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Kurds everywhere need Ministries for Indigenous Peoples

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Kurds everywhere need Ministries for Indigenous Peoples

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:40 am

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Ministriy for Indigenous Peoples

Brazil's Indigenous communities secure historic land rights victory

Brazil's Supreme Court blocks law pushed by agribusinesses to take away lands belonging to Indigenous communities that were not inhabitant by the groups in 1988.

The Brazilian Supreme Court has delivered a landmark victory for Indigenous communities, thwarting attempts to significantly erode their land rights, which activists hailed as a historic triumph for the country's original inhabitants.

Nine out of the Supreme Court's 11 justices voted against what advocacy groups had dubbed the "time limit trick," a move backed by agribusiness interests to prevent Indigenous communities from claiming land they did not physically inhabit in 1988.

In front of the Supreme Court's main office in Brasilia, a surge of powerful emotions was witnessed on Thursday, as most of the justices delivered a verdict in favor of Indigenous rights. Among the activists present, some were moved to tears of happiness, while others marked the occasion with exuberant dancing.

    Eloy Terena, an Indigenous attorney holding a senior position within Brazil's recently established Ministry for Indigenous Peoples, shared his elation on X/Twitter, declaring, "Long live Indigenous resistance."
Comparable scenes of celebration and joy resonated throughout the Amazon region, which serves as the residence for approximately half of Brazil's 1.7 million Indigenous inhabitants.

Indigenous congresswoman Celia Xakriaba took to X/Twitter, declaring, "[This is a] victory for struggle, a victory for rights, a victory for our history. [All of] Brazil is Indigenous territory and the future is ancestral."

Sania Guajajara, Brazil's minister for Indigenous peoples, celebrated the ruling as a significant achievement resulting from years of dedicated struggle and protest.
Bolsonaro-appointed justices supported agrobusiness

In stark contrast, only two Supreme Court justices supported the "marco temporal" (time marker) thesis, which aimed to limit Indigenous land claims. Both of these justices, Kassio Nunes Marques and Andre Mendonca, were appointed by the former far-right president Jair Bolsonaro.

Activists accused Bolsonaro of orchestrating a historic assault on Indigenous territories by dismantling protection agencies and promoting anti-Indigenous and anti-environmental rhetoric. Before joining the court, Mendonca served as Bolsonaro's justice minister.

    Survival International, an Indigenous rights group, marked the defeat of what they characterized as an attempt “to legalize the theft of huge areas of Indigenous lands.” They warned that the success of such efforts could have led to the eradication of dozens of uncontacted tribes
Fiona Watson, Survival's research and advocacy director, lauded the court's decision as a momentous historic victory for Brazil's Indigenous peoples and a substantial setback for the agribusiness lobby.

“This is a momentous, historic victory for Brazil’s Indigenous peoples and a massive defeat for the agribusiness lobby,” said Watson, adding that the the time limit trick had been part of a “devastating assault” on Indigenous communities and the Amazon. ... d-rights-v
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Kurds everywhere need Ministries for Indigenous Peoples



Re: Kurds everywhere need Ministries for Indigenous Peoples

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Sep 22, 2023 11:14 am

Survival International

From the Amazon to the Kalahari, from the jungles of India to the Congo rainforest, we work in partnership with tribal peoples to protect their lives and land. They suffer racism, land theft, forced development and genocidal violence just because they live differently. It must stop

Kurds are traditionally a tribal people whose homeland was divided against their wishes and their rights to their homelands have been slowly eroded by their now slave-masters in Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey

Most Kurds are wrongfully manipulated by Kurdish political organizations for the self gratification of the leaders. It would appear that only Kurds in Southern Kurdistan who have the strong leadership of the Barzani tribe, are allowed to be Kurdish and work towards a FREE KURDISTAN (Kurds there refer to their country as Kurdistan)

The once proud people of West Kurdistan have had the name Kurdistan REMOVED by people I have to patience with and have encourages the US in it's illegal invasion of Syria and the setting up of many illegal US bases. Their moves have let to further unrest within Syria.

Kurds of East Kurdistan were once help in high respect but sadly Kurds from elsewhere have been causing unrest within that community.

North Kurdistan, a political disaster divided between the PKK who still refer to their fighters as FREEDOM FIGHTERS and the HDP who have turned green and try to tell Kurds they do NOT need freedom just a few more rights.

The HDP / Green have NO RESPECT for all the Kurds who died fighting for FREEDOM.
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Re: Kurds everywhere need Ministries for Indigenous Peoples

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Sep 22, 2023 11:20 am

For real information about Kurdistan please go to our post:

Best Background Information and brief history of Kurdistan

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