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Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Nov 12, 2024 3:44 pm

PKK Kidnaps Political Activist in Western Kurdistan

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on Tuesday that members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) kidnapped a political activist affiliated with the Syrian Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDPS) in a city in Syrian Kurdistan

According to the statement, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the Syrian wing of the PKK, kidnapped Ghayas Ismail, a 49-year-old political activist from the Syrian Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDPS), in the city of Derik in Western Kurdistan

In recent months, PKK fighters in Western Kurdistan have abducted dozens of leaders, members, and activists from the Syrian Kurdish National Council (ENKS), with their whereabouts still unknown.

The Syrian observatory has indicated that These abductions highlight the fragile and volatile political environment for Kurdish opposition groups under PKK authorities in Syrian Kurdistan.

Furthermore, Kurdish observers and activists confirm that PKK members continue to abduct minors from schools and workplaces, luring them into joining the party’s forces and involving them in combat.

The PKK has reportedly recruited hundreds of children aged 14 and 15 to fight its wars by exploiting their social circumstances.

Earlier this year, a UN annual report regarding the use of children in armed conflicts accused the PKK of kidnapping hundreds of children, arming them, and sending them to the frontlines.
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE



Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:43 pm

SDF, ENKS Discuss Kurdish Unity

A meeting between top officials from the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Syrian Kurdish National Council (ENKS) was held on Monday to discuss efforts to establish a unified Kurdish position in Syria

A joint statement said that SDF General Commander-in-Chief Mazloum Abdi held talks with ENKS leadership on Monday, with officials from the international coalition being present at the meeting.

In a joint statement, the SDF and ENKS announced that their discussions focused on unifying Kurdish stances in the context of a “new Syria” and addressing long-standing issues. Both sides agreed to maintain dialogue to strengthen Kurdish unity during this critical transitional period.

The meeting comes in the wake of Syria’s recent upheaval, where Islamist-led rebels toppled longtime leader Bashar al-Assad. The power vacuum has heightened tensions between US-backed Kurdish-led forces and Turkey-supported factions vying for influence.

As regional and international players reposition themselves in the evolving Syrian landscape, the SDF and ENKS are working to foster greater cooperation among Kurdish groups, aiming to secure their role in shaping the country’s future.
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:57 pm

Ever since the SDF bullies swooped into Western Kurdistan, removed the once PROUD name of Western Kurdistan and caused a divide among the Kurdish population, I have not been overly happy with them

Western Kurdistan = part of the Great Nation of Kurdistan

Thousands have struggled and fought for a free Western Kurdistan and some of the greatest Kurdish leaders have come from Western Kurdistan, including several I have known

Give Kurds back their PRIDE in being part of the Great Kurdish Nation
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Dec 25, 2024 1:28 pm

ENKS Urges Unity in Rojava Kurdistani
    Urges PKK’s Withdrawal to Protect Kurds
The Kurdish National Council in Syria (ENKS) has called for unity among Kurds in Western Kurdistan and urged the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to withdraw, emphasizing that this step is crucial to protecting Kurdish interests and ensuring stability in the region

In an exclusive interview with BasNews, Suleyman Ösö, head of ENKS, emphasized the need for Kurdish unity in Western Kurdistan while highlighting persistent tensions with the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the PKK’s presence in the region. Ösö described the PKK’s influence as a significant threat to Kurdish safety and a major obstacle to achieving unity.

[Below is the interview which was translated from Kurdish and edited for clarity and length]

BasNews: It is said that you have not yet officially responded to SDF General Commander Mazlum Abdi's request for an understanding and agreement. Why is that?

Suleyman Ösö: The ENKS was established in 2011, at the start of the Syrian revolution, to promote the unity of the Kurdish people in Syrian Kurdistan. We refused to align with the Syrian regime because a dictator cannot serve his people, especially the Kurds. When Kurdish areas came under threat, the Syrian regime handed them over to the PYD.

As a council, we have consistently advocated for unity, urging the PYD to join us in negotiations. Unfortunately, their actions, including burning down our bases, arresting our members, and suppressing our activities, have severely undermined this goal. Even after a US-brokered agreement in 2020, PKK-affiliated forces escalated their aggression against us.

BasNews: Would it not be possible for both sides to compromise on some of your demands for the sake of Kurdish unity?

