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Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Apr 17, 2024 6:56 pm

Amnesty exposes US, UK complicity
    in torture-ridden SDF camps

Amnesty International exposes in a new report the involvement of the US and the UK in detaining thousands, including British citizens, in camps and facilities controlled by the US-backed SDF in northeastern Syria, where disease, torture, and mortality rates are near-unprecedented

The report indicates that the Western-backed SDF is accountable for widespread human rights abuses against individuals detained since the conclusion of the ground war against the Islamic State (ISIS) over five years ago.

Amnesty asserts that the US plays a significant role in various aspects of the detention system, which comprises a minimum of 27 underreported facilities where suspected ISIS affiliates are detained, including the al-Hawl and Roj camps.

As per the report, among the 56,000 detainees are 30,000 children and 14,500 women, along with over 20 UK nationals. Additionally, individuals who have been deprived of their British citizenship are included, notably Shamima Begum, who was 15 years old when she left East London to join the ISIS and is currently located in the Roj camp.

In further detail, the report reveals that the United Kingdom has allocated more than £15 million to support the enlargement of a significant detention facility operated by the SDF, known as Panorama. This facility detains males, including boys, who are reported to be suffering from inadequate access to food and medical care, leading to a rise in illnesses and diseases. Amnesty highlights a distressing tuberculosis outbreak within the facility, with one to two deaths occurring each week as a result.

UK urged to stop blocking repatriation amid torture reports

Sacha Deshmukh, the charity’s UK chief executive, said: “Continued inaction from the government amounts to connivance in the unlawful detention of UK nationals amid misery, disease and possible death."

“The UK government has a responsibility for all its citizens, including Shamima Begum, which it can’t cast off when that might suit it,” he added.

He urged the UK to cease obstructing the repatriation of its citizens and to assist in establishing a fair procedure for determining who should be released and for bringing ISIS criminals to justice.

The report, which features interviews with 126 present or former detainees, presents distressing accounts of torture.

Yusuf (pseudonym), one of eight individuals held in an SDF detention center near al-Shaddadi city, who provided testimony to Amnesty, said: “The worst was when they came inside the room … carrying plastic pipes, cables, steel pipes, and they beat us everywhere … Every 15 days, they would take us out, in the yard, all naked … [The guards] were raping people with [a] stick … Once they took me [out of the cell] with another guy … They brought an electricity cable from the generator, and they kept torturing us by electricity … I think the guy next to me died. He stopped moving and screaming.”

Another detainee mentioned that during a visit by US soldiers to the facility in December 2021, "they were able to see the blood on the wall."

Amnesty exposes horrors, urges US accountability

The report highlights significant levels of gender-based violence within al-Hawl, which includes assaults on women by IS affiliates for perceived moral violations and instances of sexual exploitation by security forces and private individuals. Additionally, women have been unlawfully separated from their children.

    Amnesty notes that among those detained in the detention system are victims of ISIS, including survivors of the Yazidi genocide, individuals subjected to forced marriage to ISIS members, and victims of child recruitment
Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s secretary general, said: “The US government has played a central role in the creation and maintenance of this system in which hundreds have died preventable deaths, and must play a role in changing it.”

It is worth noting that the Syrian areas under the control of the SDF are experiencing a continuous deterioration in the living conditions, with frequent demonstrations denouncing the marginalization of the Arab clans in the region, with the US-backed forces being accused of stealing oil and depriving the people of their right to obtain fuel, which led to the deterioration of agriculture and the economy and the spread of unemployment among the people. ... n-sdf-camp
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE



Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Apr 19, 2024 9:36 am

US forces stole more oil from Syria

SANA states that the 45-tanker US convoy carried oil stolen from the al-Jazeera oil fields into northern Iraq through the illegal al-Mahmoudia crossing

Citing local sources, Syria’s official news agency SANA reported that US military forces smuggled a new consignment of stolen Syrian oil to its bases in Iraq.

It stated that the 45-tanker US convoy carried oil stolen from the al-Jazeera oil fields into northern Iraq through the “illegal” al-Mahmoudia crossing.

Back in November, a rocket strike targeted the US occupation base in the Conoco gas field, northeast of Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria, in response to the American aggression on the cities of al-Mayadeen and al-Bukamal.

