Kulka wrote:i hope nothing bad happened to kak Diri - hiwadarm only he is busy, nothing else.
Barış wrote:Kulka wrote:i hope nothing bad happened to kak Diri - hiwadarm only he is busy, nothing else.
I did search and found good info about Kak Diri aka Kak Sohrab Darisiro. Well, I didn't want to write or call him, so instead just joined Facebook, since I havn't heard much about Twitter, StumbleUpon and Sphinn. Me thinks he's fine and it seems he's only busy, but I sent him a message on Facebook anyway. My name on Facebook is Natsidruk Ijib .
Kubilay wrote:Barış wrote:Kulka wrote:i hope nothing bad happened to kak Diri - hiwadarm only he is busy, nothing else.
I did search and found good info about Kak Diri aka Kak Sohrab Darisiro. Well, I didn't want to write or call him, so instead just joined Facebook, since I havn't heard much about Twitter, StumbleUpon and Sphinn. Me thinks he's fine and it seems he's only busy, but I sent him a message on Facebook anyway. My name on Facebook is Natsidruk Ijib .
I remember Diri. Have you hear from him?
helen26 wrote:i use the word coward as refferal to how he ended our relationship ! any normal person who does love the person as he had claimed would come to them in face to do such a thing baring in mind i also have a daughter who over time has grown to love and adore this man and he didnt even offer to explain or say goodby to her im sorry but no matter how much i love him that screams coward in my book and whether or not his family have ordered him to stay away hes a grown man i do love him dearly and its breaking my heart all this but i know as a good human being if the shoe was on the other foot i would have never abandoned my step child(whom he freely agreed to take on as his own) my unborn baby and my fiance on the whim of another by TEXT its very much so cowardly and for another to say i dont understand his culture yes your correct i dont im trying to learn but no ones culture states ending a relationship must be done by text im sure its the exact opposite speak to that person ,dont dump your responsibilities and yes familys everything something i dont have due to giving mine up for him more fool me but he is my family and the unborn baby i would assume comes under family or am i wrong there also because we are not married ? i want to undersatnd why he has done this but right now im angry dam angry who wouldnt be ? thank for your comment but pls without knowing me do not pressume how i feel towards this man !
Kulka wrote:dont swear at kurdish people, please. thank you.
ocmentos wrote:I wonder what happened to that Helen! Hope it worked out for the best, now that she has the baby,,,
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