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Re: Lahur Talabany must be reinstated as joint leader of PUK

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue May 23, 2023 10:48 pm

Kurdish parliament kerfuffle

The reactivation of the Kurdistan Region’s electoral commission hangs in the balance with the Region’s two ruling parties claiming conflicting outcomes for Monday’s chaotic parliamentary session

The Kurdistan Region’s Parliamentary Speaker Rewaz Fayaq on Monday said she was indefinitely adjourning the session set to discuss the reactivation of the electoral commission. She reiterated her party’s - Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) - protest that the item was added to the agenda later than what the bylaws permit.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, a politburo member of The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), quickly cut off the speaker’s remarks, asking those opposing to raise their hands, before tens of angry MPs approached the podium in protest. Hawrami opposed the session being postponed and put the reactivation to a vote.

The KDP claims the commission has been reactivated after scoring the majority vote of 58 MPs, while the PUK refuses to acknowledge the vote, saying the deputy speaker has no authority to resume the session after it was adjourned by the speaker.

The office of the parliament published a statement following the kerfuffle saying that the electoral commission had been reactivated, contradicting a statement from Parliamentary Speaker Fayaq an hour earlier.

“No outcome will have legal or procedural value after the adjournment,” said Fayaq, adding that she has not granted anyone the authority to sign the parliament documents - a power solely reserved for the speaker according to the bylaws.

Hawrami responded with a statement of his own saying that due to the fact that the legal quorum was met and the session had already started, the speaker has no authority to make “illegal” assessment of her powers and adjourn the meeting.

“Because the parliamentary speaker left the session hall and the parliament building, she will be considered as absent,” noted Hawrami, saying the absentee status grants the deputy speaker all the powers of the speaker according to the bylaws.

Handren Mohammed, the head of the Kurdish election commission, told Rudaw English on Tuesday that they have received an official letter from the parliament to resume their works, adding that they will start preparations for the elections as soon as next week.

During a visit to the town of Akre, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region Masrour Barzani welcomed the parliament’s decision to reactivate the commission, saying there must be no obstacles in front of holding the elections later this year.

“I commend the parliament for this important decision, because the legitimacy of the Kurdistan Region was becoming truly questioned by our friends at home and abroad, on whether or not the people of Kurdistan believe in democracy and the electoral process,” said the PM.

The PUK politburo reaffirmed that the party will not acknowledge the vote conducted following the session’s adjournment, saying the KDP had violated previous understandings reached between the political blocs.

“We would like to remind all sides that the PUK is not a party that accepts imposition and surrenders to the will of another party,” read the statement from the politburo.

The parliament disagreement also jeopardizes the progress the two parties have made towards reaching an understanding in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in recent weeks. The recent reconciliation between the ruling parties was mainly driven by the need to hold the parliamentary election - set for November 18 - on time, after being postponed due to the continued disputes the year before.
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Re: Lahur Talabany must be reinstated as joint leader of PUK



Re: Lahur Talabany must be reinstated as joint leader of PUK

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue May 30, 2023 8:41 pm

KDP taking steps to hold elections

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) on Tuesday called on all political parties in the Kurdistan Region to do their part in holding the parliamentary elections later this year, after the country’s Federal Supreme Court ruled against the Kurdish region’s extension of its current legislative term

Since the political parties failed to reach an agreement last year to hold the elections in October, major parties in the Kurdistan Parliament, including the ruling KDP and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and Change Movement, voted to extend the fifth legislative term on November 6, 2022.

The Iraqi federal court on Tuesday deemed the extension “unconstitutional.”

“We call on all parties and people of the Kurdistan Region to cooperate and pave the way for fair and free elections,” the KDP spokesperson, Mahmood Mohammad, said in a statement.

He called on the government and relevant institutions to take “necessary measures” to successfully undertake the process.

“What is important for the KDP is holding the elections,” he said, recalling the party’s efforts to hold the polls on time last year - November 2022.

The decision comes as the Kurdistan Parliament last week voted for renewing the mandate of the electoral commission to hold the elections by the end of the year.

The commission on Sunday was reactivated after two new members of the board were sworn in.

Disagreements over the electoral constituencies and seats dedicated to ethnic and religious components have been a source of tension between the KDP and PUK.