US troops claim to be occupying the area in order to rid the region of terrorists, yet the US has strategically implanted itself there for the purposes of stealing Syria's natural resources as well as destabilizing President Bashar al-Assad's government.

In December of 2022, Syria's foreign ministry said the US occupation forces and their affiliated military groups' systematic lootings of Syrian oil, wheat, and other national resources have amounted to direct losses valued at $25.9 billion and indirect losses valued at over $86 billion.

Trump had commented on the US troops' illegal presence in Syria, blatantly declaring, “We’re keeping [Syria’s] oil. We have the oil. The oil is secure. We left troops behind only for the oil.” ... ses-in-ira
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:56 pm

Kurdish Writer Kidnapped by PYD

A Kurdish writer and poet has been abducted by forces from the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in the town of Darbasiya, Hasakah province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on Sunday

The SOHR report raises concerns that Ghamgin Ramo may face torture or become one of the many individuals who have gone missing in similar circumstances.

In recent months, the PYD has been implicated in numerous arrests and kidnappings, particularly targeting journalists, activists, and members of the Kurdish National Council in Syria (ENKS). The arrests have sparked fears of increasing repression by the PYD in areas under their control.

In early July, widespread protests erupted in .Western Kurdistan, also known as Rojava, against the ongoing detentions and abductions carried out by groups affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

    During these protests, PYD forces reportedly kidnapped several high-ranking members of the ENKS, including Suleiman Oso, the president of the council, and other prominent figures
The protests were marked by violence, with PKK-affiliated youths reportedly attacking demonstrators, resulting in injuries to Naif Abdullah, a leader in the Kurdistan Democratic Party-Syria, lawyer Mohammad Mustafa, a leader in the Kurdish Yekiti Party - Syria, and several other participants.
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:19 pm

Kirkuk Leadership Elections

The leader of the Sovereignty Alliance in Kirkuk has stated at a news conference that Kirkuk is a diverse city where everyone should participate in the formation of the local government. He has accused the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) of disrupting negotiations and making unilateral decisions in the province

Khalid Mafraji, the head of the Arab-led Sovereignty Alliance in Kirkuk province, mentioned that their alliance had formed a bloc with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Turkmen, as well as other parties, to secure a majority in the council.

"However, because the PUK was not with us, we did not meet in the past few days and postponed the meeting at the request of the Iraqi Prime Minister," he stated.

"We have not severed ties with any party in the negotiations. We held talks with the PUK, and they demanded the governor's post. The KDP and the Turkmen also sought the post," Mafraji noted.

Furthermore, Khalid Mafraji explained that they won a majority in the council and planned to meet, but then the PUK refused to participate on the grounds that the meeting must be closed.

"Unfortunately, the PUK made a dictatorial decision and disrupted the negotiations. In the last few days, there was an agreement among the Arab leaders, and we decided to attend the meeting together," he said.

"Mohammed Hafez, who was a former leader of the Sovereignty Alliance, was removed from the council due to deviation and non-compliance," he added.

The PUK, the Turkmen Front, and several Arab members of the Kirkuk Provincial Council elected the governor and the speaker of the provincial council in Baghdad on Saturday night. Rebwar Taha, a Kurd from the PUK, was elected as the new Kirkuk governor, and Mohammed Hafez was elected as the speaker of the Kirkuk Provincial Council.

Before the meeting, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Turkmen Front, and Arab coalition factions in the Kirkuk Provincial Council refused to participate, calling it "illegal."

Meanwhile, the United Turkmen Front in Iraq (UTI) has stated that the meeting to elect the governor and speaker of the Kirkuk Provincial Council in Baghdad violates the law and agreements and will file a complaint in court to annul the decisions.

"What happened last night at the Rashid Hotel in Baghdad is a violation of the law," Hassan Turan, leader of the United Turkmen Front in Iraq, told a news conference.

"Our first comment is on the formation of the Kirkuk local administration outside the structure of the Kirkuk Provincial Coalition formed by the Sudanese Prime Minister," he added.

He also noted that the meeting contradicts Article 4, Paragraph 13 of the Provincial Council Election Law, which states that "the distribution of powers must be a fair representation to ensure the participation of the provincial communities, taking into account the election results."

