what a great Proof ,... because Kurd word is simmilar to voice of snow..then kurds are turks ! ha ha ...
it reminds me of arab's utlra nationalist "THOUGHTS" they too think Kurds are arab... there was Whores in Sudi Arabia they were Kicked out to Mountains...those whores married with JINs [some kinds of satan] then Kurds were born...
they too have a great proof for their THOUGHTS... they said Kurd means Karradada which means [was kicked out from city] in arabic,
well I am sorry but your and those utlra natioanlist arab's Thoughts are not Thoughts..they are Racist "Feelings" ofcourse you are free to feel what you want .
if Kurds are Turks or Arabs, because of that GREAT PROOF ,
Why Kurdish language has no connection with Turkish and Arabic language ?
Why Kurdish Culture, Dance , Music and Cloth is not simmilar to Turkish and Arabic?
and you claim Kurd word has no meaning ... it is not supposed that every nation's name have an EXACT meaning.... some meanings gets forgotten after thousdands of years. ..does Persian or Arab or Turk has a specific meaning ? no ...just some historian GUESS they mean something.
but anyway ....Kurd word in many sources means , Warrior , Fighter...
and Kurd word has been mentioned in very old tablets.
for sure Kurds have been in the region so mcuh older than Turks.
History tells us Turks came here just 500 years ago. Kurds were here at least 2800 years ago , or may be 5000 years ago or even more.
it is very funny that Turks claim Kurds are Turk... I feel pitty for these ultra nationalist turks they will never free their soul from these Angry Nationalist Feelings