ann wrote:Diri I havent known that Erbil is in arabic and Hewler in kurdish
good to know it
Yes we want it. He is living in Germany, I am still in Poland. This month I graduated my study- petroleum geology - and later move to him
How we met? Hehehehe I have a lot of friends form Kurdistan in Poland, not only from Iraq but also from Turkey and Syria. One day my friend asked me about Auschwitz- Birkenau ( u know this? ). I am living near this and that day I was their guide. We met there ( not sweet story
Yeah Kurds would react (negatively) if you
purposefully called it "Erbil" instead of Hewlêr!
I know Auschwitz and Birnenau yes... I live in Norway... We have a lot of history lessons about the Holacost and Hitler...
That is a nice story...
Wish you the best sweety!
Hope you share happiness forever and ever till eternity...
But I just hope you keep this going on a practical level too - because love can end one day... But you will always need and love eachother...
(my second mention of "love" is as in "you respect and help eachother")...