Author: Anthea » Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:19 pm
More than a year has past since I first made this appeal
I thought that I would report back:
I produced an extremely good business plan including marketing strategy and financial planning
My plan one my friends the property ahead of over 20 other applicants
I found a good name for the shop and drew up floor plans
Are you sitting on the edge of your seats wondering what happened next
They totally ignored the plans - lost about third of the seats - damaged a wall containing asbestos having been told NOT to touch wall due to the asbestos - ignored the design plan and made what should have been a trendy coffee shop look like grand-dads old kebab shop - ignored the seating layout that would have allowed part of the premises to be used for assorted things including a coffee lovers club, monthly community meeting with the local police, free internet training sessions, residence association committee meetings, allotment committee meetings and a lot more besides - they have installed a large sign after being told by the local planning office that they could only have a small sign in keeping with other shops in the area - actually I could probably write a book just about all the things they have done wrong
Suffice it to say I have fused to ever enter the premises again
Good Thoughts Good Words Good Deeds