"Although the meeting at the Rashid Hotel was held without the agreement of the communities in Baghdad and without the presence of the Turkmen community, this violates the text of the minutes of the first meeting of the Kirkuk Provincial Council on July 11," Turan explained.

"Therefore, the meeting to elect the governor and council speaker is a flagrant violation of the law. Everyone knows that the meeting was held without the knowledge and invitation of the Speaker of the Provincial Council. We will resort to the judiciary to annul any decisions made at the meeting at the Rashid Hotel," the Turkmen leader indicated.

He also criticized some political leaders, saying that they have turned Kirkuk into a bargaining chip for their own benefit, which has nothing to do with serving the people of Kirkuk. Voters do not recognize the election results and electoral balance. We have also filed a lawsuit in the Federal Court to re-audit the voter registry for the upcoming elections.

"Some believe that solving Kirkuk's problems involves merely distributing posts. However, the fundamental issues in Kirkuk require organizing and restoring trust between communities. We believe that what was done on Saturday night undermines that trust," he said.

"As Turkmens of Kirkuk, we are concerned about the peaceful coexistence of communities in Kirkuk and the restoration of trust between them. Six months ago, we submitted our proposal to the parties because the problems in Kirkuk have deep roots and involve economic, land, and joint administration issues that require the agreement of all communities."

Everyone knows the TRUTH

The Arabs who live in Kirkuk on STOLEN Kurdish land should be removed from Kirkuk

Sadam ILLEGALLY drove Kurds from their homes, lands and businesses

When Sadam was executed for his crimes against humanity, especially the slaughter of Kurds, the Arabs should have been removed from Kirkuk

Israel is doing what Sadam did only on a much larger scale

Pushing people from their homes and lands in order to control same is ILLEGAL
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:14 pm

Western Kurdistan considers delaying
    local elections indefinitely
Northeast Syria (Western Kurdistan) authorities are discussing an indefinite delay of local elections amid Turkey’s military threats, if Kurds go ahead with the vote, an informed source revealed on Tuesday

“Yesterday, we discussed the matter with the autonomous administration. We believe that these elections should not be held at this time. There is no need to set any date for the elections at all,” the leader of one of the Kurdish parties who took part in the meeting with the Western Kurdistan authorities, told Rudaw English on Tuesday, on the condition of anonymity.

“Western Kurdistan is experiencing a very sensitive situation. We should delay the elections to a suitable time so that we can have a successful process,” the source continued.

The politician added that he told the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES) officials and the electoral body that now is not suitable for local elections.

Sinam Mohamad, the ruling Syrian Democratic Council’s (SDC) representative to the US, told Rudaw English on Tuesday that some political parties “have requested the postponement [of the elections]. However, no decisions have been made so far.”

The SDC is the political arm of the US-allied Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) - the de facto army of Western Kurdistan.

The polls were initially set for June 11. They were delayed to August after Turkish opposition and threats to carry out a military offensive against the Kurdish enclave, if they did not delay the vote.

The United States has also called on Western Kurdistan authorities not to proceed with the vote, citing a lack of fair and free conditions.

DAANES said in June that the postponement was a response to the demands of the political parties participating in the elections and “to implement the polls in a democratic manner.”

“I believe that the elections will not be held in August and will be postponed to a suitable date,” noted the source, stating that the authorities shared their stance that the polls should be delayed indefinitely. “Hence, I believe the elections will be postponed indefinitely.”

A top Western Kurdistan official on Tuesday confirmed to Rudaw English on the condition of anonymity, due to the sensitivity of the subject, that there was a meeting between DAANES and participating parties regarding the future of the elections, adding that no date has been set for the polls yet.

According to the municipal elections law, the political parties should be given 20 days to campaign for the polls. Therefore, the elections are not possible in August - unless the authorities make an exception and breach the law - and have been effectively delayed again.

People’s and Women’s Alliance for Freedom, which includes the ruling Democratic Union Party (PYD), the Together for Better Services alliance and four other political parties are racing for municipal seats.

The Kurdish National Council (ENKS/KNC), an umbrella group of main opposition parties in Western Kurdistan, are boycotting the elections. The ENKS, which is a member of the Turkey-backed Syrian opposition, does not recognize the Kurdish administration.

Sulaimani Oso, ENKS leader, told Rudaw English in late May that elections will not be fair because the PYD is militarily powerful and claimed that thousands of security force members will be forced to vote for the ruling party’s candidates.