Suleyman Ösö: Peace and dialogue require mutual respect and a conducive environment, which the PKK continues to sabotage. Their youth groups burn our headquarters and attack our cadres. Many of our members have been martyred for raising the Syrian revolution’s flag in SDF-controlled areas.

Our priority is to protect the Kurdish people, especially in areas like Kobani, where PKK’s presence provides justification for external attacks. Removing this excuse is critical. We remain committed to unity, but it cannot be achieved while the PKK undermines stability in the region.

BasNews: Why are the PYD and SDF now asking you to negotiate and reach an agreement? Why didn’t they make this request a year ago?

Suleyman Ösö: We must question why they suddenly claim to want unity now. For years, their rhetoric has branded us as traitors and mercenaries. If they truly seek unity, they must first separate themselves from the PKK and abandon divisive language. Only then can we create a foundation for cooperation and protect our people from the dangers they face today.

Ösö concluded by stressing that ENKS does not seek division but advocates for peace, unity, and the removal of all threats to Kurdish communities in Western Kurdistan.
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Dec 26, 2024 2:05 am

To SDF from Syrian Kurdistan Front SKF

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The Syrian Kurdistan Front (SKF), in a statement, addressing the US-Led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), requesting to implement those conditions mentioned in their message for the interest of people in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava Kurdistani territory)

According to the statement by the SKF that asked SDF for forming a joint political delegation to represent Kurds in the northeast of Syria (Rojava), West of Kurdistan, as well as to consider all the points highlighted in the statement.

Furthermore, the statement included the initiative of holding a negotiation with the new authorities, in Damascus, to be based on the critical Kurds cause, in the new political system in Syria.

The Syrian Kurdistan Front called on SDF to take the serious and practical steps on several sensitive matters that are destiny-determining for the people of Kurdistan in the new Syrian system.

It is understood from the SKF's statement that, although in the midst of a sensitive and fate-determining phase, the Rojava "territory is going through serious threats on the future and existence of our people of Kurdistan, especially after the fall of Al-Assad's regime and the move to build a new political system" SKF said.

The SKF urged the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to move forward with the practical and serious steps.

The Syrian Kurdistan Front identified conditions and actions as following:

First: Requesting to immediately releasing the Kurdish politicians, end the file of those who were forcibly detained, declare the fate of who are missing in the prisons for years, offer them a publicly formal apology, and to compensate them for all the years they have been deprived and tortured.

Second: Ending kidnapping teenagers, both males and females, who were taken into their armed rows, after being dropped out of schools, to return all of them to their own families.

Third: Reviewing the educational curricula and making necessary changes accordingly to the principles and respect to human rights, children’s rights and democracy.

Fourth: Making an urgent decision to dissolve the Youth-fighters Organization, immediately, as it had a negative impact and violated all the social values ​​and norms.

Ending kidnapping teenagers that was for the purpose of taking advantage of them and use them as tools in fighting against other opposed political parties who fight against repression regime.

Fifth: To, immediately, expel the Party of Kurdistan Workers (PKK)'s fighters from the northeast of Syria, Rojava (West of Kurdistan), due to the negative consequences they caused and still causing to the future of the Syrian Kurdistan, as result to deter any more foreign interventions to Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava Kurdistani) territory.

Sixth: Submit to federalism system as the best political option, it is also inevitable to obtain the Kurdish demands through, in order to secure the rights of our people within a unified entity of Syrian Kurdistan, in the new Syria.

Seventh: To transform the SDF into Syrian Kurdish National Forces, and get united with the Roj Peshmerga Forces, according to a well-built plan within the unified army limits to become the Syrian Kurdish National Forces whose mission is to protect Syrian Kurdistan.

The statement concluded, “we, in the Syrian Kurdistan Front, see the implementation of those aforementioned conditions is one of the most important urgent criteria to protect our region at this stage.

"In which it is exposed to the newer war and intervention risks, as well as to preserve civilian's lives, deter the new warmongering motives, form a joint political delegation, representing our people's interests, furthermore, to discuss the destiny-determining matters and new political system in the country with the new authority in Damascus." ... nt-message
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Dec 26, 2024 10:45 am

KDPS Calls for Kurdish Rights

The Kurdistan Democratic Party of Syria (KDPS) has emphasized the importance of including Kurdish rights in Syria's future constitution while addressing ongoing tensions with the PKK and its affiliated groups, the PYD and SDF

In an exclusive interview with BasNews, KDPS Secretary Mohammed Ismail outlined his party’s position on political dialogue, alliances, and the challenges facing Kurdish unity in Syria.

