jjmuneer wrote:How did Ocalan "make the PKK surrender", didn't the PKK engage in miltary activities after his arrest still?
And your stating Kurds should negiotate with the Turks, well we have and as you can see it is the Turks who are breaking their truce. They are building military barracks and fortifying former PKK zones in North Kurdistan.
Hello jjmuneer good to see that you are still around
You must have been out of touch for a long time - Ocalan told the PKK to cease and desist military action and leave Turkish soil - that is a surrender
As I myself have constantly pointed out - Kurds have gained nothing at all by this fascicle so-called peace process
I have also constantly pointed out the increase of military action and the new Turkish military installations in Turkish occupied Kurdistan
I have
NEVER stated Kurds should negotiate with Turks
I have mention
SEVERAL TIMES that there should be a referendum of the Kurdish people themselves - not just the so-called leaders - NK should belong to the Kurdish people - and to the children and grandchildren of the Kurdish people - it is for the people themselves to decided what they want
Unfortunately, the Kurdish people of Turkish occupioed Kurdistan are NEVER given the chance to actually say what they want
In the past I have listed all the many Kurdish initiated cease-fire that have come to nothing due to Turkey's aggressive behaviour