Author: Anthea » Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:04 pm
The Republic of Ararat or Kurdish Republic of Ararat was a self-proclaimed Kurdish state. The Republic of Ararat led by the central committee of Xoybûn party founded by Kurdsdeclared independence on October 28, 1927 uring a wave of rebellion among Kurds in southeastern Turkey (Nothern Kurdistan). The Ararat rebellion was led by General Ihsan Nuri Pasha. In October 1927, Kurd Ava or Kurdava, a village near Mount Ararat was designated as the provisional capital of Kurdistan. Xoybûn made appeals to the Great Powers and the League of Nations, and also sent messages to other Kurds in Iraq and Syria (Sothern Kurdistan, western Kurdistan) to ask for co-operation.
15 years later the Kurds participated in the Iranian city of Mahabad Republic of Kurdistan with a second attempt at statehood.
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