Ismail emphasized the need for a political system in Syria that reflects the participation of all communities, including Arabs, Druze, Ismailis, Turkmens, Armenians, and Christians, alongside the Kurds.

He stated, "We want the future of Syria to be inclusive, with all communities participating in drafting the constitution. The Kurdish people's rights must be enshrined, ensuring that our role is clear and equitable."

    The KDPS leader criticized the PKK's presence in Syrian Kurdistan (northeast Syria), accusing it of exploiting Kurdish unity efforts for political gain. "The PKK controls many sensitive areas in the region, and their actions have hindered internal Kurdish dialogue," Ismail said
Despite international efforts, including mediation by the United States and France, to foster unity, previous agreements like Erbil 1, Erbil 2, Duhok 1, and Qamishlo remain unimplemented.

Ismail expressed skepticism about the role of Mazlum Abdi, the general commander of the SDF, in advancing negotiations. "Abdi aligns himself with the PYD and does not represent us. It is time for him to prove his commitment to agreements," he remarked.

The KDPS has also sought the release of its members detained in areas controlled by the PYD and SDF, providing lists of detainees to the international coalition. However, Ismail remains concerned about the lack of progress in addressing these issues.

    On the broader regional context, Ismail dismissed claims that the PYD and SDF represent all Kurds in Syria, describing them as a coalition-backed force primarily focused on combating ISIS. "This force does not embody all Kurdish parties in Syria," he stated, calling for clarity on their role post-conflict
Regarding the role of external actors, Ismail highlighted Kurdish leader and president of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Masoud Barzani’s continued calls for dialogue and peaceful resolutions in Syrian Kurdistan. "President Barzani has consistently advocated for unity and a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis through dialogue," he noted.

Ismail reiterated that the KDPS remains committed to advocating for Kurdish rights and participating in shaping Syria's future. "If others do not implement agreements, we will continue our struggle independently. Our policy is clear, and we stand firm in representing our people," he concluded.
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:48 pm

ENKS Representative Stresses Failures
    in Kurdish Negotiations
Abdullah Kado, a Kurdish politician and representative of the Kurdish National Council (ENKS) in Syria's National Coalition, emphasized on Thursday that ties between the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) have caused negotiations among Syrian Kurds to fail repeatedly over the past 13 years

Speaking to BasNews, Kado stated that initial talks facilitated by Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, president of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), in 2011 aimed to establish inclusive governance in Rojava Kurdistani but ultimately collapsed. He attributed the failure to the PYD’s monopolization of power and ties to the PKK, which hindered the envisioned unity. “The PYD refused to distance itself from the PKK despite our insistence. Our condition was a critical part of the dialogue, yet no progress was made,” Kado stated.

He criticized the PYD’s opposition to the Syrian opposition’s revolutionary flag and its reluctance to join broader coalitions. He also welcomed recent steps by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) leadership to distance itself from non-Syrian PKK members, urging immediate action to expel all foreign fighters from the region.

He reaffirmed ENKS’s commitment to an inclusive dialogue, emphasizing that any framework must respect Syria’s territorial integrity while ensuring autonomy for Kurdish regions under a decentralized, democratic government. “The future of Syrian Kurds depends on unity among Kurdish factions and constructive engagement with other Syrian communities,” Kado stated.

Kado also highlighted the importance of international backing, particularly from the US-led coalition, to foster a peaceful resolution in northeast Syria. “We hope our international allies, especially the United States, can mediate a viable and peaceful solution for northeastern Syria to build a unified and stable state,” he concluded.
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Dec 27, 2024 11:15 pm

Western Kurdistan bans using PKK flags, symbols

Kurdish authorities in Western Kurdistan (Rojava Kurdistani) have instructed all institutions and political parties to display only emblems and banners representing the administration, a senior politician from the ruling coalition told Rudaw English on Friday. The directive effectively prohibits the use of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) symbols and flags amid calls for the enclave to distance itself from the armed group and efforts to have a unified Kurdish front in the new Syria

The Democratic Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria (DAANES) “directed all institutions and political parties… to raise only the independence flag of Syria, or the flag of the revolution, the flags of the SDF and the symbols of the autonomous administration,” said Nasraddin Ibrahim, secretary general of the Democratic Party of Kurd in Syria (al-Parti), adding that the directive has yet to be publicized but was issued on December 16.

