Diri wrote:AlbaSaab wrote:Hi, We've already exchanged a couple of words, lolol.
I like your "Lolol"
Yeah - you sure did...
And you disagree on the religion matter obviously...
Where are you RED WOLF???
Please come and introduce yourself bro...
It's not so much disagreeing, as trying to find out how Red Wolf formed his/her opinions. I have a habit of playing devil's advocat, and it gets on people's nerves sometimes. LOL. I can't help it though; I like to find out where people are "coming from". So much can be misunderstood, all for want of a question........ Or LOTS of questions, in my case, lol. I always feel that if someone has nothing to hide, they will be more than happy to answer questions. Although of course some things are private.
He/she has gone rather quiet.