Author: Diri » Sun May 29, 2005 4:38 pm
Nope... like I wrote in my message- They did the negoitiations behind closed doors... SO the PM was "elected" by the parties that had won.. they decided to give most of the posts to the party that had won ONLY 5 %... They have the ministers of Education,Family & Children, Enviroment AND the Prime Minister - Who by the way is a PRIEST - SO this makes Norway and Iran the only TWO countries in the world with Priests as Head of State!
Yes - I agree- I think the President should be voted for by the people through a direct vote... not through the parliament- EVEN though that ALSO would be a good idea...
I think the best thing to do is to do like they have done in the UK - If we copy their system we can NOT go wrong... They have a TWO party system... And that is what we have in South Kurdistan too - so why not have a Lower House (elected by the people) and an Upper House(a seat for each Clanleader (read. Axa/Shêx/Mîr in South Kurdistan)?
This way the people can MONITOR and TAKE PART in the system - In the UK most Parliament sessions are filmed! And there are seats for common people to sit and watch the sessions...
Besides this would make it easier to keep the system under the observation of a third party... someone impartial - a non-political organization...
There is another thing that could be done for the good of the Kurdish people - There should -like in all western countries - be room for lobbying and experts... The ministers won't and CAN'T have knowledge about EVERy single thing that exhists in Kurdistan SO - They need experts who can advise them and advocate the cases MUCh better than any minister...
Kurdistan is a treasure waiting to be opend - the oppurtunities are endless and the rescources are many in high numbers... We need only think twice before going unto action- and we need to consider the best for the Kurdistani peoples - not just go ahead with projects we don't know jack about... This is where experts come in.. they will be a good buffer for the ministers to base their plans on facts...
Take the waterdams that are being built - an expert would tell you that - this and that place IS a good place for a dam - and this and that place is NOT a good place for a dam - they would consider : How this would affect the enviroment, people, culture and society...
Well - don't wanna make it too long a post so I'll stop right about HERE!