His party is one of 24 members of the ruling Kurdish National Unity Parties (PYNK), led by the Democratic Union Party (PYD). The SDF is the Syrian Democratic Forces, the armed force that partnered with the United States-led global coalition against the Islamic State (ISIS).

Rudaw English research has concluded that only the new flag of Syria as well as the flags and symbols of the SDF and DAANES were seen in most of the recent public events and gatherings.

Samantha Teal, a researcher at the Rojava Research Center, a local monitor group, told Rudaw English on Friday that she was “not aware of a blanket ban on PKK flags right now,” but said that recent public events only featured the flags of the SDF and its affiliates, Kongra Star, and the new Syrian flag.

Kongra Star is a confederation of women's organizations in Rojava.

“SDF is facing accusations of being organisationally linked to the PKK - something Mazloum Abdi has repeatedly denied. I assume in order to not feed these accusations at this sensitive time, the DAANES is taking care to not let PKK flags be raised at public events,” she said.

However, she noted that “individuals or families in NES [northeast Syria] who are sympathetic towards the PKK continue to raise its flag outside public events.”

Ibrahim clarified that the directive did not name the PKK or the use of its flags and symbols and said “it is prudent to avoid turning Rojava into an open arena for regional conflicts or Kurdish disputes.”

Turkey alleges that the PKK has a presence in Rojava and that this is a threat to its national security.

    Ankara has put terrorism labels on the PKK and the People’s Protection Units (YPG), the armed wing of the PYD and the backbone of the SDF, that Turkey considers the Syrian branch of the PKK
SDF chief Mazloum Abdi and PKK commanders have repeatedly denied organizational links between their forces, but have confirmed coordination in the initial years of the fight against ISIS.

Turkey has carried out several military operations against Kurdish forces in Syria and is threatening to escalate an ongoing offensive.

Washington has mediated talks between the SDF and Turkey in a bid to end the current conflict and to avoid a potential Turkish offensive on SDF-held Kobane city, which is a symbol of Kurdish resistance against ISIS. Several convoys of US troops have been spotted in the city in recent days.

Rudaw English asked the US State Department if Washington had advised the DAANES to issue the directive about flags. A spokesperson for the department avoided commenting on the issue, instead reiterating that they consider the PKK a terrorist organisation while the SDF remains their local partner in the fight against ISIS, and that they look “forward to continuing our engagements with Türkiye about our shared interests in Syria.”

Murat Karayilan, a senior PKK commander, on December 16 denied the presence of PKK fighters in Rojava. He said that they temporarily entered northeast Syria in 2014 and left after defeating ISIS.

He also stressed that the display of portraits of jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan in Rojava, which was very common before the directive by the DAANES, does not mean that Syrian Kurds are PKK members, but rather are followers of Ocalan’s “philosophy.”

‘Good decision’

The Kurdish National Council (ENKS/KNC), a coalition of opposition parties in Western Kurdistan, has repeatedly called on the DAANES and SDF to distance themselves from the PKK and its symbols and flags.

ENKS president Sulaiman Oso said the directive to display only the DAANES, SDF and Syrian symbols and flags would be a good step.

“It would be great to have such a decision,” he told Rudaw English on Friday.

ENKS is a member of the Turkish-backed coalition of political groups who opposed the ousted regime of Bashar al-Assad. It has been in constant rivalry with the PYD despite occasional talks to create a unified Kurdish stance in the region.

The intra-Kurdish talks have been mediated by Americans, but recently a French delegation has also been involved.

    SDF’s Abdi held a meeting with the ENKS on Monday, with both sides saying in a joint statement that they “agreed on the importance of continued meetings and the expeditious resolution of contentious issues.”
Nasraddin Ibrahim is also a member of the PYNK committee that is negotiating with the ENKS. He told Rudaw English that the meeting between Abdi and ENKS was mediated by American, French and British delegations.