KDP has repeatedly stated that all “concessions” have been made to enable the process to move forward, blaming the PUK for stagnating the elections. ... urt-ruling

Bafel Talabani is absolutely the cause of ALL the problems and has been ever since he illegally unseated Lahur Talabany from his position of joint leader of the PUK

Lahur Talabany must assume his legal position as joint leader of the PUK before any legal elections are able to take place in Kurdistan
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Re: Lahur Talabany must be reinstated as joint leader of PUK

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:49 pm

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There is no way but unity

Talabani insisted that "there is no way but unity" to protect the land and strengthen the sovereignty of the region, and that the PUK “always prioritizes cooperation and joint work to serve the people of Kurdistan”

In a statement marking the 48th founding anniversary of his party, there is no way but unity, leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), said that “there is no way other than unity” to protect Kurdistan.

Talabani remarked that solutions to the problems should be based on dialogue and deliberation, and impositions should be avoided. He said: “Let's lead Kurdistan to a beautiful future together. The life and success of our people should be our biggest concern”.

Talabani said: “Our party and personal interests should not make us forget about our great aspirations. Kurdistan is going through a sensitive process; serious changes are taking place.”

Talabani insisted that "there is no way but unity" to protect the land and strengthen the sovereignty of the region, adding that the "The PUK always prioritizes cooperation and joint work to serve the people of Kurdistan”.

Talabani concluded: “The PUK has always called for unity and solidarity. For us, our strength relies on our unity and solidarity. All our efforts and demands in Baghdad seek to secure a genuine representation of the people of the region and their legal rights.

The PUK has been trying to overcome the obstacles together with their colleagues in Iraq. We want to secure a beautiful future for our people and our country by promoting a genuine common life.”

Bafil Talabani supposedly stated "here is no way but unity"

Bafil Talabani who knows NOTHING about unity and lied and schemed to illegally remove his cousin Lahur Talabany from joint leadership of PUK

Bafil Talabani who prevented Kurdistan from working towards INDEPENDENCE following the referendum

Bafil Talabani who is an TRAITOR to Kurdistan
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Re: Bafil who caused most divisions claims he wants unity LO

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:27 pm

Iraqi supervising Kurdish elections

Iraq’s foreign minister on Thursday said that the Iraqi electoral commission will organise the Kurdistan Region’s upcoming general elections following the federal court’s ruling deeming the self-extension of the Kurdish parliament “unconstitutional.”

The Iraqi Federal Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled against the Kurdistan parliament’s self-extension last year after its term ended. The verdict came days after a controversial bill by the Kurdish legislature renewed the Kurdish electoral body’s mandate which had expired in 2019.

The Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein on Thursday told Rudaw’s Mustafa Goran that the Iraqi Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) will supervise the Kurdish elections rather than the Region’s Independent High Electoral and Referendum Commission, adding that “this is the decision of the federal court and is clear.”

As per the federal court's decision, any bills passed by the Kurdish parliament after its self-extension are invalid.

Kurdish political parties, especially the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), have discussed the electoral law, resolving most of their difference except the minority seats. The federal court’s ruling means the elections should be held in the same way they were held in the past.

Jotiar Adil, spokesperson for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), said in a statement on Wednesday that holding elections on time remains their “priority,” calling on the political parties to cooperate.

Kurdistan Region’s parliamentary elections are scheduled for November 18. The IHEC has said that it cannot carry out the Kurdish elections together with the Iraqi local elections in December.

Hussein said that the KRG “ should continue operating even if it is a caretaker. There should not be an executive vacancy anywhere. Even if the parliament no longer exists, the government should continue [working] until the elections are held.”

The head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert recently described the tensions between KDP and PUK over elections as “very disturbing” and called on all parties to “find common ground.”
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Re: Bafil who caused most divisions claims he wants unity LO

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Jun 11, 2023 7:05 pm

Efforts to weaken Kurdistan failed

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – A top Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) official in Baghdad said on Sunday that efforts to weaken Kurdistan Region as a constitutional entity in the 2023-2025 budget bill have failed

The remarks by Ashwaq Jaf, the head of KDP’s 5th Baghdad Branch, came a day after the Iraqi lawmakers passed on the controversial articles of the budget bill, Article 14, concerning the Kurdish region’s oil export, management, and distribution of its revenues.

