Belingaz wrote:HI Lyn,
hehehe I love your honesty!
I have actually never been to California, but LA is a working progress. I am supposed to come there before Jan to meet some of my old friends....
I almost got a job in DC after graduation...I have not been there, but I am sure it is nice.
Tennessee in Comparison to Cali? undoable. I like TN's enviroment more than anything else,but I am afraid that once i see LA i will never return home....
Kurmanci> sure. Ser Herdu chaven xwa! I would love to help you in any way I can. Feel free ask anything you want dear and I can talk to you in Kurdi.
ok I gotta run, I have a sushi date...
bye bye
Well, I think it had something to do with visiting Florida in July. I experienced it at it´s worst with the waves of heat permeating off the pavement... I was fond of the ´Southern hospitality´ in N.C. . Washington, D.C. is nice, but I prefer McLean, Virginia even more so. Anyway, I think you´ll enjoy visiting LA.
What does ´´Ser Herdu chaven xwa´´ mean?
How was your sushi date btw?