Why are the Kurdish people without a country of their own?
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 2:38 am
Why Kurds do not have country of their own
Mahdi Kakk
Here I identify the most important factors that contributed to preventing the Kurdish people from pursuing the great work of their predecessors, unable to establish a state on their historic land and to play a pivotal role in building human civilization
1. Kurdistan Tobago: The mountainous nature of Kurdistan has isolated the Kurdish people and tribes from each other, which contributed greatly to their unity, since ancient times, the dynasties and tribes of Zavrosian have established their respective countries. Like Sumerians, Elamists, Khorians, Hetians, Medians, and others, these countries were fighting among themselves at times and invading each other.
One might wonder and say: Ok, why didn't the ancestors of the Kurds united after their displacement to the simplified easy areas that paved them friction with some and facilitated communication between them?! The answer is that tribal relations were rooted in Zazarusian tribes and Remained after moving to simplified areas.
Here another question may arise: How did these tribes, people, or dynasties succeed in guiding humanity with their discoveries and innovations despite isolation from each other? The answer is that these tribes were both individually acquired good experiences in agriculture, farming and cultivation when living in the mountains of Kurdistan, so they had the ingredients, foundations, information and experiences, they were entitled to continue discoveries and innovations in different areas of life, after moving to easy areas, where the abundance of water, fertile lands and climate moderation, which in turn contributed to the creativity of these Zarosian people in their new homes to which they displaced. In addition to isolating these villages due to the mountainous terrain of Kordistan, they also isolated from non-Zagrosian people living outside Kurdistan.
The effects of family and tribal relations remain in the Kurdish community that contribute to the inability of Kurds to unify their words, ranks, language and political organizations. This isolation has also led to the Kurdish community staying backward, compared to the people of the region, which facilitated the occupation of Kurdistan by foreigners.
Another point is that the mountainous terrain of Kurdistan has made the Kurds pursue a defensive strategy against the occupiers of their homeland, as this defensive strategy has led the Kurds to resort to the mountains and take shelter in the face of their country's occupants and make Kurdistan a scene of war, killing and destruction Instead of transferring war to the occupiers homes and making it a battlefield. This defensive policy was one of the most important reasons for the failure of the contemporary Kurdistan Liberal Revolution.
2. The presence of the Tigris and Firat rivers in Kurdistan: the fall of the Tigris and the Euphrates in Kurdistan, as well as their tributaries, and the fertile lands in it, made Kurdistan the subject of covetous foreign powers to possess its waters Its agricultural lands, where Kurdistan has been exposed to many invasions from other nations, such as Persians, Roman, Arabs, Mongols, Turks and more.
The richness of Kurdistan with water, agricultural lands and livestock, Kurdistan has been exposed to invasion and occupation, and finally Kurdistan has become occupied by Persians, Turks and Arabs. These invasions and occupation made the Kurdish people belong to foreigners without power and will to decide their own destiny and build an independent state thereby contributing to humanity's recovery with more discoveries, innovations and achievements. We will discuss the role of the division and settlement occupation of Kurdistan in the survival of the people of Kurdistan without an independent state, at another point in this article.
3. Islamic religion: The Islamic religion played a very important role in the survival of the Kurds without a state, since the occupation of Kurdistan by the Arabs in the name of Islam, many leaders of the Kurds have served Islam (Arabs, Turks, and Persians), instead of serving the Kurdish people, as a way For example, Salahuddin Ayoubi, who fought the crusaders in the name of Islam and foundations of the Ayoubi state, instead of establishing an independent Kurdish state, made his state belong to the Khalifa Al-Abbasi and he was tailing his messages to the Khalifa Al-Abbasi with the phrase ′′ Your servant Salah Al-Ayoubi ".
In the era of the Safavian and Ottoman state, because of the Islamic faith of many Kurds and the creed worker, one of them supported the Ottoman Empire and another department supported the Safavian state and they fought against some and tens of thousands of Kurds sacrificed their lives for the occupiers of their country, (′′ Supporters ′′ Islam ", Sunni Ottoman doctrine or Safavi Shiite doctrine), instead of uniting themselves against the occupiers of their homeland.
