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The Kurdistan region belongs to "the Kurdistani people"

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Feb 28, 2023 12:23 pm

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Kurdistan parliamentary elections

As parts of efforts to thaw the ice between Kurdish political parties, notably the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), a delegation from the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region is set to visit the latter in Erbil on Tuesday in order to set a date for the Region's long-delayed parliamentary elections

The delegation that visited the KDP on Sunday, will be headed by Fawzi Hariri, chief of staff of the Kurdish Presidency, at the request of President Nechirvan Barzani to meet with the PUK and other political parties.

The Kurdistan Region’s parliamentary elections were supposed to be held last year, but members of the legislature voted in October by a majority to extend the parliament's four-year term by another year, after disagreements between the blocs over the current electoral law and the electoral commission prevented new elections from being carried out.

Rudaw understands that the presidential delegation has already met with the leading officials of the Kurdistan Region Parliament in order to bring closer together the rival sides, in order to set a date for the long-delayed parliamentary elections.

The inability of the Kurdistan Region to hold elections is largely attributed to contentions and ongoing wrangling between the KDP and PUK - who have often found themselves entangled in a clash of words over the elections law, as the Sulaimani-based PUK has said it would support new polls once the electoral law has been amended.

Despite working together in the KRG, the two parties have established control over different parts of the Region, often being referred to as the “Yellow Zone” and “Green Zone“. The KDP is dominant in Erbil and Duhok provinces, while the PUK rules Sulaimani and Halabja.

“The nonexistence of elections puts into question the entire political process and the constitutionality of the Kurdistan Region,” President Barzani said on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference (MSC) in Germany last week. "We are confident that elections will be held this year."

The KRG authorities have come under mounting criticism domestically and on an international level for failing to hold elections.

The rival sides of the Kurdistan Region must act “quickly and pragmatically” towards resolving their differences, as their divisions have “adverse effects” on the people and institutions of the Kurdistan Region, Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert said while briefing the United Nations Security Council on the latest developments in the situation concerning Iraq earlier this month.
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Re: Kurdistan to set date date for parliamentary elections

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Mar 03, 2023 3:04 pm

President Barzani and PUK

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani Thursday called on the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan’s (PUK) ministerial team to return to the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) weekly meetings, adding that their concerns have been taken “very seriously” by authorities

Speaking at the second edition of Erbil Forum in the Region’s capital city of Erbil on Thursday, Barzani said that tensions between the political parties in the Kurdistan Region have “tired” everyone adding that they need to focus on Kurdish issues in Iraq rather than “tiny stuff.”

He called on the PUK team in the government, including Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, to end their boycotting of the KRG’s weekly meetings, months after the team stopped going to the meetings as a protest against PUK’s concerns at the government.

“I think the time has come to resolve the issues… I call on our friends from the PUK as well as Mr. Qubad and the PUK team in the government to return to the Council of Ministers. Definitely, there are concerns [from the PUK side] and issues, and their concerns at all levels - from the Region’s President and Prime Minister and to all levels - have been taken very seriously. However, we cannot resolve these issues by discussing them outside the government,” President Barzani said during a panel entitled “Outstanding issues in the Middle East and the Future of the Kurdistan Region.”

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the PUK have been at loggerheads in recent months over the Region’s parliamentary elections, the transparency of the oil and local income of the provinces under their influence, and the assassination of a former PUK colonel in Erbil in October.

Despite working together in the KRG, the two parties have established control over different parts of the Region, often being referred to as the “Yellow Zone” and “Green Zone“. The KDP is dominant in Erbil and Duhok provinces, while the PUK rules Sulaimani and Halabja.

Bafel Talabani, head of the PUK, told the same forum, which is organized by Rudaw Research Center, the previous day that the KDP should take serious steps to resolve their bilateral issues.

“Can we not separate our problems? Let's solve other problems. If we cannot solve the bigger issues, let's start with the small ones,” Bafel Talabani said. “Hopefully we will have no problems in the end.”

He claimed that neither the KRG nor the KDP have contacted the PUK’s governmental team to see what their concerns are since they started boycotting the meetings.

