurds, Amazigh, Baloch, Copts, Nubians and others preserved their countries, identities, languages, cultures, heritage, history, religion and religion. Their leaders and civilizations, as the majority of these peoples are now inquired.

Without the emergence of Islam, its invasions, and its wars, millions of people would not have been lost due to invasions, Islamic wars, and Islamic acts of terrorism that the mill of killing continues. Without the Arab-Islamic occupation, Kurdistan would not have been divided through the treaty of Shirin Palace (Zahab) between the Safavian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Instead, these two empires would not have appeared as if the Sykes-Piko colonial convention did not exist.

    If it were not for the Arab-Islamic occupation, the Kurdish people would not have been exposed to chemical bombardment, as if the Baath party carrying the slogan (one Arab nation with a timeless message), nor would they rule and kill us with chemical weapons and barrels, nor would they build the belt the Arab in the West Kurdistan Region and the Arabization of the Kurds and the Kurdistan Lands
If it were not for the Arab-Islamic occupation, the two Kurdish leaders Abu Muslim Kharasani, Salahuddin Ayoubi and others would have established the Kurdistan State instead of building countries for Arabs, Turks and Persians who used the Islamic religion to build their national countries.

If it weren't for the Arab-Islamic occupation, the Middle East would now be developed countries, similar to the western countries, and let's take Espania, as an example, as if it had remained under the Arab-Islamic occupation, it would now be a miserable backward country like the North African countries, like Morocco Tunisia, Libya and Algeria. We see Essanya today a developed country, with a democratic system.

Occupiers invade the minds of many Kurds, so we see a section of those who have duplication of their thoughts and attitudes, on the one hand they claim their victory for their Kurdish people, and on the other hand they defend Islam which is the reason for the occupation of Kurdistan by the Arabs And the Turks and the Persians.

The intellectual and cultural invasion of the Kurdish mind is much more dangerous than the occupation of the Kurdistan territory, but rather the main reason for the continuation of the occupation of Kurdistan, the enslavement of its people and the looting of its wealth.

    We must work to free the minds of these Kurds from invading the occupiers and then ensure the freedom, independence and unity of Kurdistan
The link to the study that talks about the Arab-Islamic occupation of Kurdistan ... 1024040/...
Last edited by Anthea on Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Common beliefs between the Yarsani and ancient Kurds



Re: How would Kurdistan be without Islam? Important Report

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:48 am

The Arab-Islamic occupation of Kurdistan
Mahdi Kakk

The disastrous impact of Islamic occupation is responsible for depriving the Kurdish people of having an Independent Kurdistan

I would like to point out here that the topic of the previous article, as indicated by its title, was that in case Kurdistan is not occupied by the Arabs on the pretext of spreading Islam, how were the conditions of the Kurdish people at present. We are talking about the impact of the Arab-Islamic occupation on the people of Kurdistan and the issue is not relevant to the establishment of two political entities by the Persians and the Turks and the Kurdish people have failed. Nor is the topic related to Islam as a religion.

In one of my articles, I detailed the reasons for the failure of a Kurdistan State, since this is not our topic, but rather the said article talks about the expected picture of Kurdistan today if it was not under an Arab-Islamic settlement occupation. The goal of publishing such an article is to take lessons from their history, frustrations and defeats.

If it were not for the Arab-Islamic occupation, today the Kurds would have made up the absolute majority of the residents of Mosul, Kirkuk, Basra, Al-Amara, Baghdad, Isfahan, Hudan, Khuzestan, Azerbaijan, Damascus, Aleppo, Beirut, Wan, and other cities and regions of Kurdistan. Arab aliens, Persians and Turks now do not control the fate of the Kurdish people and Kurdistan was the greatest country in the Middle East.

If it were not for the Arab-Islamic occupation, the Kurdish people would not have been exterminated, killed, abandoned and arrogant since this occupation, through the Umayyad, Abbasi, and then the Ottoman and Safavi state that imposed tract and prey on the Kurdish people in the name of Islam.

