Goodmorning Dyaoko, well Kurds in western Kurdistan mainly exist in two areas, Afrin and what surrounds it till turky and Qamishlo near Iraq border...
But the Kurds in Qamishlo suffers more, cause the majority are poor (their lands took from them befor 30 years ago), many of them do not have identities or any paper as citizens, and they are surrounded with the worst of Arabs... These problems do exist between Afrinian Kurds but in few cases,they are many, they have their lands and most of them have identities, and somehow are far from a large arabic aggregation...
The Kurdish language there contains some of arabic words but it is more noticed in the afrinian kurdish language than Qamishlo, yet their is large diffrence between the two...
Then there is the Kurds who lived for a long time in Damascus, most of the old ones belong to the Kurdish territories in turky but recently there was many Kurds came to Damas ( especially Qamishlo) to work and study
I did not saw Rojhelat befor, so I guess i cannot answer you about that.
by the way what's the meaning of Dyaoko