Author: Belingaz » Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:57 pm then we are long lost sisters.
You certainly did figure me out, I do talk too much. You cannot believe ...last night I went to a dinner function, and I saw how quiet people were. I had to get information out of them with a screw driver! Well, it was for a good cause anyways. THanks for the website, I will definitely get to it tonight.
hmm regarding your arabic it possible to take another course? Trust me, i know your pain. I only know it, becuase I learned it at a very young age, and for some reason it has stuck with me.
concerning expressing yourself...hehe i have that problem too, well a little anyways. It is very hard to be fluent in a language and not live among its people. culture, even regional and subcultures can change languages so much. In the US for instance...we have the standard English, but there is so many different slangs and so many dialects among different areas, that I honestly cannot always understand someone from NY if they speak with an accent or in Slang. SO, point not feel bad. if you need anything, you can ask...idioms are a good way to start expressing oneself.
infact, I have two whole books on Kurdish Idioms....I think they are so much fun and clever.
as far me going to Beirut...hehehe I love to go there and see that part of the Mid East, but unfortunately....I am a poor grad student and times are not good to travel these days. I may in the future though. If there is any thing that I want to learn in Arabic, it has to be Lebanese...I just love the way they pronouce their words. In comparison to Iraqi arabic, Lebanese is beautiful. your friend is from Beirut!? lucky gal! give her my regards...i am sure she is beautiful! Lebanese Women are well spoken of amongs all arabs. I think that everyone goes gaga for them hehehehe. not literally though.
OK kichka Cuwan ( pretty gal) roj bash until i talk to you again, and of course....see you in Beirut! who knows...we may go to the arabian nights story show together. hehehe
bye sis
"Never expect more than you can give"