Saadi Ahmed Pira, a PUK politburo member, told Rudaw earlier on Thursday that it is not clear when the party’s governmental team will return to the KRG meetings, adding that the team has been ignored by the cabinet.

Asked if any further escalation of tensions between the KDP and PUK would lead to a military confrontation, President Barzani said that Kurdish political parties have passed such a stage, adding that the political tensions between them will “never” lead to a civil war.

Both governing parties met on an electoral body level in Erbil on Tuesday, with both parties announcing in a joint statement that they had reached a “mutual understanding” on the “majority” of the points related to how the upcoming elections should be held.

Rudaw understands that both parties have agreed on the method of the election as well as to coordinate with Iraq’s electoral commission to benefit from their voter list of the Kurdistan Region.

Erbil-Baghdad relations

The federal budget has been a frequent point of contention between Erbil and Baghdad, especially after the Kurdistan Region's decision to sell its oil through Turkey. Almost two years after Iraq passed its last budget law, Erbil and Baghdad remain in disagreement over several key issues. Kurdish government delegations have travelled to Baghdad on several occasions to reach common ground with the Iraqi government, however, they have yet to reach a resolution on all disagreements.

Omed Sabah, head of the Diwan of the Kurdistan Region’s council of ministers, said on Sunday that Erbil and Baghdad have reached a preliminary agreement regarding the 2023 budget bill.

President Barzani said on Thursday that the relations between both governments have improved since Iraq’s Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani took office months ago.

“I believe that the strengthening of the Kurdistan Region does not pose any threat to Iraq and the strengthening of Iraq does not pose any threat to the Kurdistan Region. They complete one another. We see it in a way that we are two entities in a state called Iraq,” he said.

“We do not want to lose any opportunities to resolve issues with Baghdad as we complete one another,” added the President.
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Re: Kurdistan to set date date for parliamentary elections

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Mar 03, 2023 3:27 pm

The TRAITOR Bafel Talabani

Sulaimani saw an unparalleled event in Kurdish political history. A co-president of the ruling party in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)-controlled zone ousted the other co-president and changed the chiefs of the security and intelligence, along with a series of other changes in the bodies affiliated with the party, who later rubber stamped them

Bafel Talabani has NO honour

The KRG should NOT negoate anything with PUK while the dictator Bafel Talabani remains in sole control BUT should DEMAND the reinstatement of Lahur Talabany, the LEGAL co-chair of Sulaimani’s ruling party the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)
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Re: Lahur Talabany should be includeded in election talks

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:48 am

Agreement on elections items

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The electoral offices of a number of Kurdistan Region’s political parties on Saturday held a meeting at the headquarters of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in Sulaimani

Representatives from the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), PUK, Gorran Movement, the Kurdistan Justice Group, and the Kurdistan Islamic Union attended the meeting.

Numerous issues were discussed in the meeting, including amending the parliamentary electoral law and the reserved-seat quotas.

All sides agreed upon the following points:

    1- Holding the four-constituency system according to the governorates of the Kurdistan region.

    2- Approving the biometric registration system accredited by Iraq's Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) with all its requirements.

    3- Adopting the data of the Iraqi Ministry of Planning to determine the proportion of provincial seats.

    4- Reactivating the Independent High Electoral Commission and Referendum in the Kurdistan Region.

    5- Convening a meeting among the leaders of the Kurdistan Parliament, parliamentary blocs, and representatives of the various communities.

The KRG should NOT negoate anything with PUK while the dictator Bafel Talabani remains in sole control BUT should DEMAND the reinstatement of Lahur Talabany, the LEGAL co-chair of Sulaimani’s ruling party the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)
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Re: Lahur Talabany should be includeded in election talks

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Mar 16, 2023 1:01 am

Kurdistan must be unified

SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region - Unresolved differences in the Kurdistan Region should be approached in a “unified and united manner”, the Region’s President Nechirvan Barzani said on Wednesday

President Barzani delivered a keynote speech at the seventh annual Sulaimani Forum, a regional policy event highlighting contemporary challenges facing Iraq and the wider region.

