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Brinj Merishk Recipe

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:26 pm
Author: gert
I found a Kurdish recipe called "Brinj Merishk" in a cookbook. It includes a chicken soup with brinjals, Kurdish rice and Tapsi. The recipe looks very nice, but I think some of the steps might be wrong. Does anyone know what the recipe refer to? (I will try to type out the recipe and post it in a day or two)

Thank you!

Re: Brinj Merishk Recipe

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:34 am
Author: Anthea
gert wrote:I found a Kurdish recipe called "Brinj Merishk" in a cookbook. It includes a chicken soup with brinjals, Kurdish rice and Tapsi. The recipe looks very nice, but I think some of the steps might be wrong. Does anyone know what the recipe refer to? (I will try to type out the recipe and post it in a day or two)

Thank you!

Hello and welcome to Roj Bash Kurdistan :ymhug:

I hope you find someone to help you with your query

I know nothing about cooking - but I am very good at eating :D

PLEASE follow the link and introduce yourself:
