Mythologists who claim to be Assyrian or Chaldean?The Catholic Church of the University deprived and expelled the Bishop (Nistorius) the Bishop of Constantine from its church, this bishop founded Christianity in 431 AD. This doctrine was called the mythological doctrine of Christianity, in relation to this bishop. The name (Eastern church) is also being released on the church of Nasatra.
A number of inhabitants of the mountains, villages and cities of Kurdistan embraced the mythological religion of Christianity. Members of the two groups that claim to be descendants of the ancient Chaldeans and Assyrians who called themselves “Caldans” and “Assyrians” are the Kurds who embraced the mythological religion.
In the 15th century AD, the Catholic Church made great efforts to persuade the followers of the Eastern mythological sect to convert their mythological religion to Catholicism. These efforts succeeded in making a section of historians embrace Catholicism
The name (Caldanes) was given to those who embraced Catholicism because they lived in present-day Iraq, where ancient Chaldeans were inhabitants of Babylon "Caldanes" so the name was given to them as just a geographical introductory name, not because of them From the dynasty of the Caledans who were dissolved into other peoples, including the Kurdish people, and they have no existence.
The other section of mythologists who refused to become Catholic, retained their mythical Christianity and now claiming to be the descendants of ancient Assyrians. The roots of the name (Athor) from (Ashur), date back to that in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a Christian archbishop named Archbishop (Adi Scheer) appeared and he wrote a book called (Caldo - Athor),
From here these so-called "Ashurians" began to trade the term (Athor), as a kind of establishing an identity For its individuals, they preserve their identity, after the pressure on ethnic and religious minorities has increased due to the outbreak of the First World War and the events of the Armenian slaughterhouses after 1915 AD because of their supportive attitude to the Ottoman State at that time and their support for Caesar's Russia.
This included all the embraced components of Christianity in the country of Mesopotamia at that time, taking each religion trying to establish its own identity to define, distinguish and preserve its kenon of disappearance and extinction, they found the lineage that the Bishop (Eddie Scheer) had given them, which is the (Athurians).
For the language of the Assyrians and the Chaldean, the Kurds who embraced Christianity are the ones who are called Syrians, Assyrians and Caldean nowadays, when they embraced Christianity, the Church began to open and run their own religious schools to learn the language of the Church (Aramic) so they left their Kurdish language and adopted the language of their religion as their language.
As for their customs and traditions, many of them are Kurdish customs and traditions, and the resulting difference is the result of Christianity's influence on them.
One of the evidences that emphasize the legendary Kurds are:
1. (Ibn Khalkan) mentions that the Hakari region, located in northern Kurdistan, is the home of the Nasatara, who are a tribe of Kurds, has a fortress, and villages in the Mosul region [1]. From here it turns out that the Nasatra (“Assyrians” and “Caldanes”) are a Christian Kurdish slice.
2. Other evidence of historical Kurds who claim to be Assyrians is that many of them belong to Kurdish clans, each clan being one family, which have multiplied and increased over time. For example, there are legendary people belonging to the clan (Zebari), (Bradosti), (Nirawi) and the clan (Naw Chiyayi). These clans are Kurdish tribes and their names are Kurdish, belonging to a section of mythologists who claim to be Assyrians.
3. If those who claim to belong to the Chaldeans, Assyrians and Syrians were not Kurds, their lives would now have exceeded tens of millions. Also if the Assyrians, Armenians and Syrians were not Kurds, where have the Christian Kurds who embraced Christianity disappeared since the beginning of the spread of Christianity in Kurdistan in the 3rd century?
According to historical sources, many Kurds converted to Christianity at the beginning of the second century
There is solid proof of Assyrian Kurdishness through the DNA results of Assyrians, as the results are as per the percentage (average of two gene tests):
a. South of Anatolia and the Caucasus: 52.5% (which is the Kurdistan Region, home of the Khorian Kurds - Mitani and Haitian ancestors).
b. Eastern Jews (Mizrahim): 18.3%. And they are the ones who may be part of those whom the Assyrians migrated to Kurdistan.
c. Kord: 15.6%
d. Northern Iran (East Kurdistan): 5.1%
e. Mountain Jews (Jews migrated to Kurdistan): 5.3%
6f South of the Arabian Island - Yemen: 2.8%
Through these Assyrian DNA results we conclude that 90% of the least estimated genes of the mythical people who claim to be Assyrian are Kurdish.
The remaining non-Kurdish percentage of their genes is the result of the melting of Amorians in the Kurdish people after the fall of the Assyrian Empire and also the result of the emigration of non-Kurdian nations to Kurdistan and also the result for mating with non-Kurdid nations.
We are here talking about the origin of the claimed to be ancient Chaldeans, Assyrians, and Syrians, otherwise that each individual is free to belong to any people, ethnicity, religion, or religion, where the sense of belonging cannot be imposed on a person.