"In the Kurdistan Region, we should solve all problems in a unified and united manner," the President said amid ongoing intra-Kurdish disputes between the main political parties - the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).

Despite working together in the KRG, the two parties have established control over different parts of the Region, often being referred to as the “Yellow Zone” and “Green Zone“. The KDP is dominant in Erbil and Duhok provinces, while the PUK rules Sulaimani and Halabja.

Tensions between the two parties have been heightened over the transparency of the income from the provinces under their influence, and the assassination of a former PUK colonel in Erbil in October.

Meetings between the two parties have recently resumed, aimed at resolving the issues, with both sides expressing their desire for dialogue. The PUK has boycotted the weekly meetings of the Council of Ministers as a form of protest expressing the party’s concerns with the government.

However, the current issues extend beyond the Region’s borders as differences between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the federal Iraqi government in Baghdad persist.

"Iraq, including all its components, should work together with a shared national agenda to defend the country's interests,” Barzani said while shedding light on how far along the country has come as it the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq approaches.

The Kurdistan Region has over the past year been rocked by two waves of major Iraqi Federal Supreme Court ruling against its finances, with the top court first ruling last February against the Region’s ability to administer its oil and gas sector and almost a year later in January ruling against the payment of the Region’s financial entitlements to Baghdad, claiming it violates the 2021 Iraqi Budget Law.

Kurdish government delegations have traveled to Baghdad on several occasions to reach a common ground with the Iraqi government, however, none of the visits have had a solid outcome.

Barzani also touched upon the issues regarding the non-implementation of the constitution. "Unfortunately, the constitution has not been implemented. In 2017, a committee in the Kurdistan Region revealed 57 articles in the constitution ... that have not been implemented," the Kurdistan Region President lamented.

The regional and federal governments have had rocky ties over the years, frequently sparring on issues like the budget and oil sales. Articles in the 2005 Iraqi constitution meant to address historical grievances of Kurds have never been fully implemented.

"Many people blame the Kurdistan Region for the non-implementation of the constitution. After 20 years, I will not say that we, in the Kurdistan Region, are without faults," Barzani added while mentioning the Region's efforts to implement the constitution.

"If the laws of Iraq were truly implemented ... we would have a very progressed nation," he noted.

The Iraqi government finally approved a budget for this year and the next two years, after the last one was passed in March 2021. It is yet to be voted by parliament. A particularly contentious point typically when it comes to budget is Erbil’s share and requirements for the KRG to hand over oil.

The Kurdistan Region receiving its share of the budget is dependent on Erbil fulfilling its commitments, which include handing over 250,000 barrels of oil per day, paying back money previously borrowed from the Iraqi Trade Bank, sending non-oil revenues, and prioritizing paying the salaries of its civil servants and Peshmerga before any other spending.

President Barzani also welcomed the approval of Halabja as Iraq’s 19th province by the Iraqi government, though the decision needs to be ratified by parliament.

"We have made great efforts to make Halabja into a province, in order for its victims to be compensated," President Barzani said, thanking Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani for approving Halabja's ascension in status.

The remarks come a day before the 35th anniversary of the chemical attack on Halabja, killing at least 5,000 people, mostly women and children, and injuring thousands of others. The event, which was recognized as an act of genocide by Iraq's High Court in 2010, has left a permanent scar in the historical memory of the Kurdish people.

"This is a completely constitutional and lawful act for the people of Halabja," Barzani said, referring to compensation for the victims of Halabja's chemical attack and its elevation to a province by the Iraqi government.
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Re: Lahur Talabany should be includeded in election talks

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue May 02, 2023 11:04 pm

PUK is stalling elections

The spokesperson of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) parliamentary bloc on Tuesday blamed the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and other parties for stalling and causing the delay of the upcoming elections

“We have compromised and accepted things we did not believe in,” said Peshawa Hawramani, the spokesperson of the KDP bloc in the Kurdistan Parliament, presenting a document showcasing 18 KDP initiatives which were not met with a satisfactory response from the PUK and other parties.

“Their only goal is not to hold elections, even if they bring 10 points to work on tomorrow and we accept all of them, they will return with new ones [and stall],” he added.

According to Hawramani, the extension of the life of the parliament was not the KDP’s plan but they were forced to do so with PUK, Gorran and minorities to avoid the existence of a “legal gap” in the Kurdistan Region.

“This was despite our will, but we were forced to do it, in order to finish all of our preparations,” he said.

Kurdistan parliamentarians voted in October to extend the term of the parliament by another year due to a disagreement between the parties over the electoral law and the electoral commission.

In March, Nechirvan Barzani, the president of the Kurdistan Region designated November 18, as the date of the parliamentary elections, a year later than its original date.

Hawramani showed instances in which the KDP bloc and politburo initiated solutions to reactivate the electoral commission and pass the election law, but said they were met with excuses by the PUK and its members boycotting meetings.

“Today we want to tell everyone that the PUK has created obstacles and excuses after every meeting we had, changed their opinion or created excuses to not attend meetings,” Hawramani said.

The Kurdistan Parliament consists of 111 seats, with 11 of them dedicated to minorities under a quota system. Turkmens have five seats, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Syriacs have five, and Armenians have one. Some political parties have claimed that these seats are exploited by the KDP, which is accused of directing security forces to vote for the minority candidates it favors. The KDP has denied the claims.

Hawramani denied that the issue of the minorities is part of the dispute between the KDP and PUK, saying that it is not up to the parties to decide for them.

“They [minorities] have to decide this and we have to respect whatever they decide,” the speaker stated.

“There is a form of hopelessness, that is leading to elections not being held, and the PUK is the one to blame”, he added.

The KDP and PUK have an uneasy relationship. Despite working together in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), they have established control over separate parts of the Region, often referred to as the “Yellow Zone” in Erbil and Duhok where KDP dominates, and the “Green Zone“ where PUK controls Sulaimani and Halabja.
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Re: Lahur Talabany should be includeded in election talks

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed May 03, 2023 10:42 pm

Kurdistan elections on time

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Wednesday reiterated the need for holding regional elections this year in a meeting with German diplomats in Erbil

PM Barzani received State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Jochen Flasbarth and State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Finance Werner Gatzer, where they discussed strengthening bilateral relations between Erbil and Berlin, as well as resolving the outstanding issues between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraqi federal government.

The prime minister expressed his gratitude for Germany’s support in the fight against ISIS as well as recognizing the atrocities committed against the Yezidi people as genocide. He expressed the Region’s willingness to improve ties with the European country in all sectors.

PM Barzani “stressed the importance of holding the Kurdistan Region’s elections in 2023,” according to a readout of the meeting.

The Region is set to hold its sixth parliamentary elections on November 18, after the political parties failed to reach a deal to hold the polls last year in October.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), the Kurdish region’s two leading parties, have held numerous rounds of discussions on amending the election law and reactivating the electoral commission. They have yet to reach a consensus.

PM Barzani has repeatedly assured his readiness to fully facilitate the process in order to hold the elections on time.

In Wednesday’s meeting, the officials also highlighted the KRG’s ninth cabinet reform agenda which includes the digitalization of public services, and the current state of affairs of the internally displaced peoples and their voluntary return to their places of origin. The implementation of the Sinjar Agreement and the consequences of climate change were also discussed. ... ns-on-time
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Re: Lahur Talabany should be includeded in election talks

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun May 07, 2023 8:46 pm

Holding elections on time

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Nechirvan Barzani, the President of the Kurdistan Region, on Sunday, received Mark Bryson Richardson, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Iraq, in Erbil

Both sides discussed the latest developments in Erbil-Baghdad negotiations, the Kurdistan Region, the upcoming elections, and the situation in Sinjar, according to a readout from the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region.

Praising the progress in resolving Erbil-Baghdad's outstanding issues, both officials stressed the importance of resolving internal political differences in the Kurdistan Region, as well as holding elections on time, the statement added.

Implementing the Sinjar agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Federal Iraqi Government was also highlighted at the meeting. They reiterated the need to maintain peace and stability, as well as preventing hate speech in the region.

