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Remembering the Words of a Dead Kurdish Friend RIP

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 4:51 pm
Author: Anthea
Hello everyone! My name is (deleted out of respect that none should insult him), and I am an Atheist/Humanist from Kurdistan, i.e. I am a Kurdistani Atheist. I am really proud of being an Atheist and I think it is very shameful and madness to believe in any cult or religion or have a blind faith in this era, I also believe that the world would have been a far better place to live in, if three people were never born, namely Mohammad, Jesus and Moses, they have divided humanity into hostile camps and are responsible for the death of millions. Anthea: Sadly true

What do I think of Mohammadan cult (Islam)?

"Muslims don't corrupt Islam. Islam corrupts them" sepcifically Quran corrupt islmaists and Mohammedans. NOTHING needs to be added to this FACT!

Muslims should be ashmed of Quran, and the first people to condemn it. Quran is an insult to Muslims' minds before anyone else's mind.

The problem is that Mohammedans (Muslims) are mentally deformed people, irrational and ignorant bigots. Unfortunately they do not have the capacity to recognize the fact that Quran is an insult to their mind and conscience. so therefore they are mentally deformed people. Islam or Mohammadan cult is a hate and terror preaching ideology that need to be tackled and defeated.

If Muslims want to be respected. they first thing they should do is to abolished Quran altogether or at least they should re-write ( reform/modify ) it, so that it no longer reflect irrational hatred and teaching of terror and war towards the Non-Muslims. Read "Quran Exposed" or the Quran itself and judge it for yourself.

Quran should certainly be banned in Western Democracies. it is a threat to human conscience. it is book of intolerance and descrimination. it is no more than a manual to irrationality and barbarism. It is a manual to terrorism, Quranic verses are the creator of terrorists.

This evil ideology (Islam) should not be exempted from criticism, because Islam's main enemy is truth and knowledge. Islam can only survive and flourish in Darkness, in intellectually backward, irrational and intolerant societies.

Where ever Quran's teaching (Sharia) is implemented you will see barbarism in action, look at Sudan and many other parts of Africa, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Irak, Syria, Gaza, etc.

Finally, I truely believe that Islam and Quran cannot be reformed. I think the only solution is to abolish and forbid Quran and Islam altogether. Quran should only be treated as a mythological book not more, if it is to remain on any library shelves.

However, I am very optimistic, because Islam and Quran's days are numbered and eventually it will collapse and be defeated and the truth will prevail. (Anthea: Sadly my friend was being a little overoptimistic)

Islam is not a holy and peace loving religion as it has always been alleged to be, nothing has benefited islam more than Herd Mentality and Darkness.

If any of you think I am exaggerating the evilness of Islam and Quran, then read it for your self.

Re: Words of a Dead Friend RIP

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:19 pm
Author: Piling

Re: Words of a Dead Friend RIP

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:19 pm
Author: Anthea
Further recommended reading:

Profit of Doom

Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad's own words

Prophet of Doom is the best-documented, most comprehensive, presentation of Islam's five oldest and most reliable scriptural sources. Ishaq's Biography of Muhammad, Tabari's History of Islam, and Bukhari's and Muslim's Hadith, were used to reorder the Quran chronologically and to set its surahs into the context of Muhammad's life. When this evidence is evaluated systematically, the only rational conclusion is that Islam's lone prophet was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, slave trader, rapist and paedophile.

    1 Would You Believe?
    2 Devils, Deceptions, & Backrubs
    3 I Don't Noah 'Bout This
    4 Dishonest Abe
    5 Can Qusayy Scam?
    6 Heart of Darkness
    7 With Whom Am I Speaking?
    8 The Abused Abuser
    9 Demented Deity
    10 Muddled Message
    11 Satan's Bargain
    12 Delusions of Grandeur
    13 The Pedophile Pirate
    14 The Anti-Semite
    15 War Made a Profit (and a Prophet)
    16 Mein Kampf
    17 Good Muslims Kill
    18 Lustful Libertine
    19 Islam's Holocaust
    20 The Tormented Terrorist
    21 Blood & Booty
    22 Legacy of Terror
    23 Jihad
    24 Profitable Prophet Plan
    25 Prophet of Doom

Link to Book:

Re: Remembering the Words of a Dead Kurdish Friend RIP

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 12:25 pm
Author: Anthea
Quran AGAINST Unbelievers Part 19

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205A Muhammadans Victims or Victimizers Part 205A A to G

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Re: Remembering the Words of a Dead Kurdish Friend RIP

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:13 pm
Author: Anthea
Robert Spencer - The Truth About Muhammad - Part 1

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