“The aim is to bring viewpoints closer and overcome obstacles preventing the formation of a joint Kurdish delegation to negotiate with Mr. Ahmad al-Sharaa's government regarding the Kurdish issue in the new Syria following the collapse of the dictatorial and chauvinistic regime,” he said.

Sharaa, who is better known as Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, is the rebel leader whose Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) spearheaded the offensive to overthrow Assad’s regime.

Days after the collapse of the former regime, the DAANES directed its institutions to raise the new flag of Syria. The administration also plans to send a delegation to Damascus to initiate talks with the new government.

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said earlier this month that they still consider YPG as a branch of the PKK.

"The YPG is an organization run by international terrorist fighters coming from Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Europe. Although the Americans may market this situation to the world differently, the reality is clear,” he said.

Responding to a Rudaw question about the possibility of ending hostilities between Ankara and the SDF during a press conference in Doha, Fidan said, “In short, no, unless they change themselves.” ... /271220242
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Dec 28, 2024 10:41 am

Activists Call for PKK Withdrawal
    Demand Kurdish Self-Management
Political activists in Syrian Western Kurdistan also known as "Rojava Kurdistani", have called for the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and its affiliated forces to withdraw from Syria, urging the Kurdish groups in the region to be allowed to independently manage their own affairs and secure their rights without external interference. They have expressed concerns that the PKK's presence in Syria is exploiting the Kurdish cause for its own regional agenda

Omar Ahmad, a political activist in Syrian Western Kurdistan, voiced strong criticism of the PKK’s role in the region, stating that the group has turned Kurdish areas into a battleground in its conflict with Turkey.

"The PKK has turned the Kurdish regions of Syria into an arena of conflict with Turkey by moving its fighting from Turkey to Syria on the orders of the ousted Assad regime," Ahmad explained. He further stated that the PKK's actions have caused suffering and destruction for Syrian Kurds, particularly during the 50 years of the Assad family's rule, and fueled agendas of both the regime and other regional powers.

    Ahmad added that the PKK seeks to once again involve the Kurds in its conflict with Turkey, endangering the Kurdish population in places like Kobani under a false promise of protection
He emphasized that neither the Syrian opposition, the general Syrian populace, nor Turkey accepts the PKK’s presence in Syria.

Raman Yussif, a Kurdish journalist from Syrian Western Kurdistan, shared similar concerns, condemning the PKK for its involvement in internal Turkish conflicts.

"The PKK has been shedding the blood of our Kurdish youth and women in Syria for decades by involving them in useless wars inside Turkey, wars that have nothing to do with the Kurdish cause," Yussif said.

He also criticized the PKK’s negotiations with the Syrian regime, which he argues have prevented any Kurdish independence project in Syria.

    Yussif further accused the PKK leadership of refusing to work with other Kurdish parties in Syria and intimidating those who do not follow its orders. He claims that the PKK is primarily driven by the agendas of regional powers, particularly those aiming to undermine Kurdish autonomy
He pointed to the loss of Kurdish territory in Afrin, Sarê Kanê, Tel Abiez, and Manbij as evidence of the PKK’s failure to protect Kurdish interests.

In light of these issues, Yussif urged the Kurdish population in Syrian Western Kurdistan to demand accountability and take peaceful action, such as demonstrations, to remove the PKK from their areas. He called on the Kurdish forces in the Kurdistan Region to take responsibility for protecting the region from external threats and ensuring the safety of its people.

    Meanwhile, Kurdish political activist Biryar Kuti took to social media to call for a complete withdrawal of foreign fighters from the region, including PKK-affiliated leaders such as Mazlum Abdi
"Rojava Kurdistani is no longer your ideological arena, which is why I was excluded from it," Kuti wrote. He further insisted that civilian and military administration should be handed over to the patriotic Kurdish people, rather than remaining in the hands of external forces.

The growing calls for the PKK’s withdrawal underscore the desire of many Kurdish activists in Syrian Kurdistan to regain control over their own future and ensure that their struggle for rights and autonomy is not manipulated for the benefit of foreign agendas.