Erbil and Baghdad in September 2020 struck a deal to normalize the security and administrative situation in the Yezidi-majority town, by removing the outlawed militia groups from the town and allowing the local population to take responsibility for its internal security.

Three years later, the agreement has not been implemented. Normalization has been hampered by the heavy presence of militia groups, including the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

In 2014, the ethnic community was subjected to severe atrocities, such as kidnappings, killings, and sexually enslaving thousands of Yezidi women and children by the so-called Islamic State. ... ns-on-time
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Re: Lahur Talabany should be includeded in election talks

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon May 08, 2023 10:29 pm

PM Barzani and Deputy Prime Minister

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Monday received Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani in Erbil, according to a statement from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)

Both officials stressed the importance of maintaining Kurdish unity to preserve national interests and constitutional rights, the statement added.

Financial and administrative issues as well as intragovernmental cooperation were discussed in the meeting.

Both sides agreed to resolve outstanding issues in the Kurdistan Region through dialogue and cooperation between all political parties in the government, according to the statement.

“I was pleased to host DPM Talabani for lunch today,” Barzani tweeted following the meeting.

“In the spirit of constructive and open dialogue, we discussed issues in the government and agreed on ways to move forward,” he added.

    I was pleased to host DPM @qubadjt for lunch today.
    In the spirit of constructive and open dialogue, we discussed issues in the government and agreed on ways to move forward -mb.
    — Masrour Barzani (@masrourbarzani) May 8, 2023
DPM Talabani also tweeted “I had a pleasant and productive lunch with PM Barzani today. Together, we are united in the belief that we can overcome our challenges, work towards better serving our citizens, and remain strong in the face of the many threats facing the Kurdistan Region,” he added.

    I had a pleasant and productive lunch with PM @MasrourBarzani today.
    Together, we are united in the belief that we can overcome our challenges, work towards better serving our citizens, and remain strong in the face of the many threats facing the Kurdistan Region.
    — Qubad Talabani (@qubadjt) May 8, 2023
The meeting between PM Barzani and his deputy comes after months of Talabani's Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) ministerial team boycotting the weekly cabinet sessions. ... dish-unity
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Re: Lahur Talabany should be includeded in election talks

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed May 10, 2023 11:01 pm

PUK return to KRG cabinet

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Following six months of boycotting the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) weekly council of ministers meetings, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) ministerial team will start attending the sessions next week, according to a senior PUK official

Sa’adi Ahmed Pira, a senior PUK member, announced the decision after the party’s leadership council convened on Tuesday, presided by the party’s President Bafel Jalal Talabani, to discuss the latest political developments in the region.

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani convenes a weekly council of ministers meetings. On Monday, for the first time in six months, PM Barzani met with his deputy, Qubad Talabani, in Erbil to discuss a path forward to resolving outstanding issues through dialogue.

The meeting was widely welcomed by the US, UK, and the Netherlands, who had for months urged both sides to overcome the impasse and work together.

The KRG ninth cabinet, headed by PM Barzani, is a coalition government, including members from the KDP, PUK, Change Movement, Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party, and Iraqi Turkmen Front.

Revenue management and security concerns were among the grievances that caused recent tensions between two leading parties, who also control the lion’s share of the parliamentary seats.

Both the premier and President Nechirvan Barzani had previously called on the PUK team to return to the cabinet sessions, where they could address their concerns rather than isolating themselves.

Analysts believe a tension-free KDP-PUK relationship could be a source of stability for the Kurdistan Region, whose sixth parliamentary election hinges on the agreement of the major parties. ... y-official
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Re: Lahur Talabany is legally joint head of PUK

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat May 13, 2023 12:45 am

KDP to meet all parties

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The political bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in a statement on Friday expressed the party’s readiness to hold meetings with all political parties in the Kurdistan Region whose feuding is jeopardizing parliamentary elections scheduled for November

“We express our complete readiness to meet with all the parties, without any difference,” read the statement, explaining that their decision was made with a sense of national responsibility and in line with a call made by KDP leader Masoud Barzani a day earlier.

Barzani, speaking during the inauguration of the Barzani National Memorial in Erbil province's Barzan region, urged all parties to hold comprehensive meetings as soon as possible so problems can be “discussed and resolved sincerely, responsibly and in a Kurdistani manner” before May 18 - six months ahead of the scheduled vote.

