I am looking for old Peshmerga video's and video's of the Ba'ath regime where they're killing/executing Kurds.
There is one on YouTube where they kill 4 young Kurdish men and they shout and sing pro-Saddam/Ba'ath songs.
Does anyone have more of these kinds of video's?
I am also looking for old Peshmerga video's in which they are fighting against the enemy (so live footage). I have found a couple of them on YouTube, some of the PKK/PJAK, a few of the PUK & KDP and a few nice ones of the Kurdish revolution in East-Kurdistan under leadership of Dr. Qasmlo.
Is there any live film material available, for example: Peshmerga in 1991 fighting in Slemani/Kirkuk/Hewler against the Ba'ath regime. And where the killing is also visible (so not only some shooting).