PYD is the political army of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) - backbone of the SDF. ... /200820241

Poor Western Kurdistan has been bullied and torn apart :((
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Sep 06, 2024 10:36 pm

Remembering the Amûde cinema fire

Mothers grieve for their children who died in the fire

On 13 November 1960 hundreds of Kurdish schoolchildren, most of whom were under the age of 14, perished in a blaze at a cinema in Amûde, Syria. Death tolls vary between 180 and 300 children. No one knows for sure except that almost every family in Amûde lost a child that day.

The Egyptian horror film ‘The Midnight Ghost’ was playing. The director of the subdistrict of Amûde had ordered that all elementary aged schoolchildren attend the film. Algeria at that time was fighting for its independence from France and proceeds from the film were to be donated to the Algerians.

This was the last showing of the day and 500 children packed into the wood, straw and clay structure that was designed to hold 200. Most were crammed in next to each other on long benches; many stood where they could find room. The projector had been running all day showing the Egyptian film to hundreds of others. In this last screening it overheated and burst into flames, igniting the projection room. Flames spread quickly through the building.

The children inside panicked. They ran towards the exits—two narrow doors only 80cms wide—falling and tripping over one another. The doors opened inward and with the children inside piled up against the doors they could not open them.

Amûde had no fire department. Engines were called in from Qamişlo and Hesîçe (al-Hasakeh), but arrived too late.

After the fire; examining the ruined cinema

Eyewitnesses at the time said that the projectionist and owners of the cinema had left after the fire broke out and the doors had been blocked from the outside. They also said that when parents and residents attempted to save the lives of the children trapped inside, the police stopped them claiming it was ‘too dangerous.’ However, one local resident, Mihemed Deqorî, managed to save 11 children from the blaze but perished while trying to rescue a twelfth.

Kurdish sources estimate 283 to 300 perished in the cinema fire. An Egyptian newspaper Akhir Daqiqah cited 200 dead and 450 injured. The Egyptian magazine al-Musawir reported 180 dead and 121 injured. Many of the seriously injured children later succumbed to their injuries.

This tragedy took place during the short-lived union of Syria and Egypt—the United Arab Republic (1958-1961). Kurds were seen as a major threat to the pan-Arab unity project and anti-Kurdish sentiment ran high. Political and cultural activities of minority groups were closely monitored; Egyptian teachers were sent to the region.

It was through this lens that allegations surfaced by the Kurdish population and Syrian-Kurdish parties that the fire was a deliberate attack on the Kurds, motivated by anti-Kurdish sentiment. The KurdWatch Report on the fire states that ‘there is no concrete evidence that the fire and subsequent catastrophe was anything other than an accident caused by inadequate safety measures.’ Rather, it says, that events at the time gave rise this interpretation.

The facts surrounding the cause of the blaze were never established and there has been no closure. Fifty years later, there is still an ongoing ban on any public commemoration of those who died in the fire.

https://kurdistancommentary.wordpress.c ... nema-fire/
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Sep 06, 2024 10:46 pm

Rebuilding tragic theater

Efforts are underway in northeast Syria, Western Kurdistan, to rebuild a cinema that was destroyed by fire nearly 64 years ago, an inferno that killed hundreds of children

The Amuda municipality broke ground to reconstruct the cinema, local broadcaster Orkesh FM reported on Wednesday in a Facebook post with photos and videos showing excavations and the planned footprint of the cinema in northeastern Hasaka province.

The old theater in the Kurdish town, known for its arts and culture, showed international, regional, and local films for years before it tragically went up in flames on November 13, 1960, killing more than 200 children, according to local and international news reports.

Locals have recounted that it was common for school-aged children to be invited to theaters for films shown for entertainment, learning, or political propaganda. Theories on the cause of the fire range from an accident to arson to an overheating, malfunctioning movie projector. At the time, the country was part of the United Arab Republic and the following year there was a coup d’etat.

