Author: Cewlik » Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:56 pm
Alya. wrote:They didn't steal your land Britain gave it to them after they took over the middle east
Did we deny that? But they take it freely from them and strting their genocides on Kurds who fight for freedom.
And even Atagay himself promise independence for Kurds if they fight with him, and then after his land was independent with help of the Kurds, he start to ban Kurdish and calling everyone Turk and starts with Dersim genocide.
Alya. wrote:Lol I didn't even know what was a "zamin" until I googled it
I would say you can blame political problems and these things on Turks and Iranis but not everything like THIS
And stop guessing my ethnicity
We dont blame everythink like a bad weather on them like arabs do with Israel, but of course we blame on them the war, occupation of our land and fakes who defend this barbarians on a Kurdish forum.