The electoral commission has warned that they need six months in order to prepare for the vote. “If all the parties do not come to an agreement before May 18, problems may arise in front of conducting elections. ‎The Kurdistan parliament's presidency must carry out its legal duties and give the amended election law to the commission,” commission spokesperson Sherwan Zrar said in late April.

Parliamentary elections are scheduled for November 18, over a year late. The vote was postponed due to disagreements between the parties over the electoral law and reactivation of the electoral commission.

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), the KDP’s longtime rival and partner in government, wants to amend the electoral law, which it says is unfair with Sulaimani’s share of parliamentary seats not proportional to its population. It also wants to adopt a multi-constituency system. Seats reserved for minorities are another a sticking point.

“According to the old law, Erbil received five more seats than it was entitled to. Sulaimani received eight fewer seats than it deserved, and Duhok received three more seats than it was entitled to,” Razgar Haji Hama, head of the PUK’s election agency, said on Tuesday.

Tensions between KDP and PUK over the election, as well as transparency around oil revenues and local income in the provinces under their respective influence, have led the PUK to boycott weekly cabinet meetings headed by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani.

On Monday PM Barzani and Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, who is a senior PUK member, had their first public meeting in over six months. They agreed to resolve ongoing issues through dialogue and cooperation between all parties.

Despite working together in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), the two parties have established control over different parts of the Region, often referred to as the “Yellow Zone,” Erbil and Duhok provinces where the KDP dominates, and the “Green Zone,” Sulaimani and Halabja provinces where the PUK rules.
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Re: Lahur Talabany must be involved in elections

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue May 16, 2023 11:07 pm

Barzani’s initiative to solve issues

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Bafel Talabani, from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), in a presser on Tuesday welcomed Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) President Masoud Barzani’s initiative to solve outstanding issues in the Kurdistan Region

"This initiative is the right thing and we are very happy with it. This is what people expect from President Masoud Barzani," Talabani said in response to Kurdistan 24 reporter Aram Bakhtiar.

Talabani also thanked President Barzani for asking about his health after undergoing several minor surgeries.

KDP President Barzani at the inauguration of the Barzani National Memorial on Thursday called on all Kurdish political parties to meet before May 18 to resolve all outstanding issues.

Regarding the recent PUK and KDP meeting, he described today's meeting as very positive. They plan to visit other political parties together with the KDP.

He also stated that the PUK and KDP can complement each other in many different ways if they get closer to each other.

"The KDP and Masrour Barzani's government have made a brave decision and considered the views of all sides to serve Kurdistan well," Talabani said.

Today, members of the political offices of the KDP and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) met in Sulaimani, following months of tensions on a number of issues.

He added that setting the salaries as a priority and distributing them fairly are two positive steps of the Kurdistan Regional Government, and thanked Masrour Barzani, Qubad Talabani, and those who made this decision.

Chaired by PM Barzani, the KRG cabinet held its weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister, Qubad Talabani, and the PUK ministers. ... tan-Region

Lahur Talabany was illegally thrown out of his joint leadership position by Bafel Talabani and should be reinstated
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Re: Lahur Talabany must be involved in elections

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri May 19, 2023 9:44 pm

KDP, PUK meet on Sunday

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan 24 has learned that the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) politburos will meet on Sunday in Erbil

Meanwhile, a delegation of the KDP Political Bureau led by Fazil Mirani, the Secretary of the KDP Politburo, has started a round of visits to the Kurdistan Region political parties.

Today, Mirani met with the Kurdistan Justice Group, the Kurdistan Islamic Union, the Communist Party of Kurdistan, the Assyrian Democratic Movement and the Turkmen Front.

The main topic of their discussions were the upcoming Kurdistan Region parliamentary elections.

Tensions between the Region’s main partners in the Kurdistan Regional Government's ninth cabinet in recent months centered around administrative and financial management of Sulaimani, PUK’s stronghold.

The tensions led to a series of wars of words between the two sides. This led the PUK team to pull out of KRG cabinet sessions for six months.

