Gingervitis is a serious hereditary disease caused by a recessive gene. It can lay dormant for years and two perfectly healthy parents can have Ginger Babies.
Gingervitis affects millions of people worldwide.
The symptoms of gingervitis include: Red hair, pale skin, and freckles, a “Soulless” feeling.
What is Gingervitis?Gingervitis is a serious hereditary disease caused by a recessive gene. It can lay dormant for years and two perfectly healthy parents can have Ginger Babies. Gingervitis affects millions of people worldwide. The symptoms of gingervitis include: Red hair, pale skin, and freckles, a “Soulless” feeling. Some Ginger Kids may show symptoms such as violence and depression. Although Gingervitis is not a life threatening disease it can be very serious. There is currently no known cure and very little treatment for Gingervitis.
Is Gingervitis contagious?No, Ginger Kids are born with Gingervitis. It is hereditary and cannot be contracted in any other way.
Are Ginger Kids dangerous?Although some Ginger Kids may be dangerous, many others are not. Ginger Kids do have a genetic predisposition towards anger and depression, but this is caused by their appearance and often times amplified by taunting and harassment. Contrary to popular belief, many Ginger Kids live healthy, happy lives.
Do Ginger Kids have Souls?
Unfortunately no, Ginger Kids are born without souls. A common misconception is that you need a soul to survive. This is completely false. Ginger Kids are people just like everyone else, even if they don’t have souls. Many Ginger Kids live happy, healthy, productive lives devoid of any sort of soul.
If a Ginger Kid bites me what should I do?If you have been bitten by a Ginger Kid immediately wash the wound with soap and water. If you have alcohol or peroxide apply it to the wound
Science Stuff:REDHEADS are becoming rarer and could be extinct in 100 years, according to genetic scientists. The current National Geographic magazine reports that less than two per cent of the world’s population has natural red hair, created by a mutation in northern Europe thousands of years ago.
Global intermingling, which broadens the availability of possible partners, has reduced the chances of redheads meeting and producing little redheads of their own.
It takes only one red-haired parent to produce ginger-headed babies, but two redheads obviously create a much stronger possibility.
If the gingers really want to save themselves they should move to Scotland.
An estimated 40 per cent of Scots carry the red gene and 13 per cent actually have red hair.
Some experts say that redheads could be gone as early as 2060, but others say the gene can be dormant for generations before returning.
National Geographic says the gene at first had the beneficial effect of increasing the body’s ability to make vitamin D from sunlight.
However, today’s carriers are more prone to skin cancer and have a higher sensitivity to heat and cold-related pain.
Gingervitis is a serious disease affecting millions of people. Every day 1337 children are born with gingervitis in the United States alone. Not only do these special people have to struggle with a life long disease in which there is no known cure, they are often the target of ridicule and jokes. The only way we will ever find a cure is if we work together.
More Facts:324904 kids are born with Gingervitis a year.
30% of those infected with Gingervitis live healthy, productive, long lives.
20% of those infected with Gingervitis feel great self hatred, and attempt to bite others in hopes they will spread Gingervitis.
80% of Ginger Kids are totally unaware they are soulless.
20% of those infected with Gingervitis, know they don’t have souls and pursue a life devoted to Satanism, Paganism, and/or Politics.
95% of those infected with Gingervitis believe they are ugly contagious beasts, resulting in an extreme fear of such common things as:
Trying on clothes in public dressing rooms
Sharing food
Sharing blood
Kissing the opposite sex.
Having Friends
Common statistics:15% of all people in the US are bitten by a child with Gingervitis.
12% of those bitten don't know the proper steps to take after being bitten.
63% of those people bitten require years of trauma counseling.
80% of all people in the US are unaware that kids with
Gingervitis have no souls.
20% of all people in the US are aware that those with Gingervitis lack souls, and persecute them due to this.
55% of people aware of gingervitis believe it is similar to AIDS.
We can dream, we can only dream for now about a world without redheads.
There are some exceptions to the rule - a few should be kept for nostalgia maybe in a zoo somewhere or something…