Doreen Daqouri, technical supervisor at Amuda municipality, said that the project will cost $346,326,

As Syria has been engulfed in conflict since 2011, officials in Western Kurdistan have sought to establish autonomy. The region boycotted elections held by Damascus this year. ... /050920241
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Sep 25, 2024 9:45 pm

Western Kurdistan frees 1,520 prisoners

The Kurdish authorities in Western Kurdistan decreed general amnesty on Tuesday for thousands of prisoners, excluding fighters and others who have committed violence

According to a statement from the Democratic Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria (DAANES), "1,120 of them were released in several batches immediately after the amnesty law was issued [on September 24]."

The amnesty excludes those who fought against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the leaders and trainers of terrorist organizations, and those guilty of bombings, treason, and espionage.

Western Kurdistan is sadly controlled by the Kurdish-led SDF, the partnered ground force in Syria of the US-led international coalition against the Islamic State (ISIS).

“Only those whose hands were not stained with the blood of Syrians,” are included, according to the statement which cited violations of DAANES law.

The remaining 400 convicts will be released after serving half of their sentences, provided their crime is covered by the amnesty law and “after ensuring their good conduct during the period [of their sentences],” the statement detailed.

Authorities said they pardoned 35 of the 63 female prisoners being held.

Following the military defeat of ISIS in Syria in Baghouz and Hajin in early 2019, the SDF detained tens of thousands fighters, their families, violent criminals, and others for breaking the laws of the autonomous administration.

Iraqis and Syrians make up the majority of the 40,000 people who have been held at the al-Hol camp in Hasaka province. Iraq announced last week that it is in the process of repatriating 4,000 people from al-Hol, but those who have committed violent crimes would not be granted return to the country.

The camp is a breeding ground for terrorism

In July, Western Kurdistan authorities decreed another amnesty, saying it was a response to requests from tribal leaders during a May forum. It aimed to provide reintegration opportunities for individuals who also had not committed violence.

On Monday, Syrian state media reported that President Bashar al-Assad issued a decree to grant general amnesty for offenses prior to September 22, including obligatory military service breaches, deserting the military, and misdemeanors.

Assad’s reported amnesty does not include those guilty of “serious assault on society and the state, bribery, some misdemeanors of forgery, attacks on public morals, and some types of theft.”
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Oct 12, 2024 12:57 pm

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) General Command issued a statement to mark the ninth anniversary of their establishment (10 October 2015)

The statement said: "Our SDF forces are based on a great legacy of the blood and sacrifices of the martyrs of the Women Protections Units YPJ and the People Protection Units YPG, as well as on a huge number of victories and successful military campaigns achieved thanks to the courage of thousands of young men and women in the regions of North and Eastern Syria Region and the loyalty and dedication of the people who gave everything for the victory of the revolution. On this occasion, as we remember all our heroic martyrs, we congratulate our people, our fighters, and all the peoples who yearn for freedom."

The statement continued: "The formation of the Syrian Democratic Forces is the culmination of a great march started by our people, where a lot of experience, wisdom, patience, courage, self-confidence and belief in victory have accumulated in the hearts of the fighters and the people of Rojava, who did not trust any party.

Therefore, talking about the establishment of the Syrian Democratic Forces cannot have any value without going back to history and recalling all the events and battles that preceded that establishment with its difficulties, challenges, and victories, as well as the sacrifices of the commanders and fighters of the units who defied all circumstances and faced challenges with determination and not retreat, even if it cost their lives away from personal interests and narrow perspectives.

The Syrian Democratic Forces were founded by sacrificial and courageous individuals, creative minds who learned from historical experiences and envisioned the future, and brave souls dedicated to protecting the people of the region and preserving the land’s dignity. At a time when other parties in Syria pursued their self-serving interests and were willing to compromise anything."

The statement added: "Apart from the material circumstances, the establishment of the Syrian Democratic Forces is an affirmation of the identity of the region and its components, therefore, The SDF was distinguished not only by its military strength and number of fighters but also by the identity it represented, the goals it pursued, and the principles its fighters upheld in their daily lives.

It truly embodied the essence of our society in north and eastern Syria, characterized by its resistance to tyranny and its sacrifices to protect freedom and dignity, no matter the extent or brutality of the attacks. When people in the region and the world discuss the SDF, they praise the courage and dedication of its fighters to their cause and the sacrifices they have made to protect the region and the world from terrorism and criminality.