Following a meeting between Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and his Deputy Qubad Jalal Talabani from the PUK, tensions began to wane, leading to the party's return to the Cabinet sessions on Sunday.

This week, the cabinet adopted the Restructuring Public Finances bill, in which all PUK concerns were addressed, including the collection of revenues in a centralized manner and redistribution of them proportionate to each of the four provinces’ populations.

The two parties on Monday welcomed the draft law and expressed their support for its implementation.

The normalization of ties between the two sides has been widely welcomed by the Region’s allies, including the US, UK, and the Netherlands. ... -on-Sunday

Lahur Talabany must be reinstated as joint leader of PUK

We ALL know what Bafel Talabani did by pushing Lahur Talabany from office was illegal

We ALL know the terrible things Bafel Talabani has done

Yet nobody does anything to right the wrongs done by the EVIL Bafel
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Re: Lahur Talabany must be reinstated as joint leader of PUK

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon May 22, 2023 12:10 am

KDP, PUK share

(Kurdistan 24) – The Kurdistan Region’s two ruling parties, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) shared a “positive understanding” on numerous outstanding issues, a joint statement revealed on Sunday

A senior PUK delegation visited their KDP counterparts in Pirmam, Erbil province, to discuss numerous issues, including the upcoming Kurdistan Region parliamentary election set for November 18, 2023.

The party leaders discussed holding the regional elections “on time,” according to the statement, adding other topics require further discussions in upcoming meetings.

Sunday’s meeting is the second of its kind between the two parties in less than a week, following months of tensions.

The parties restarted talks following a recent initiative by KDP President Masoud Barzani, calling for a national dialogue among all the parties in the region, particularly the KDP and PUK, the main components of the current Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) ninth cabinet.

The parties are still discussing the reactivation of the electoral high commission and amendments to the elections law.

In a press conference on Sunday, the KDP parliamentary bloc in the Kurdistan Region said they agreed to all the “conditions” presented by other parties for the sake of holding the elections on time. ... any-issues
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Re: Lahur Talabany must be reinstated as joint leader of PUK

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon May 22, 2023 11:01 pm

Reactivation of electoral commission

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan Region Prime Minister, Masrour Barzani, on Monday, visited the Akre district where he delivered a speech and addressed many outstanding issues

The Prime Minister announced the implementation of several projects in Akre.

For instance, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has allocated 24 billion dinars to implement projects in both Akre and Bardarash districts to fund water, sewerage, streets, roads, schools, and other projects.

“There are two strategic projects: the first is the construction of the Ismawa and Bakrman dams, and the second is the Mandawa dam, which is on the Great Zab between Erbil and here [Akre],” Barzani added.

Another project is the establishment of Akre and Garmiyan University.

Kurdistan Region Premier commended the religious coexistence in the Akre.

PM Barzani also addressed Erbil-Baghdad relations. “We tried hard to strike an agreement with the new government of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ Al-Sudani on oil, the budget, and other issues in dispute between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region.”

“We have done whatever is necessary for the Kurdistan Region,” he reaffirmed.

He urged the Iraqi federal government to keep its promises and implement the agreement they reached. This agreement “will not only serve the Kurdistan Region but all of Iraq."

The Prime Minister said they are waiting for the passage of the federal budget by the Iraqi parliament, “which will open another door of the economy.”

Regarding the internal situation in the Kurdistan Region, Prime Minister Barzani reiterated the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) President Masoud Barzani’s call on all Kurdish political parties to resolve all outstanding issues peacefully and through dialogue.

Moreover, the Kurdistan Region Premier congratulated the Kurdistan Region’s parliament members for reactivating the Kurdistan Region electoral commission.

“The decision confirms that the Kurdish people believe in elections and democratic processes,” Barzani said.

As part of his visit, the Premier also highlighted the region's agricultural and tourism potential, as well as its strategic location connecting Erbil, Duhok, and Mosul.

“Akre is home to a resilient people and proud history. Their needs will be met,” Barzani tweeted following the visit.

“And that’s why today we announced new funding and projects for the city,” he added. ... commission
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