Prior to being adopted by lawmakers, several changes were made to the contentious articles related to the Region, including in the mechanisms that regulate the relations between Erbil and Baghdad.

Contrary to the original draft, a number of amendments were included in the bill, which the KDP members and a number of other Kurdish parties, excluding the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), considered as “dangerous” for the Region’s rights as a federal entity within Iraq.

“We have seen efforts to weaken and dismantle Kurdistan Region, but fortunately they had failed,” Jaf told Kurdistan 24 on Sunday.

The KDP has fiercely fought against the removal of two sub-articles in the budget bill that would lie the power of spending of Kurdish oil revenues in the hands of the Iraqi Minister of Finance as well as cutting its share from the budget by Baghdad in case of disputes between the two governments.

Out of 67 articles, 37 items have been passed in the past three days.

The Kurdistan Region’s share in the federal budget is set at 12.67 percent, amounting to more than $12 billion annually.

The hydrocarbon malmanagement and its revenues have been a decades-long dispute between Erbil and Baghdad, resulting in cutting the Kurdish share in the budget for several years.

Jaf said the passed Article 14 (7), allowing Baghdad to provide financial entitlements to regional provinces in case the KRG fails to distribute the budget equitably, is against the constitution as it does not allow a “direct interaction” between the federal government and regional provinces, adding the KRG has treated its provinces fairly.

The Iraqi lawmakers failed to convene on Sunday afternoon to vote on the remaining articles due lack of quorum. ... P-official
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Re: Bafil who caused most divisions claims he wants unity LO

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Jun 11, 2023 7:09 pm

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No compromises on Kurdistan’s rights

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Saturday tweeted about the passage of various Articles in the Iraqi parliament’s recent budget bill meeting, with specific emphasis towards Article 14

“The courageous attitude of the patriots on the one hand and the dishonesty of the traitors on the other will be recorded in history,” PM Barzani said in the tweet.

“We assure everyone that the Kurdistan Region will become stronger and we will not compromise on our constitutional rights,” he added.

The PM's tweet came after the Iraqi parliament's vote on the federal budget bill for 2023, 2024 and 2025.

On April 4, Kurdistan Region signed an agreement with the Iraqi government in the presence of KRG and Iraqi ministers. The Kurdistan Region's financial entitlements, as provided for in the agreement, were not implemented and modified.

Although a political agreement was signed between the coalition parties to form the current Iraqi government headed by Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani, it was included in the government agenda and approved by the Iraqi parliament, once again emphasizing respect for the Kurdistan Region's legal and constitutional rights. ... nal-rights
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Re: PM Barzani ensures no compromises on Kurdistan's rights

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Jun 12, 2023 1:24 am

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It is Kurdistan or death

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) President Masoud Barzani on Monday underlined that the attempts to undermine the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region in the Iraqi parliament have failed

In a statement he said it is “very unfortunate that in the past few days there was an irresponsible and unconstitutional attempt in the Iraqi parliament to deepen the problems and violate the legitimate rights of the Kurdish people.”

Moreover, he said that the Iraqi federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government have previously reached a good and positive agreement to address challenges and strengthen stability in the country for the benefit of the people.

However, he added there unfortunately were some political parties that wanted to undermine this through changes in sections of the budget law. “However, these irresponsible attempts failed and were thwarted,” Barzani stated.

“The events of the past few days in the Iraqi Council of Representatives have shed light on the true face of the chauvinistic parties, and all of them do not respect their promises and signatures, nor respect the principles of the (Iraqi) constitution.”

He further expresses his optimism that the approved draft budget law, now passed by the Iraqi Council of Representatives, will be faithfully implemented.

    “However, we emphasize that the Kurdistan Region is the home of the Kurdish people and the product of the blood and struggle of the Kurdish people. We stand firmly in the face of any attempts to undermine and eliminate the Kurdistan Region. For us, the Kurdistan region is not just a red line, it is a death line. It is Kurdistan or death.”
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Re: We stand firmly againsts any attempts to undermine Kurdi

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Jun 12, 2023 1:07 pm

Iraq's 2023 state budget 'unconstitutional

The leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party says some parties in the Iraqi parliament are acting "irresponsibly"

The head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Former President of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, criticized the Iraqi parliament's approval of the state budget for 2023 and claimed that the decision is "unconstitutional".