There is no doubt that the SDF faced many difficulties and challenges during and after its establishment, starting with the armament and material challenges to attacks from various parties, most notably ISIS and the Turkish occupation state. However, these obstacles served as a test for the SDF’s national, moral, and humanitarian project. By overcoming these challenges and using them as motivation for further struggle and resistance, the SDF achieved significant victories and defeated hostile forces that attacked the region."

The statement underlined "the SDF’s ability to overcome difficulties and challenges demonstrated its strength and determination, providing a foundation upon which the aspirations and dreams of all components of the region could be built.

From this position, the SDF liberated one region after another, freeing millions of people and establishing a larger front to combat ISIS, the most powerful terrorist force.

The liberation of thousands of square kilometers, countless villages, and towns was not merely a numerical achievement. Still, it is the result of thousands of martyrs wounded SDF fighters, and countless moments of pain, joy, sacrifice, and battles to liberate millions of people held captive by ISIS and other terrorist forces.

Through the sacrifices of its fighters, the SDF has become a worldwide symbol of the region. Discussing the SDF is synonymous with discussing the region’s history, identity, diversity, and the courage of its young men and women.

Based on its achievements, the SDF and its regional components have established relationships with numerous international powers, most notably the international coalition. The SDF has become the central focus of discussions regarding the war against ISIS terrorism, recognized as the only force that, despite its modest material capabilities, defeated ISIS and expelled it from vast geographical areas, culminating in its military defeat at Baghouz."

The statement said that "nine years after its establishment, the SDF has grown stronger and more resilient in all areas, despite facing numerous challenges and attacks. It has made significant advancements in armament, increased its personnel, and enhanced its training and operational capabilities. Its fighters are highly disciplined, professional, and adept at creating appropriate conditions to prepare for any emergency.

The SDF’s experiences in recent years, during which it simultaneously faced attacks from the Turkish occupation, ISIS, and other hostile parties, have demonstrated its ability to adapt and overcome challenges. The SDF has not relied on pre-existing conditions but has created appropriate conditions and areas commensurate with its challenges, whether through new tactics in defense and attack, fortifications, training with advanced weapons, or building morale and material resources."

The statement continued: "The hostile parties’ attempts to eliminate the SDF through large-scale attacks, sowing discord, and plotting have failed. On the contrary, the SDF has become stronger, more resilient, and more determined than ever to achieve the goals and aspirations of its martyrs, protect the region and its people, and liberate the occupied areas. The SDF is committed to proving that attacks will only strengthen its resolve and determination.

Once again, we congratulate the families of our martyrs, our people, and all our fighters on the ninth anniversary of the Syrian Democratic Forces’ founding. We pledge them to achieve more honorable victories for a brighter tomorrow of Freedom and Dignity."

As for Western Kurdistan's dignity, I do NOT like the fact that SDF have ignored the name Western Kurdistan, the name of the area which produced many great leaders and for the freedom of which many thousands died.

Thousands of Kurds died fighting for an INDEPENDENT WESTERN KURDISTAN before most of the SDF members were even born

Western Kurdistan = Rojava Kurdistani


The world needs to know that the area is part of KURDISTAN

And as such, it proves Kurds are capable of ruling themselves

If Southern Kurdistan and Western Kurdistan are both capable of ruling themselves

Then it proves that the much larger Kurdish area of NORTHERN KURDISTAN is equally capable of SELF RULE

    Freedom and Dignity
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Oct 26, 2024 6:48 pm

SDF Attacks Turkish Base

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) launched a drone attack on a Turkish army base in the village of Aziziya near Tel Tamr in Western Kurdistan, according to local media on Saturday

Four Turkish soldiers were wounded, and several pieces of military equipment were destroyed in the attack.

The assault was in response to an earlier mortar attack by Turkish forces on the city of Qamishli in Western Kurdistan on Saturday morning. There were no reported casualties from that attack, but it remains unclear if there were any injuries.

On Thursday, the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that at least 27 people had been killed in recent Turkish strikes in Western Kurdistan. In an earlier statement, the Kurdish-controlled autonomous administration indicated that 14 of the 17 people killed were civilians, while three were security personnel.

Following the October 23 attack on the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ) facility in Ankara, which killed five people, Turkey conducted extensive air and artillery strikes in Western Syria, resulting in casualties and damage to infrastructure.