At last there is a chance of a United Western Kurdistan :ymhug:
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:36 pm

Families of missing, detained in Western Kurdistan

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) - Families of detained and missing persons from Western Kurdistan (Rojava) have issued an urgent appeal to the United States, France, and the International Coalition, requesting action to reveal the fate of their relatives allegedly held in Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) prisons

"While we highly value the U.S., French, and International Coalition's efforts for political unity in Western Kurdistan, the fate of our loved ones in SDF prisons remains unknown," the families stated in their message.

They are calling for international pressure on the SDF command to reveal the status of their relatives and provide legal representation.

The appeal consists of a comprehensive list of 15 individuals who vanished between 2012 and 2017 from various cities including Qamishlo, Derik, Afrin, and Dirbesiye.

From Qamishlo:

    Jamil Omar (July 13, 2012)

    Colonel Mohammed Haitham (April 16, 2013)

    Colonel Hassan Uso (April 16, 2013)

    Colonel Mohammed Gula Kheiri (April 16, 2013)

    Major Shawqi Osman (April 16, 2013)

    Major Mohammed Khalil Ali (April 16, 2013)

    Major Behzad Naso (April 16, 2013)

    Captain Hussein Bakr (April 16, 2013)

    Civil Guide Raghib Mohammed (April 16, 2013)
From Derik:

    Behzad Dorsin (October 24, 2012)

    Nidal Osman (October 24, 2012)

    Fouad Ibrahim (March 24, 2017)
From Afrin:

    Ahmed Sido (September 10, 2013)

    Idris Elo (November 8, 2013)
From Dirbesiye:

    Amir Hamid (April 11, 2014)
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Dec 30, 2024 6:56 pm

Syrian government to engage SDF, ENKS
    in national dialogue conference
The Syrian transitional government is holding discussions with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Kurdish National Council (ENKS/KNC) to include Kurdish fronts in a planned national Syrian dialogue conference, state media reported on Monday

“Discussions are open with the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Kurdish National Council for figures from them to attend the dialogue conference,” SANA said, citing informed sources.

A preparatory committee will be formed to organize the conference without mentioning a date for the event, according to SANA. Discussions are ongoing with various Syrian groups, and the conference is expected to host over a thousand participants.

Last week, SDF General Commander Mazloum Abdi met with a delegation from the ENKS, in the presence of the global coalition, to discuss Kurdish unity going forward.

Faysal Yusuf, the spokesperson for the ENKS, said that the meeting with Abdi “went well” adding that “there will be another meeting” between the two sides.

ENKS is an umbrella group of Kurdish parties in northeast Syria (Rojava Kurdistani)

Previously, both sides have expressed willingness to hold dialogue amid calls for a unified Kurdish front and efforts to resume talks between feuding Kurdish parties in Western Kurdistan, especially following the collapse of the Bashar al-Assad regime earlier this month.

After the collapse of the Syrian regime, the Kurdish National Unity Parties (PYNK) expressed readiness to return to talks with the ENKS. The PYNK is a coalition of 24 parties that have close ties with Rojava Kurdistani’s ruling Democratic Union Party (PYD) and have representatives in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES).

Faysal told Rudaw at the time that they were ready for talks, but they have not received a request from the PYNK

Kurds were systematically discriminated against under the former Syrian regime. During the civil war, they carved out an autonomous area in the north where they sought to promote diversity and tolerance. ... /301220243

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) divided Syrian Kurds, hopefully the new Syrian government will be able to reunite them
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Jan 02, 2025 10:06 am

SDF is Undermining Kurdish Unity

Abdulrahman Habash, leader of the Syrian Kurdistan Front (SKF), criticised the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) for undermining Kurdish unity by independently engaging in negotiations with Syria’s new administration in Damascus

On Tuesday, a delegation from the SDF held their first official talks with Ahmed al-Sharaa, Syria’s de facto leader, since his forces ousted Bashar al-Assad in December.

While an SDF official described the meeting as “positive,” no details of the discussions were disclosed.

Speaking to BasNews, Habash expressed frustration over the SDF’s decision to attend the talks without coordinating with other Kurdish groups, including the Kurdish National Council in Syria (ENKS).

He emphasized that previous discussions among Kurdish parties had agreed on presenting a unified delegation in any negotiations with the Syrian government.

    “Unfortunately, Tuesday’s visit of the SDF delegation to Damascus and their meeting with Ahmed Sharaa destroyed the unity that Kurds were supposed to maintain,” Habash said
“We don’t know why this delegation left so quickly. But the Kurds should have been unanimous in going to Damascus, not like now, where no one knows what was discussed.”