The Iraqi Kurdistan region, a long-time partner of the United States and other Western powers, has been ruled since its inception in the 1990s by bipartisan power-driven parties - KDP and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan PUK - which in turn saw many citizens of the region living in extreme conditions despite the large oil reserves held by the government.

Barzani said in a statement today on Monday, "It is very unfortunate, what happened in the past few days in the Iraqi parliament of irresponsible and unconstitutional attempts aimed at deepening the problems and violating the legitimate rights of the Kurdistan people."

"Everyone is aware that there are dialogues that led to constructive agreements between the constituent parties of the State Administration Coalition to remove obstacles and solve problems," he added.

His remarks came after the Iraqi parliament approved a state budget for the fiscal year 2023, amounting to 198.9 trillion dinars ($153 billion).

"The Iraqi federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government have reached a good and positive agreement to resolve the disputes in order to solidify the pillars of stability in the country and serve the people," he continued, claiming however that "what some political parties did is an irresponsible act aimed at undermining the entity of the Kurdistan region," but considered that "their attempts failed."

According to the KDP leader, "What happened in the past few days in the Iraqi parliament has unmasked them and revealed that they do not respect the constitution"

The Kurdistan region belongs to "the Kurdistani people, and is the product of the blood, sacrifices and struggle of those people," he said before stressing, "We strongly oppose any reckless attempt that seeks to overtake and undermine the region."

"For us, the Kurdistan region is not only a red line but also a line of death. Either Kurdistan or annihilation."

According to lawmakers and the budget document, the budget deficit is estimated at 64.36 trillion Iraqi dinars, which is a record-high level and more than double the last budget deficit recorded in 2021.

Iraq's budget set the price of oil at $70 per barrel and expects to export 3.5 million bpd, of which 400 thousand will come from the Kurdistan region.

The vote follows some controversy regarding the objections of political blocs about the mechanism for the Kurdistan region's payment of its oil sales, which evolved into a dispute between Erbil and Baghdad over who has the freedom to manage this money.

In April, Baghdad and Erbil reached an agreement to resolve this issue, stating that oil from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region will be sold and exported through Iraqi state-owned firm SOMO, and the revenue will be deposited in Baghdad's central bank but will be under Kurdistan's control, while the Iraqi government will have access to the account and auditing authority. ... titutional
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Re: The Kurdistan region belongs to "the Kurdistani people"

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:03 pm

Iraq electoral body

The head of Iraq's electoral body on Thursday told Rudaw that the commission will need at least six months to prepare and conduct Kurdistan Region's parliamentary elections, casting doubt on the likelihood that the vote will be held as scheduled in November

The Iraqi Federal Supreme Court in late May ruled that the Kurdish parliament's decision was "unconstitutional" when it decided last October to extend its term amid disputes between parties over holding elections.

With Kurdish lawmakers having failed to reactivate the regional electoral commission before the self-extension and all decisions from the parliament since declared null by the Supreme Court, the federal electoral commission has been tasked with carrying out the poll.

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani on Thursday hosted United Nations Special Representative for Iraq Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert and officials from the Iraqi Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC). All sides stressed the significance of holding elections as soon as possible, but that will take time, according to Omar Mohammed, head of the IHEC.

"After our demands are met by the Kurdistan Region president, we might need six to seven months starting from that day," said Mohammed, adding that they agreed during Thursday's meeting to send a list of their requirements to the presidency and continue coordination until a date has been set.

The Iraqi electoral body is currently preparing for Iraq-wide provincial elections later this year and has repeatedly stated that it would not be able to hold both elections in close proximity.

Mohammed said that the commission can prepare for both elections at the same time, but it is unlikely that they would occur in the same month as it might compromise the quality of the election process.

Iraqi provincial council elections are set for December 18, while the Kurdistan Region's parliamentary elections were scheduled for November 18.
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Re: The Kurdistan region belongs to "the Kurdistani people"

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:57 pm

KDP and PUK to meet Monday

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan 24 has learned that the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) political bureaus will meet on Monday in Erbil.