According to the internal security branch of the Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of Western Kurdistan, Turkish forces have conducted 685 strikes across the region, spanning a 500-kilometer section of the Turkey-Syria border. Among the targets of these strikes were reportedly various civilian and military sites, including gas and energy facilities, oil stations, medical centers, bakeries, and grain silos.

According to SOHR, Turkey has carried out at least 103 drone strikes on areas controlled by the Kurdish-led administration since the start of the year. These strikes have killed at least 34 people and injured more than 37 militia members and 18 civilians, including three women and three children.
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Oct 27, 2024 1:26 am

The will of the peoples will triumph

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of Western Kurdistan (DAANES) made a written statement on the attacks of the Turkish state against the region

According to the statement on Saturday, civilian settlements, infrastructure and service institutions were targeted in the attacks that have been going on for the last three days, “Today, many areas in Amûdê city, education and construction facilities, settlements such as Til Temir and Gir Ziro were bombed.”

DAANES said that many civilians were wounded and martyred in the intensified attacks of the Turkish state on the region, emphasising that these attacks created deep uneasiness among the people.

DAANES pointed out that the aim was to weaken the economy of Western Kurdistan and to aggravate the current embargo against the region, especially by targeting the service infrastructure. Due to the attacks, especially health services, fuel, mills and many other institutions went out of service, and basic services such as fuel and food supply came to a standstill, the statement noted.

The statement said that 17 civilians, including children, were martyred and 48 people were wounded in the latest wave of attacks in recent days. Pointing out that the attacks continued under the silence of the international coalition forces, Russia and other parties, DAANES said: “This situation shows that the process has taken a dangerous turn.

It is clear that the Turkish state will try every means to undermine the fight against terrorism, incite chaos and prepare the ground for humanitarian disaster. A strong and responsible stance must be taken against these attacks.”

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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Oct 28, 2024 3:40 pm

Turkish Airstrikes on Western Kurdistan
    Kill 18, Wound Over 65
The Syrian Kurdish Internal Security Forces, known as Asayish and affiliated with the Democratic Union Party (PYD), announced on Sunday the killing of 18 people and the wounding of more than 65 others, including soldiers and civilians, as a result of Turkish airstrikes that targeted military, oil, and service centers in Western Kurdistan in recent days

The Asayish stated in a message obtained by BasNews that the Turkish attacks resulted in the deaths of 18 individuals, including 4 soldiers, and injuries to 65 others, including 14 soldiers.

It also pointed out that the region's services, vitality, and infrastructure were targeted, causing significant damage.

The Turkish army reported on Sunday the destruction of 157 sites associated with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the People's Defense Units (YPG) in the region of Western Kurdistan, following the Ankara attack.

The Turkish airstrikes on military, service, and oil sites in Western Kurdistan are in response to an operation carried out by the PKK, which resulted in the deaths of 5 people and injuries to 22 others, according to the Turkish Interior Minister.

Turkey launched airstrikes against targets linked to Kurdish fighters in Iraq and Syria after Wednesday's shooting and suicide attack at a defense firm near the Turkish capital.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that the attackers infiltrated from neighboring Syria and vowed there would be no let-up in the fight against Kurdish fighters.
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Oct 28, 2024 9:08 pm

Nearly 500 PKK targets hit in
Iraq, Syria after Ankara attack

The Turkish military has struck 470 Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) targets in Iraq and Syria since the group carried out an attack on a Turkish state-owned defense firm last week, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday

Following a cabinet meeting, the Turkish leader said that the Kurdish armed group wanted to send the Turkish government a message through Wednesday’s attack on Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) which killed five people and injured 22 others.

Hours after the attack, Turkey responded in time-honored fashion, by bombing border areas in the Kurdistan Region and alleged PKK positions in Western Kurdistan..

Erdogan claimed that the Turkish army “neutralized” 213 PKK fighters during their retaliatory strikes against the group’s alleged bases in the Kurdistan Region and Western Kurdistan, adding that 470 targets belonging to the group were hit. Ankara uses the phrase to denote adversaries captured, wounded, or killed.

"As the Republic of Turkey, we have discarded the messages intended to be given through this vile attack,” he said.

PKK claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was carried out by “an autonomous team” which belongs to one of its offshoots, noting that it often conducts “self-sacrificing actions that are warnings and messages against the genocidal practices, massacres and isolation practices of the Turkish state power.”