The criticism underscores ongoing tensions within the Kurdish political landscape in Syria, particularly regarding approaches to negotiations with the new administration in Damascus.

The lack of a cohesive Kurdish strategy raises concerns about the potential impact on Kurdish representation and rights in the country’s future political framework.
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Jan 02, 2025 7:46 pm

Mohammed Ismail new president of KNCS

ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – The Kurdish National Council in Syria (KNCS) in Syria elected Mohammed Ismail as its new president on Thursday, replacing Suleiman Oso

Faysal Yusuf, the council’s spokesperson, announced that the election took place in Qamishli, emphasizing that Oso’s term was fixed and not subject to consecutive re-election.

Ismail’s election follows Oso’s six-month tenure, aligning with the KNCS’s leadership rotation policy.

The KNCS previously appointed Ni'mat Dawoodi as chairman in November 2023, succeeding Saud Mullah, who resigned in March of the same year.

The KNCS, formed in October 2011 in Erbil, Iraq, under the patronage of President Masoud Barzani, aims to unify various Kurdish political factions in Syria.

The council advocates for Kurdish rights and represents Kurdish interests within the Syrian opposition. It comprises a coalition of parties and organizations working toward greater autonomy and recognition for Kurds in the region. ... -president
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Jan 02, 2025 10:46 pm

Turkey Continues Action Against Kurds

Turkey's Defense Ministry has announced it will continue its "preventive and destructive measures" against Kurdish fighters in Syria, citing threats to both national security and regional stability

Rear Adm. Zeki Akturk, the ministry's spokesperson, emphasized Turkey's commitment to combating groups it considers terrorist organizations, including the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Islamic State (ISIS) militants.

Akturk explained that the SDF’s primary component, the People’s Protection Units (YPG), is accused by Turkey of having ties to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which has been engaged in an insurgency against the Turkish state for over four decades.

He stressed that Turkey is closely monitoring developments in Syria and remains coordinated with the new administration, with a focus on Syria’s territorial integrity and Turkey's national security.

Over the past year, Turkey has intensified its military operations in northern Syria, particularly targeting the YPG. These efforts are part of Turkey's broader strategy to secure its borders and support the return of displaced Syrians, according to Akturk.

Turkey’s statement also underlined ongoing initiatives to bolster Syria’s defense capabilities while ensuring the "voluntary return" of refugees. Akturk reiterated Turkey’s resolve to combat terrorist organizations posing a threat to both Turkey and Syria's security.

In response, the SDF, a crucial US ally in the fight against ISIS, has condemned Turkey’s military operations as violations of Syrian sovereignty and a destabilizing factor for the region.
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Re: Destruction of Western Kurdistan by absolutely EVERYONE

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:46 pm

Kurdish opposition sets sights on Damascus

The coalition of Kurdish opposition parties is considering opening an office in Damascus as it hopes to gain some influence in the new Syria, a party official told Rudaw on Thursday

“There is no longer any excuse for the ENKS not to have influence in Damascus,” said Ibrahim Biro, a member of the foreign relations office for the Kurdish National Council (ENKS).

With the fall of Bashar al-Assad, “parties, big groups, and new alliances will form. As a consequence, the council’s influence in Damascus is very necessary,” he added.

He said they are representing ENKS in Damascus, but the party leadership has yet to decide whether or not to open an office in the capital.

ENKS has yet to meet with Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) leader Ahmed al-Sharaa, better known as Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, but they have been in contact with people around him and have expressed that they are willing to negotiate, said Biro.

    ENKS has been in constant rivalry with the ruling People's Democratic Party (PYD) in northeast Syria (Rojava). Talks to resolve their problems began a decade ago but have been stalled for years. Renewed efforts to resume the talks have been mediated by the United States and France, which both have troops on the ground in northeast Syria as part of the war against the Islamic State (ISIS)
The Syrian transitional government is holding discussions with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and ENKS to include the Kurdish fronts in a planned national Syrian dialogue conference, state media reported on Monday.

Kurds faced systemic discrimination under the former Syrian regime. During the civil war, they carved out an autonomous area in the north where they sought to promote diversity and tolerance. ... /030120252
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