Author: unitedkurdistan » Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:56 am
You seem to have lack of understanding things. First of all I just used one of his videos, big deal and it's pretty obvious that you keep covering what your beloved kurdish religious jash is by attacking this troll all the time. Man you really get to me, how dumb can you really be? You are blinded by the islam and you are just as same as those religious muslim kurds who supports our enemies. Atleast our great leaders knew when the religious importance would stop however you seem to go far above that and even attacking non kurdish muslims, this just proves your ignorance.
Who brought up the ezedis in the first place? YOU, so zib your tounge.
Dude I already answered you their policy and the fact is that they are islamists trying to create a new muslim neo-ottoman empire were turkey will be the center with all other muslim countries around them. They do support islam and infact many westerners sees turkey as a democratic islamic country and that every muslim country should bel like turkey which is BS of course.
Yes I am a muslim kurd but I know just as our great leaders that islam should not be more important than our cause however you are the opposite and even attack non kurdish muslims.
If we kurds were all ezedis, we wouldn't have so many jashes fighting for the enemy. Anyone denying that our enemies uses islam to split us is a delusional jash.
Baning headscarfes, who are you trying to fool??!!
Why do you keep saying things without any facts, who are you trying to fool me or yourself?
It was AKP who lifted the ban on headscarfes. When the facist republic of turkey was created kemal atagay thought wearing headscarfes were a sign of backwardness and so it was written down in the constitution but when AKP came to power they lifted the ban.
"Prime Minister Erdogan campaigned in his victorious 2007 campaign with a promise of lifting the longstanding ban on headscarves in public institutions."
"The country's educational board and numerous universities vowed to defy the new law. In addition, the main pro-secular, opposition party of the Republican People's Party asked the constitutional court to block the new law passed, and viewed it is a move towards an Islamic state.[25] Thousands of demonstrators supporting the ban also gathered near the Parliament against the move by the government.[26]"
"Post September 2010: Headscarves informally permitted
After winning a referendum in September 2010, the ruling AKP vowed to support any student who was disciplined for wearing the headscarf on a university campus. Following this, the head of the Turkish Higher Educational council(YÖK), Yusuf Ziya Özcan, announced that instructors in universities may no longer take action against students wearing the headscarf.[28] While this goes against the Constitutional Court ruling of 2008, most universities have started permitting students to wear the headscarf on campus.[29]