The aim of the meeting is to discuss the parliamentary election, bilateral relations between KDP and PUK, as well as Erbil-Baghdad relations.

Following an initiative by KDP President Masoud Barzani calling for a national dialogue among all the parties in the region, top KDP and PUK delegations met on May 21 and discussed numerous issues, including the upcoming Kurdistan Region parliamentary election set for Nov. 18, 2023.

Recently, Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani received the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, in which both sides agreed to hold parliamentary elections on time.

In recent months, tensions between the Region’s main partners in the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) ninth cabinet have centered around the administrative and financial management of Sulaimani, which is the PUK’s stronghold.

The tensions led to heated discussions between the two sides, thus leading the PUK team to pull out of KRG cabinet sessions for six months.

Following a meeting between PM Barzani and his Deputy Qubad Jalal Talabani from the PUK, tensions began to wane, leading to the party's return to cabinet sessions on Sunday.

The normalization of ties between the two sides has been widely welcomed by the Region's allies, including the US, UK, and the Netherlands. ... -on-Monday

To make this a fair election Lahur Talabany must be reinstated as joint leader of PUK
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Re: The Kurdistan region belongs to "the Kurdistani people"

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:19 pm

KDP Concludes Legislative Duties

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) on Monday officially wrapped up its parliamentary responsibilities, according to statements made by the party's top lawmakers during a press briefing

Zana Mala Khalid, the head of the KDP's parliamentary bloc, expressed pride in the legislation the party had championed and successfully passed, with a particular emphasis on the bill addressing the Reform of Salaries, Allowances, Grants, Privileges & Retirement in the Kurdistan Region.

The decision by the largest faction in the Kurdistan parliament follows recent tensions among the various parliamentary factions triggered by the renewal of the Kurdistan Region's electoral body mandate in late May.

The Iraqi Federal Supreme Court's ruling on May 30, declaring the extension of Kurdistan Parliament's fifth term as "unconstitutional," prompted the KDP to advocate for holding the upcoming elections in November, 2023. This new election date was set by the Region's President, Nechirvan Barzani, subsequent to the extension.

Parliamentary elections in the Kurdistan Region were postponed last year due to objections raised by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) regarding the existing electoral law and the voters' roll. The KDP has been consistently working to address these concerns to ensure a smooth electoral process this year, without any further delays.

There cannot be a fair and just election without Lahur Talabany being reinstated to his legal position as joint chair of PUK
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Re: The Kurdistan region belongs to "the Kurdistani people"

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:15 pm

Importance of elections

Elections serve as a fundamental pillar of democracy, providing a mechanism for citizens to express their will and choose their representatives. Despite the challenges and imperfections that may exist within electoral systems, they remain an indispensable element in legitimizing government institutions

The Kurdistan Region’s parliamentary elections were supposed to be held a year ago, but were delayed as the main two parties fundamentally disagreed over the electoral law and electoral commission.

Firstly, let us examine the issue of delayed elections in the Kurdistan Region. While Iraq has successfully managed to hold elections despite numerous obstacles, the Kurdistan Region, with its population of approximately 6.6 million and two main ruling parties, has been unable to conduct general elections according to schedule.

This situation raises concerns about the region's ability to maintain democratic continuity. Timely elections are a fundamental requirement for any functioning entity as they provide the foundation for democratic representation and decision-making processes. If the Kurdistan Region fails to fulfil the basic obligation of holding elections on time, it raises questions about the validity of our previous conviction in pursuing independence, as demonstrated by our referendum on independence a few years ago.

Elections are a primary means through which democratic values can be gradually instilled. Over time, they contribute to the development of democratic institutions, even if progress is incremental. The continuity of elections reinforces the legitimacy of regional institutions and empowers the government with a genuine public mandate. While achieving a fully mature democracy may require significant time and effort, the ongoing nature of elections is vital in fostering democratic principles and ensuring the representation of the people's will.

The Kurdistan Region has the potential to hold a significant position in the broader region, given its achieved level of autonomy. However, the erosion of its institutions and doubts regarding their legitimacy are alarming. Political elites have become increasingly disengaged, prioritizing superficial appearances on social media platforms over addressing pressing regional issues.

