Spartacus the great hero of all time, was Median, he was a prince of Media, the glory of Kurdish race.
During history it has been lot monopolization and misleading about true history of great nation in earth the Kurds. In such crime in such dark history which so far has been written is part of wide spared destruction of Kurdish nation. The many event and wars that happened between median and Romans, just connecting to Iran’s and Romans, or still shamelessly showing the median empire in Persian map..there is many tragedy in our history with stolen figure and leaders which world has been mislead up to now , while is Kurdish nation duty to invests in high level academic and scientific research based of true history of Kurdish nation....
I would like to give some information about on of all time leaders, The Spartacus, the son of Media…
Spartacus been symbolized as sword of justices, as voice of freedom lover. So far all historians left blank on his true identity. According to great Greek writer , Plutarch, which he wrote his book (Plutarque, Les Vies Parelelles, Tome 7, 213) about 2000 years ago clearly confirm, about Spartacus, that he in fact prince of Media and his wife also from Makiyin tribe in Kurdistan which still exists.
For future prove and info please read this article from Kamuran Melikendi in the which they heavily been investigating about Spartacus , you can find lot other article in both Kurdish(kurmanci) and Turkish languages ... e&sid=2592