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Israel and Lebanon!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:09 pm
Author: Rubar
Comon guys

the world cup has been over for sometime. meanwhile there are lots of things happening such as israel attacking lebanon. I wanted to know how people feel about this. What are you views.

If you ask me, Hizbullah has to go. There is no room for organisations such as Hizbullah. This i think is in the long term interest of the lebanese people as well.

Turkey on the other hand is attempting to draw parallels with Hizbullah and PKK. What is interesting about Turkish stance is that their prime minister condemned Israel yet they want to go out and do the same thing. However, the similarities are not as much as some people have claimed it to be. Once thing, PKK is not attacking Turkish cities from the south. There is no rockets being fired from the free Kurdistan area. Turkish state aims to destroy the gains made in the south by permanently occupying south Kurdistan.

I will be interested to know what everybody thinks about this.



PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:42 pm
Author: Tirigan
Israel will attack Syria and Iran (maybe also Turkye) very, very soon. This is what I have to say. And I can’t wait! It’s a pity we will lose a lot of our brothers but we will gain our country Kurdistan.

Turkye is on the same side as Iran and Syria. Turkye belongs to axis of evil. I’m just hoping that Russia will stay out of this conflict.

Thank you Israel. Thank you USA.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:05 pm
Author: dyaoko
I dont think Israel attacked lebanon just to rescure two soldiers...
there are possiblitlies...
may be they are going to have more pressure on iran to give up atomic program...but before that , they want to destroy iran's slave near israel.
I remember hizbollah had said, If israel attack iran atomic bulidings, they will lunch rocket to israel.

just imagine, that israel want to attack to iran's atomic builidings...iran would order hizbollhah which is sponsored by iran, to attack israel. then israel would have to fight with two , Iran and hizbollah [and also syria] at the same time, and that could make other countries into war with israel and would make it impossible to win the war .

they want to delete hizbollah or make them leave the border, so they can put pressure on iran to give up atomic program and control iran so iran dont have any possilbility to use hizbollah .

they also want to make lebebnese peopel be SICK of hizzbollah, and not support them anymore...
thats what I think,

and trigian, israel will never attack turkey, I am sure, they are selling billions of dollars of weapons to turkey and it is an ALLEY of Israel .[not even a friend]

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:04 pm
Author: Tirigan
dyaoko wrote:and trigian, israel will never attack turkey, I am sure, they are selling billions of dollars of weapons to turkey and it is an ALLEY of Israel .[not even a friend]
And Russia is selling a lot of weapons to Iran. and it doesn't mean they are allies. It s just all about money...

BTW. Israel will not attack Turkye. I was just fooling around. :wink:

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:48 pm
Author: dyaoko
well Moneys make alleys...the only reason that iran is still playing game with world about nuclear program is Russia and China who support iran .

and turkish israel connectino are not just money.
they think turkey is a secular - anti relligous - government and they paraise it .

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:31 pm
Author: Tirigan
dyaoko wrote:they think turkey is a secular - anti relligous - government and they paraise it .

Turkye is anti-Semitic country. Turkye never helped Jews about Arab case in Israel. Israel will never forget when their synagogues were bombed by Turkish agents.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 9:23 pm
Author: Piling
Israel will never forget when their synagogues were bombed by Turkish agents.

When ? :shock:

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 10:24 pm
Author: Tirigan

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:00 am
Author: Piling
They were Turkish or Kurdish islamists, but what makes you say thet they worked for the State ? Turkish government has nothing to win by attacking its few Jewish minority.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:09 pm
Author: Tirigan
1) Party of Erdogan is fundamentalistic. A couple weeks ago his first advisor was almost arrested because he was deposing personal money on terror Muslim fundamentalist party. But because of Erdogan he was not prosecuted.
Erdogan is working with Hamas, Iran, Pakistan and other terrorist fundamentalist parties.

2) After the blasts of synagogues in Turkye Israel wanted it’s own researchers with own people from Israel. But Turkye didn’t gave them green light. Bibi Netanjahu said than that he understood everything and since than relation with Turkye became worse.
Jews are against entry of Turkye to EU according them Turksss are not treating religious minorities especially Jewish one well. My family has a lot contact with Georgian Jews in Israel and according them everybody in Israel knows that Turkish government was involved in those deadly blasts.

But hey of course there was never official statement that Turkish state blew up synagogues. :lol: :wink:

PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:00 pm
Author: zurderer
But hey of course there was never official statement that Turkish state blew up synagogues.

You are realy stupid, arent you? With that synagogues other places attacked, and 50 people died because of this terrorist attack. But well after all, a terrorist(with limited mind) cannot understand this.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:42 pm
Author: Tirigan
Turkye don’t give any shit about lives of Turksss. If Turkish government loved their people they stopped fighting Kurds 50 years ago. Every day we kill soldiers of Turkish occupation army and Turkish government is not doing anything about it! They can stop blood shedding by talking with us.

Once (about 10-13 years ago) Turkish agents killed real Turkish family in Germany. And they blamed PKK for it.

They also tried to kill own people in Belgium, but Belgians arrested those Turkish secret agent bastards. Here in Holland after this incident our formal president send Turkish ambassador back to Turkye. According Europeans European had enough with dirty games of the Turksss.

This is just 1 incident. Turkish government is killing own citizens and giving blame the Kurds every day. This is not new. This aint no work any more.

The only way out for the Turksss is letting Kurds free! Are you ready to do it voluntary or we must kill 1 million of you bastards first?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:06 am
Author: Piling
I can't see the relation between bombing synagogues and fighting Kurds... But these theories of "Deep State" have always a great success, as we could see...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:48 am
Author: zurderer
Turkye don’t give any shit about lives of Turksss. If Turkish government loved their people they stopped fighting Kurds 50 years ago. Every day we kill soldiers of Turkish occupation army and Turkish government is not doing anything about it! They can stop blood shedding by talking with us.

realy? If you are not ready for war, you wont ever find peace. Plus talking with you? I didnot know you have any bit control over pkk, do you?

Let me tell you what pkk want, It only want to resque their criminal leader, so sorry, you cannot resque criminal with killing innocents. His life will end at jail, hopefully in short time.

Once (about 10-13 years ago) Turkish agents killed real Turkish family in Germany. And they blamed PKK for it.

Bla,bla. do you want to tell me, pkk wont kill innocents?

The only way out for the Turksss is letting Kurds free! Are you ready to do it voluntary or we must kill 1 million of you bastards first?

You are talking about killing not me, as I said before, I wont care, If kurds built their own country, Of course If they take 10 million of their brothers at Turkish land, otherwise I am against it.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:51 am
Author: missIndependent