Author: Ryder188 » Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:55 pm
When i ask about that too my parents..
They are just like "Fuckaa outta here donkey."..
just kidding..
But they aren't telling my about my roots..
I'm gonna do that Dna test or something xD..
But my Grandad was from Sanandaj,Iran-Sine in kurdish
he immigrated to iraqi kurdistan,couse he had problem with the iranian goverment..
and on my Moms side,they are so secretful..
But they could pass for hindus xD..
My moms family are very dark skinned,they come from Sharazor
They claim they have been in iraq all the time,but i doubt that..
My grandad was very dark skinned also,
But my grandmother was white as a european.
So my dad looked latino,but he had a afro that's the thing that suprises me xD..
He got rid of that afro the day he came to europe..
:O now i'm telling my life story..xD