Furthermore, a recent ruling by the Iraqi Supreme Court, deeming the extension of the Kurdistan Region's parliament as unconstitutional, further undermines the region's institutional legitimacy. These factors contribute to a weakened sense of identity and autonomy, posing a threat to the stability of the Kurdistan Region as a whole.

It is disheartening to witness the public's indifference towards the delayed elections in the Kurdistan Region. The population, burdened by daily struggles, has grown disillusioned with democracy and apathetic towards political involvement.

The absence of faith in the possibility of meaningful change within the current environment has silenced the working class and reduced overall participation. Furthermore, the limited media freedom has led to the disappearance or forced exile of critical voices. Consequently, the lack of public engagement compounds the government's legitimacy issues and undermines democratic processes.

We risk moving towards a region where elections become irrelevant, and freedom of speech vanishes. The timely conduct of elections is of vital importance for government legitimacy. It fosters democratic principles, reinforces institutional credibility, and empowers governments with genuine public mandates. The Kurdistan Region, as a relatively successful entity within Iraq, must address the challenges and obstacles preventing the timely conduct of elections.

It would be hard to be persuaded by any argument claiming a legitimate reason for delaying elections in the Kurdistan Region. We can draw inspiration from our neighbors in Turkey, where despite the devastation caused by an earthquake resulting in the tragic loss of over 50,000 lives, the general elections were still held on schedule.

The entire diplomatic corps stationed in the Region are unilaterally calling on the Kurdish leadership, along with UNAMI, to hold elections on time and respect the electoral process. However, if these voices are ignored and the autonomy of the Kurdistan Region continues to erode, we will find very few allies willing to come to the region's aid and support. This is because we would have diminished any respect for them by completely neglecting our shared values.
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Re: The Kurdistan region belongs to "the Kurdistani people"

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:12 pm

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Town hall meeting with Barzani

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani held a town hall meeting with a number of citizens of the Kurdistan Region in Erbil, in which he answered their questions and discussed many outstanding issues with them

PM Barzani said that at the inception of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Ninth Cabinet, they were optimistic efficient results could be provided within a solid reform system.

Barzani added that after recognizing there are many sectors and areas of governance that are seriously flawed, they realized that current reform is not enough; but many objectives must be created from the ground up.

“For example, I’m optimistic that the electrification and digitization of governance will make things much easier for both the government and citizens," he stated.

The Prime Minister pointed out that the KRG has faced obstacles such as COVID-19 and the lingering presence of ISIS.

“Nevertheless, we have continued to face crises and find the right solutions at the right time,” Barzani reaffirmed.

The Premier expressed his gratitude for the support, cooperation, and trust of Kurdistan Region citizens for the KRG and called it “the greatest achievement.”

Barzani admitted that the KRG had many shortcomings, but he insisted there have been outside forces attempting to sabotage the Region.

“Some of these crises were created, partly at the local level, or rather by those whose interests were violated or who felt their interests were endangered, and that’s why they oppose our government,” Barzani noted that, “many parts outside the Kurdistan Region tried to put economic, legal and security pressure on this government so that we could not succeed in our tasks. Now I can assure you that many of these crises have passed, but we still have to face some of them with your help.”

Moreover, the Prime Minister reiterated that what is paramount is the issue of people's livelihood and public services for Kurdistan Region citizens.

Regarding the salaries of Kurdistan Region employees, Barzani stated that “I can say for sure that all the salaries have been paid in this cabinet, however, sometimes it is a little late (...) [D]espite all the crises and problems that have been created for our cabinet, we were able to pay citizen salaries and I thank [them] for their patience.”

Furthermore, he confirmed that they would continue to work with the Iraqi Federal Government on the points that they disagree with or have not been able to find common ground on.

Lastly, the PM underlined that they will continue to defend Kurdistan Region people's rights. They will look for appropriate ways to resolve these issues peacefully within the framework of the Iraqi Constitution.

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Re: The Kurdistan region belongs to "the Kurdistani people"

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Jul 08, 2023 9:40 pm

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KDP, PUK meeting

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan 24 has learned that the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) political bureaus will meet on Sunday in Erbil

The main topic of their meeting is parliamentary and provincial council elections.

Recently, Ali Rashid, chairman of the Erbil Provincial Council, told Kurdistan 24 that the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Interior Ministry had approved holding both the parliamentary and provincial council elections simultaneously.