If it weren't for the Arab-Islamic occupation, the Kurdish people would have a unified language, not imposed on them the Arabic, Persian and Turkish language. I would write my articles to you in Kurdish instead of Arabic, and the wealth of Kurdistan would have been invested in building and progressing Kurdistan and welfare Its people, instead of being looted by the settler occupiers who buy weapons of destruction, exterminate the Kurdish people and destroy Kurdistan.

Millions of Kurds are the victims of the Arab-Islamic occupation throughout history, large numbers of them were killed during the Arabs invasion of Kordistan in the era of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab and many Kurds lost their lives during the Islamic wars in the Umayyad and Abbasi era. The lesion of the Islamic sectarianism in the time of the Sunni Safavite Shia and Ottoman state, caused the Kurds to divide communal and take the Kurds to kill each other on a communal basis. This fight was one of the main reasons why the Kurds did not succeed in liberating their country and building their country.

The biggest danger that threatens the fate and future of the Kurdish people is that the settlement occupiers were able to invade the minds of many Kurdish citizens, so that they defend the rapists of their homeland shamelessly and sanctify the graves of the occupied occupied people killed in Kurdistan during their invasion and curse their Kurd brothers who Muslims resisted the invaders and sacrificed their lives in defense of the land of their parents and grandparents, Kurdistan, in their attempt to prevent the desecration of the invaders.
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Re: How would Kurdistan be without Islam? Important Report

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:00 am

Kurdistan the cradle of languages,
civilizations, beliefs and legends

Mahdi Kakk

In a question on one of my articles about Yarsan religion, Mr. Ibrahim Abdullah raises worthy questions. To circulate interest, I post here the text of his comment and my answers to his questions

The Question

What are Jewish names like (Benjamin) and (David) with the Yarsani religion and even there are Islamic and Arabic names like Sheikh and others? Is the Yarsanism the same as the Kakya? And does Kakya have anything to do with Islam? Please clarify this if possible.

The Response

The Yarsani religion is older than the Jewish religion, where the official religion of the Medium Empire was. The Jews have been raised by Assyrians during the era of their king (Clashes III) (745 BC) and (Sargon II) (722 BC) and were migrated to Kurdistan During the living of the Jews in Kurdistan, they quoted a lot of Kurdish words, beliefs, rituals and customs.

Thus while in Kurdistan, the Jews took a lot of Kurdish vocabulary, including the words of the Sumerians, Khorians and Kakaians, as the Yarsan religion is an extension of the ancient Kurds ancestral beliefs. For example, Jews quoted Sumerian and Yarsanian words, such as (Gabriel) which means (man of deer) and (Azazil) which means (Ezzil) and (Mikael) which means (similar to El), as the word (El) is derived From the Sumerian word (Al) [1] and the Yarsanian Kurdish word (O) which means (God). The name (Benjamin) is Gabriel's nickname.

For the name (David), the name (T îwaz) derived from the old Indian-European base (dei-deyā -, d īdyā -,) which means (dia) which also means (god) [a]. (dei) - deyā -, d īdyā -,) is (d ێdyā) who is the God that Hindu and Eurovian peoples worshiped. The name (David) is based on (Dho) [2] who was the God of the Yarsanis during the rule of the Midian Empire. This is how we see that the Jews quoted the name of their Prophet (David) from the Hinduorovian peoples and from the Yarsani religion.

Khakia is a tribe, all its members embrace the Yarsani religion. Around (3700) years ago, the Kakaki was a great (Union of tribes), living in the area extended from India to Kurdistan and had a kingdom in the name of (Kakitaria kingdom) and that many Kurdish people are descendants of Kak Province and The most of them have abandoned their Yarsani religion and flattened it.

As indicated above, the Yarsani religion is much older than the Islamic religion and has nothing to do with Islam, since this religion believes in the reincarnation of souls (the transmission of the human soul after his death to another human or animal according to his deeds) so there is not the existence of death nor heaven and hell in the Yarsani religion.

As the devil doesn't exist, since the Creator (Yazdan) is absolute goodness and doesn't create a creature like the devil to disobey him and tempt humans to commit sin. Nor can the creature of the Creator ever disobey him!!