The Kurdish group has accused Ankara of oppressing its significant Kurdish population. Founded in 1978, the PKK initially called for the establishment of an independent Kurdistan but now calls for autonomy. The group is designated as a terrorist organization by Turkey and Western allies.

The 40-year long conflict between PKK and the Turkish state has claimed an estimated 40,000 lives.

The latest tensions between the arch-foes emerged amid rumors of fresh attempts aiming for a rapprochement. The lifting of isolation measures on the jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan on the same day of the TAI attack and the shocking remarks of a Turkish nationalist leader, who extended an olive branch to Ocalan, have given a glimpse of hope to those who have been struggling to end decades of war.

Erdogan claimed last week that the two PKK members who attacked TAI headquarters had entered the country from Syria.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are the dominant force in Western Kurdistan and have been supported by the US-led international coalition against the Islamic State (ISIS). Ankara considers the SDF to be an offshoot of the PKK.

SDF commander Mazloum Abdi denied the “activists” entered Turkey from their areas.

“Our forces have nothing to do with these attacks and the attackers did not pass through Syrian territory,” he said in a video message on Saturday.

Abdi said the Turkish strikes had killed 15 civilians and two of their members. ... y/28102024
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Oct 29, 2024 1:04 am

Father who lost his daughter in Turkish attack:
We will not leave our land to the invaders

The occupying Turkish state has been continuing its attacks against Western Kurdistan since 23 October. In the ongoing wave of attacks, 17 people were martyred and dozens were injured. On 24 October, Fereh El Berho (11) was martyred and 2 children were injured in the bombing of Qubeb El Buniyê village in the north of Manbij Canton.

Ebdurezaq El Berho, the father of martyr Fereh El Berho, said what happened on the day of the attack.

Regarding the attack on his house, Ebdurezaq El Berho said: “We were sitting at home. A minute after I left the house, it was bombed with three of my children in it. Our house was completely destroyed in the bombardment. I ran home and started looking for my children. I only saw my 8-year-old son, Samir.

When I saw him, he was delirious. Immediately after the bombardment, villagers rushed to help. Then I saw my son Ebdurehman. He was at a relative's house. Nothing happened to him. Together with the villagers, we searched the rubble of the house and after a short time I found the body of my daughter Fereh under the rubble.”

    “What have we done to get our houses bombed? Do we have missiles or cannons? A house with nothing around it, where there were children, was bombed by the invaders. Our house was razed to the ground,” said Ebdurezaq El Berho
Ebdurezaq El Berho added: “The Turkish state is looking for excuses to attack the region. Our children and villages were bombed under pretexts. Our village is under constant attack.

They want to displace us to occupy our lands. But no matter how heavy the price we may pay, we will not give up our land. We will remain in our land and we will not leave it to the invaders. We will resist till the end.”
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Nov 11, 2024 2:27 pm

Turkey Presses US to End Support

Turkey is urging the United States to reconsider its support for Kurdish militants in Syria, according to recent statements by Turkish leaders, including President Tayyip Erdogan, who again raised the possibility of a new cross-border offensive

“We are constantly reminding our American counterparts that they need to stop the cooperation they have with the terrorist organization in Syria,” Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan told Milliyet on Monday.

“Our contacts on this issue have increased. We see that the US side is keen on more talks and negotiations too,” he added.

On Sunday, Erdogan suggested that Turkey may launch a new operation in northern Syria to establish additional safe zones along its border.

This follows his Friday remarks indicating that he would discuss the potential withdrawal of US troops from Syria with President-elect Donald Trump.

Tensions between the US and Turkey have grown over Washington’s support for the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, its main ally against Islamic State in Syria.

Turkey considers the YPG a terrorist organisation and an extension of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which is also designated as a terrorist group by both Turkey and the United States.

As a NATO member, Turkey has previously conducted multiple cross-border operations against the YPG and has since hinted at additional actions.

Erdogan stated on Sunday that these operations created safe zones that had “thwarted attempts to surround” Turkey from its southern borders, reiterating Turkey’s commitment to “completely cut off contact between terrorist organizations.”

“God willing, we will complete the missing links of the safe zone we have established along our borders in the coming period,” he said.

In recent months, Erdogan has also shown an interest in repairing strained relations with Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government after a decade of tension.
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