Following an initiative by KDP President Masoud Barzani calling for a national dialogue among all the parties in the Region, top KDP and PUK delegations met on May 21 and discussed numerous issues, including the upcoming Kurdistan Region parliamentary election set for Nov. 18, 2023.

On June 21, Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani received the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, in which both sides agreed to hold parliamentary elections on time.

In recent months, tensions between the Region’s main partners in the KRG Ninth Cabinet have centered around the administrative and financial management of Sulaimani, which is the PUK’s stronghold.

The tensions led to heated discussions between the two sides, which led the PUK team to pull out of KRG cabinet sessions for six months.

Following a meeting between PM Barzani and his Deputy Qubad Jalal Talabani from the PUK, tensions began to wane, leading to the party's return to cabinet sessions on Sunday.

The normalization of ties between the two sides has been widely welcomed by the Region's allies, including the US, UK, and the Netherlands. ... w-in-Erbil

I am disgusted the traitor Bafil Talabani dares to claim sole leadership of PUK after illegally removing his cousin Lahur Talabany from joint leadership of PUK
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Re: The Kurdistan region belongs to "the Kurdistani people"

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Jul 20, 2023 1:30 pm

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Men do all the talking

As Kurdistan heads into its next electoral cycle, women must take more initiative to secure guarantees for their rights. We cannot continue to be so primitive in our politics, where the only discussion revolves around whether the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) get along - a conversation seemingly dominated solely by men

Indeed, whether KDP and PUK get along makes little difference to women. Whether they share in governance or pull their ministers out, it does not alter the reality faced by girls and women. The impact is marginal, if any. When we turn on the television or seek political commentary, the conversations are primarily led and shaped by men. Where are the women in these discussions?

In the politically charged landscape of Kurdistan, women's rights have long been relegated to the periphery, overshadowed by the agendas of major political parties. Their plight is often exploited as a mere tool for political maneuvering, rather than being treated as a genuine priority. There is an urgent need for a paradigm shift.

Women's rights have consistently taken a backseat to the political ambitions of Kurdistan's major parties. Tragic incidents, such as violence against women, are cynically deployed to score political points, while tangible solutions remain elusive. The manipulation of women's rights for political gain calls for a profound reevaluation of the prevailing political framework to prioritize the genuine well-being of women.

Genuine progress in women's rights demands unified, cross-party advocacy transcending political allegiances. Sadly, such a cohesive effort has been conspicuously absent among political entities like KDP, PUK, Kurdistan Islamic Union (KIU), and others. In contrast, nations like the United Kingdom exemplify how parties collaboratively address common issues, bridging the gap between political affiliations for the greater good. Women in Kurdistan deserve no less. Collective action is pivotal in elevating their status and achieving gender equality.

The alarming prevalence of violence against women in Kurdistan has reached critical levels. Shocking incidents, from domestic abuse to public attacks, underscore the urgency for immediate action to protect women from harm. Mere condemnations fall short; decisive measures and resources must be put into effect to prevent violence and ensure the swift prosecution of perpetrators. Empowering women through safe housing, financial aid, and support networks will embolden them to break free from abusive environments.

The fight for women's rights in Kurdistan must extend beyond ensuring safety. It necessitates a comprehensive strategy that addresses the diverse challenges women encounter daily. Affordable and quality childcare options can alleviate the burden on working mothers, enabling

their active participation in the workforce. Likewise, recognizing the invaluable role of stay-at-home mothers and providing them with financial benefits is essential. Incentives for working mothers, such as flexible working hours and equal career opportunities, can bridge the gender gap in the workplace, fostering a more inclusive society.

Beyond being mere pawns in political games, women must be at the forefront of the political process, wielding their electoral power to drive transformative change. The journey towards gender equality in Kurdistan necessitates the collective effort of political entities, policymakers, and society at large. Embracing this vision will not only elevate the status of women but also contribute to a more prosperous and inclusive nation.

But more importantly, it requires women to take the initiative and transcend the chaos of KDP and PUK. Women can seize this narrative to their advantage by securing fundamental rights and policy changes, like setting a quota for ministerial positions or mobilizing female votes centered on policies rather than figureheads.
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