Lebanon: A Trap for Mr. Ahmadinejad
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:21 am
President Ahmadinejad is showing grey wolves pan-turkist sign in Azerbaijan. Ahmadinejad speaks fluent Azeri Turk language and is an Azeri Turk. Grey Wolves are Pan-Turkist nationalist.
Mr. Ahmadinejad is a Pan-Turkist. But he is not a secular Pan-Turkist. Iran is planning to destablize Turkey and impose a Taliban state on Turkey. Recent developments in Lebanon has started the process in Turkey with mass demonstrations. Mr. Ahmadinejad is seeking the talibanization of the whole region from Afghanistan to Turkey. That is what is going on.
This is Pan-Turkism in reverse. Pan-Turkism by Anatolian turks aims to bring secular turkish states in the region. Pan-Turkism in Iran aims at to impose a Taliban state on neighboring countries.
More on Mr. Ahmadi:
http://www.network54.com/Forum/487760/t ... hmadinejad
Mr. Ahmadinejad is a Pan-Turkist. But he is not a secular Pan-Turkist. Iran is planning to destablize Turkey and impose a Taliban state on Turkey. Recent developments in Lebanon has started the process in Turkey with mass demonstrations. Mr. Ahmadinejad is seeking the talibanization of the whole region from Afghanistan to Turkey. That is what is going on.
This is Pan-Turkism in reverse. Pan-Turkism by Anatolian turks aims to bring secular turkish states in the region. Pan-Turkism in Iran aims at to impose a Taliban state on neighboring countries.
More on Mr. Ahmadi:
http://www.network54.com/Forum/487760/t ... hmadinejad