Nowadays Islam plays a sabotage role for Kurdish national and Kurdistan national feeling, there are Islamic Kurdistan parties, there are Kurds among Islamic terrorist organizations, there are many North Kurdistan supporting and supporting the Islamic Erdogan party and there are many Kurds Shiites whose cuddly sense overwhelms their national and national feelings.
What is more dangerous is that Arabic, Persian and Turkish nomadic culture through Islamic religion, invaded the minds of many Kurds, distorted the authentic Kurdish identity and character and took control of their lives and made them serve the occupiers of their country, instead of working to liberate their people and their country From the Arab, Persian and Turkish settlement occupation.
Because of this occupation in the name of religion and doctrine, more than half of the Kurdish people have expressed, preyed and abandoned, thus flattened their Kurdish people and became part of the occupied people of Kurdistan. In order to serve Arab nationalism, the Arabs created the Islamic religion, so they occupied the homelands of other peoples and arrogant them.
In order to serve Persian nationalism, the Persians created the Shia doctrine and succeeded in their goal, so they founded the Safavian Empire. The Turks in turn have embraced the Hanafi doctrine of Islam, which allows people who do not belong to the Quraysh tribe to take over the Islamic caliphate, so they succeeded in their endeavor and through it they founded the Ottoman Empire.For their part, the Kurds could adopt their authentic and ancient religion, the Yarsani religion, to get rid of Arab, intellectual, political, Persian and Turkish domination, but they did not do so because of their backwardness, invading their minds and brainwashing By the culture of the occupied people of Kurdistan, they remained humiliated, no freedom nor will in their homeland, foreigners control their lives and the wealth of their country.
4. Strategic geographical location: Kurdistan connects the continent of Europe to Asia by sea and land. In ancient times, Kurdistan was of great trade importance, as the two global trade routes were passing by: Incense and spice road from Yemen south, and the Silk Road from Ariana east. These two roads were met at Mediterranean ports. Because of this important geographical location, the global and regional powers were coveted and wanted to control them.
5. The emergence of the Safavia and Ottoman Empire: After the Safavia and the Ottoman Empire were founded and the competition between them for influence and wealth in the region and the many wars between the parties, Kurdistan became part of the battlefield and the conflict between these two great powers and taking Each party attracts the Kurds by exploiting the Sunni and Shiite doctrine or through temptations, promises or threat and power. This situation divided the Kurdish people into two hostile fronts and Kurdistan was divided for the first time.
Before the Battle of Galdiran between the Safavian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, Kurdistan was divided into independent Kurdish Emirates within the Safavia Empire, for example, the Kurdistan Ardalan Emirate stretched from Isfahan to Mosul City and lasted its rule for 700 years ( 1169-1869 AD) When the battle of Galdiran between the Ottoman and Safavi empires in 1514 and the victory of the Ottomans in this war, Kurdistan was divided for the first time, part of which was occupied by the Ottomans and the other section occupied by Safavis. On 17 May 1639, that division was permanently installed under the treaty of the Palace of Shirin (Zahab) between the two said empires.
6. Oil Discovery: After World War I, oil discovery in the South Kurdistan Region was an essential reason to make this territory part of the Iraqi political entity established according to the Sykes-Pico agreement. There are huge amounts of oil in Kurdistan, plus a lot of minerals, that pushed and pushed major and regional powers to find influence in Kurdistan and work to keep it fragmented to make it easier to control it.
7. Kurdistan's occupation by four countries: After the Sykes-Biko agreement, Kurdistan was divided into four sections, so Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria occupied part of it. This division has increased and it makes Kurdistan more difficult to liberate and independence, so they require an exceptional struggle, since despite the disagreement between the occupied countries of Kurdistan in the interests and influence in the region, they cooperate and liberate each other against the Kurdish people, where The independence of Kurdistan poses a threat to the existence and interests of these countries, as cooperation and coordination between these countries is evident in their stand against the independence referendum held in South Kurdistan Region in 2017 AD.
1. Muhammad Amin Zaki (1948). History of Kurds and Kurdistan - History of Kurdish states and Emirates in the Islamic era. Part two, Translated by: Muhammad Ali Aouni, Al-Saeed Printing, Cairo, Egypt.