German cartoonists Erdogan evil ' stressed '
Ankara, IŞİD will launch air raids against the statement in the immediate aftermath of the bombing, Kandil IŞİD Member describes the operation of detention started after announcing the arrest of the members of the HDP debate continues. Turkey in the ' war ' on the agenda of the world
Journalist Diamond artillery, ' de IŞİD President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of German cartoonist case name under pressure of the Kurds has compiled a cartoon depiction of the.
Artillery report says: "German politicians Erdogan watched strategy across the reaction increased, Patriotların and safety of German soldiers in Turkey for the other stand out in size."
"The comment column reflected the general opinion is that in recent days the weight ' President Recep Tayyip Erdogan played a dangerous game, trying to destroy the target, preventing President HDP and the ruling AKP's early selection alone will open the path to the file that can be summarized in the form of ' a preparation.
Published in the German magazine or newspaper during the week and one of the main topics in the cartoon, Erdogan and Turkey's air strikes against the PKK and the IŞİD facing. We have chosen for you some. "
Jan Rieckhoff, 1950 born in Hamburg. Zurich and Sydney in art education offers the photographer and cartoonist he drew for many years, Spiegel and Stern.
Evankash cartoonist, this week with Erdogan, he drew on a tank hidden behind election poster.
So Ankara launched air strikes organized by behind, early elections and Erdogan's moves were hinting at the target of the rule to the country.
The Greek origin of the artist and cartoonist who lives in Stuttgart, Kostas Koufogiorgos's drawings in many daily newspapers and weekly magazines. Draws a large number of cartoon on the theme of this week Erdogan Koufogiorgos, Political Cartoon Award in Germany in 2012.
In the above cartoon, Erdogan of Koufogiorgos its not limited to countries in the area of responsibility for security from the air force is the only one of "movers and shakers" in many areas as is being implied. On the cartoon, Erdogan himself, ' what shall I wear today, ' he asks. In your closet too, sultan costume, fighter pilot costume, the costume and the police.
This cartoon is Koufogiorgos, Erdogan drew and mouth as IŞİD militants ' holy war against Evil terrorists ready ' bubble.
Speaks of here, two IŞİD miltanı, Koufogiorgos and someone "Erdogan was a bomb," said Kurds, the other "Finally we now have our air force," he is happy.
In the cartoon here, the PKK and the Turkish jets bomb opposition in Turkey IŞİD is drawn. However, Turkey is also implied in operations and arrests.
Slovak origin, living in Vienna, artist and cartoonist Marian Kamensky's drawings for many years, most frequently in the media as German Zeit, Spiegel.
The above cartoon Kamensky, the principal that executed the Caliph, a Kurdish Member of the shoulder, hand, Erdogan is assigned to IŞİD.
Kamensky is in the cartoon above, Erdogan has already lost a leg to IŞİD, based on his other leg and stay afloat the Kurds fired, so that he will not stand.
1955-born author and cartoonist Barm Georgie Evans also engaged in a number of magazines and daily newspapers for drawing political cartoons of the masters.
In this illustration, a cartoonist, how two German women who experience while chatting in the street. One, returning from shopping to the other, "it's a shame not in NATO the Kurds. Now they're the ones that they might want to support NATO, German public opinion, air attacks ' Kurds ' detected and general public opinion was sympathetic towards the Kurds of his blood.
The cartoonist, a political scientist and historian from Cologne, Heiko Sakurei, draws political cartoons of the younger generation. in 2009, Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel as a cartoon band. In recent years, monthly Ciceo magazine or its website drawings are often taking place. In this cartoon Sakurei, IŞİD's alleged Shah in the attack on the coffins of the Jet ride and walk on IŞİD how a war against Turkey to the President.
Sakurei, the next drawing is how a phone call between Erdogan and NATO. Erdogan, "... and I'm going to finish these terrorists," he says. NATO commander is "what do you mean, we're talking about Terrorist IŞİD, isn't it?" he asks. Erdogan also "they," he says. The response from NATO if the bubble is being transmitted as follows: "give us a good enough."
Sakurei, Turkey's Kurdish policy in this cartoon and solution process eleştirilme, and it emphasizes the required condition.
Translated from the Turkish original by myself using Bing online translation - my apologies for any and all mistakes