Yarsanis don't pray, they offer vows and offerings in special religious ceremonies and don't fast the month of Ramadan, but fast for three days in the middle of winter and don't leave to Mecca, Rather, they are arguing the Magdaduddin Yarsani (San Suhak) rest in the Horaman area and do not pay Zakat and their testimony is different from the Muslim s' testimony and their holy religious books are written in Kurdish language, and they do not believe in the Quran, nor do they have jihad. This is how we see a radical difference between the two religions.

Now we come to the word (Sheikh). The word (Sheikh) is a Kurdish word. The origin of the word is (shakh) which is originally (sha-ah). (sha) means (great), (big), (high), (top), like (shah), (king). The word (ỷạ) means (dust), (land). Thus, the compound Kurdish word (sha-kakh) means (land king) or (region large). Over time, this word in the Kurdish language has turned into (Shakh) which means the highest mountain top.

In the time of the Abbasi Caliphate, many Kurdish, Persian and Greek words entered the Arabic language, including the Kurdish word (Shakh) which became a characteristic of a person who is a lot of knowledge in theology, especially Islamic with his Sunni and Shiite doctrine. As in the Arabs saying (Shakh in the Flag).

Because of the lack of a state by the Kurdish people and falling under the Arab, Turkish and Persian occupation for a long time, many Kurds look at the Kurdish people, thinking that many Kurdish words are based on Arabic, Persian and Turkish.

Every Kurdish person and a Kurdish person should know that the Kurdish people are the most prestigious people in the region and one of the most prestigious people in the world and that Kurdistan is the cradle of civilizations, beliefs, legends, languages, arts and music.

Therefore, despite the fact that the Kurds fall under the rule of Arabs, Persians and Turks, as a result, the Kurds quoted a vocabulary from these people's rapist languages, but these people quoted from Kurdish words twice the Arabic, Persian and Turkish words. This is for Iraq and the richness of the Kurdish language.
Note: The two pictures to the right are of the Morshid Al-Din Yarsani (Dawood Katfat) located in East Kurdistan.

1. Dr. Jamal Rashid Ahmed. The appearance of Kurds in history. Part two, page 664.
2. Mohammed Jameel Bundy Al Rawbiyani Pendnigine ′′ Mendley ′′ in history old and modern. Journal of Iraqi Scientific Complex - Kurdish Authority. Iraqi Scientific Complex Press - Kurdish Authority, Baghdad, 1980.
a. Klein, E., "deity" and "Tuesday", Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language (Elsevier Publishing, 1966, pp. 417—418.
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Re: Kurdistan the cradle of civilization, beliefs and langua

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:20 pm




Deen Yarsan his philosophy and rituals
By Mahdi Kakk

Some of the common beliefs between the Yarsani religion and the doctrines of ancient Kurds

Yarsan religion is an ancient Kurdish religion, where the kakaians who were many tribes thousands of years ago embraced this religion, but nowadays most of them were forced to embrace the Islamic religion and only several million of them remained who still hold on to them.

Where are the Yarsani The Khakaians have experienced both Sumerians, Elamese, Khori - the Metanians and Medians, but the Medians, where the Yarsan religion called ′′ Magi ", was the official religion of the Midian Empire. So Yarsanian beliefs share a lot of Sumerian, Khoria - Mitanian and Painful beliefs.

Khoric texts indicate that music and singing were accompanied by religious rituals when offering offerings to God and offering eating and drinking to Kurdistan temple officials. There were also stoves in the musical temples that used to conduct offerings of offerings [1]. The Yarsan religion shares with the Khoris in this religious ritual.

The Khoris believed that the gods were the center of movement in existence and that the manifestations of good and evil stem from them. In order to keep evil away, man pledged to make vows, such as firing a bird into the skies (called bird's val) or slaughtering a sheep and cleaning his guts inside the temple, As introducing birds as relatives, was an old creek weather

The Yarsanis also offer sheep as relatives and cook and distribute them at a religious meeting (g) in the (g) of (g) the (g) of (gemkhan) which is the Yarsanis temple and their religious meeting shop for Providing vows, offerings, marriage contract, name of the child, and baptism of the person to formally make him a Yarsanian and other religious decrees.

At the Ancestors of the Sumerian Kurds, the (bull) was sacred and has a prominent position and they believed that the bull was found before humans existed. In the religion of Yarsan, the bull is sacred, as it is presented as a sacrifice to (Khawendkar) and the Yarsanians still swear to him: (and the yarsanis will say: (and the yarsanis will be sworn in) i.e. (I swear by the seven bulls) ′′ David]. as David is the sacred religious figure in the Yarsan religion, the guide and guide of the Yarsanis.

As for the faiths between the Yarsan and the Methanya, which were the faith of the Mitanians, some of them are mentioned:

1. The Yarsanian and Metanian beliefs match in the sanctification of the sun and some stars, as the star of Venus (Karwan Koukah), the star of Kiwan (Saturn) and the star of Tishteria, the symbol of light, humidity and breeze. Also, offering the bull as a sacrifice by the Mitanis is similar to what is in the religion of Yarsan
2. No. (7) seven, holy number in the Methyrical religion, for example, Methyrians report that there are seven skies, seven layers of the earth, seven stars, and also found in the temple (7) ladder Drawer, (7) doors, and (7) two rods (Power collection) and the number of Methra religious mattresses is seven. On the other hand, we see that in the religion of Yarsan that the number (7) is also sacred, since there are (Heften) i.e. the seven people and they are the ones who are embodied in (Khawewandkar) that is (God) and during the age of the universe

They can show themselves in human form. There are also (Haftwana) who are the seven sons of the renewed religion of Yarsan (San Suhak) and the seven successors chosen by (San Suhak) among the (72) (Vir) to be a statement and My Yarsan mentor under the supervision of Saint Yarsani (David).

3. The Yarsanis sanctify the position of (David) and (Jamkhana) and the sun and fire. The Methrais in turn sanctify the sun, the Methraic Temple, fire, and water.

4. Yarsaniyah and Methany are similar in preventing marriage to more than one woman.

5. Lying, stealing, treason, and false alliance are among the major sins of Yarsan religion, and also the slogan of the Methrai religion is classy behavior and good deeds.

6. Religious rank (Jir) is the highest religious rank in both the Yarsani and the Methari religion.

7. There is at the rich and the Parsanians (JHM), any religious meeting to offer offer offerings, vows and present religious chants with the melody of music.

8. White clothes are sacred in Yarsani and Methairi religion, especially in religious meetings and practicing religious rituals, as white is a symbol of Nurani Yarsani, it is a symbol of serenity, purity, reverence, tranquility, peace and peace.
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Re: Common beliefs between the Yarsani and ancient Kurds

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:25 pm

Yarsani Celebration of Qewltas

Kurdish leaders have congratulated the Kakayis ethnic minority for the Yarsani Celebration of Qewltas, underscoring the significance of unity and coexistence among all ethnic groups in the Kurdistan Region

On the occasion, Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, president of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK), expressed, “I extend my congratulations to all Kakayis brothers and sisters in Kurdistan and worldwide on the return of the Kakayis festival. I hope that our Kakayis brothers and sisters, along with all religious and ethnic communities in Kurdistan, will always celebrate their holidays in peace and happiness.”

Barzani emphasized, “On this occasion, we stress the importance of strengthening the Kurdish people's culture of coexistence and supporting the communities' rights and demands. Stay in good health.”

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani echoed these sentiments, stating, "On the occasion of the Yarsani Celebration of Qewltas, we extend our warmest congratulations and greetings to our Kakayi sisters and brothers in Kurdistan and around the world, wishing them a joyous and happy holiday filled with delight and pleasure.”

“The Kakayis are an integral part of the Kurdish people’s fabric, playing an active and important role in their liberation movement. We highly appreciate and respect their struggle, resilience, and sacrifices, reaffirming our steadfast commitment to defending their rights. I wish you a blessed holiday. May you be well every year,” PM Barzani added.

Qawltas, a celebration rooted in Azeri Yarsani mythology, is widely observed by Azeri and Kurdish communities. The narrative recounts the rescue of Sultan Sahak's companions through a snowstorm, commemorated with Qawltas fasting from the 14th to 17th days of Çille (January to February). This leads to a joyous Eid celebration in the Jam, featuring consecrated foods and greetings among Yarsanis. The unique five-night vow ceremony distinguishes Qawltas, making it a spiritually significant and communal festival.
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