Peshewa Qazi and Persians
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:40 am
Recently I have noticed a lot of Pan-Iranists, monarchists, etc have launched a campaign of propaganda for their imaginary Aryan empire. Let us see what Peshewa Qazi Muhammad has to say about them. He certainly had dealt with them all his life and knew their habits and ways much better than any other Kurd:
Quotes taken from his political will regarding Persians (or as Kurds call them Ajams/Ecem)
Last Political Will and Testament of Peshewa Qazi:
Among all the enemies of the Kurdish nation, the Persians are the most oppressive and cruel. They have not refrained from committing any crime against the Kurdish nation. Throughout history, they have shown extreme and deep hate and hostility towards the Kurds. Look, they have deceived, silenced, exiled and murdered all of the prominent personalities of your nation, from Ismail Agha Shikak (Simko) to Jawar Agha his brother and Hamza Agha Mangor and many many others.
Love to hear opinions of our Pan-Iranist friends.
Quotes taken from his political will regarding Persians (or as Kurds call them Ajams/Ecem)
Last Political Will and Testament of Peshewa Qazi:
Di nava hemû dujiminên gelê Kurd da, neyartiya Ecem ji tevan zalimtir, milûntir û Xwedî nenastir û bêrehimitire. Ew ji kirina ti tawanekê li hemberî gelê Kurd destê xwe venagerînin(nagirin). Di dirêjahiya dîrokê de wan bi gelê Kurd re, xerez û kîneke rîşedar hebûne û (hê jî ew kîn) hene. Binêrin, temaşeken hemû mirovên mezin yên gelê we, ji Simaîl Axayê Şikak bigire heya Cewer Axayê birayê wî û Hemze Axayê Mengor û çend û çendîn mirovên din, tev bi awayê xapandinê, berê bêdeng(aram) kirin û gel ji wan dûr xistin û piştre pir bi nemerdî, ew kuştin.
Among all the enemies of the Kurdish nation, the Persians are the most oppressive and cruel. They have not refrained from committing any crime against the Kurdish nation. Throughout history, they have shown extreme and deep hate and hostility towards the Kurds. Look, they have deceived, silenced, exiled and murdered all of the prominent personalities of your nation, from Ismail Agha Shikak (Simko) to Jawar Agha his brother and Hamza Agha Mangor and many many others.
Love to hear opinions of our Pan-Iranist friends.