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Roj bash!

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 1:11 am
Author: Comerd
Hi everyone,

My name is Comerd (which means 'generous') and I live in Sweden. I have a kurdish father and a circassian mother, but I see myself as a Kurd. I decided to join this forum to get more involved in Kurdistan and Kurds in general. I feel like I would like to know even more about my people and my culture and seek new knowledge.

I can speak Kurdish pretty good. I can easily speak everyday-talk with other Kurds but when I listen to Kurdish news or something similiar, it gets a lot more difficult.

If you have any questions, please do ask.

Oxir be!

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:44 am
Author: dyaoko
thats grear comerd, welcome to roj bash.

is your father from east kurdistan ? (iranian )

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 8:06 am
Author: KuRdIsHgIrL
Bi xêr hatî Comerd...

hope you will enjoy your stay bira :D

Don't let it trouble you, you have problems because every province has its own sub-dialect!!!! :wink:

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:40 am
Author: Diri
Bi xêr hatî Comêrd! :)

You are most welcome to Roj Bash Kurdistan...

@Dyaoko - his mother is Circassian, a Caucasion people, whom are in large numbers also i Turkey... So he is a Kurd from Kurdistana Bakûr...

And also he uses "C" as the standard Kurdish alphabet, which means that he is familiar with it, and that he must be a Kurmancî speaker... :)

So he must be from Kurdistana Bakûr...

By the way, Comêrd, is your father from Amed or Erzûrûm?

@Kurdish Girl - indeed sub-dialects can be a problem... But if we read Kurdish books and study our language, we will see that it's actually very logical... :)

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:46 pm
Author: Comerd
Gelekî sipas! :)

Diri, my father is actually from Qamişlo in Syria, and yes we speak Kurmancî :) But my kalo is from Adiyaman in Turkey. My kalo is in my avatar, and I heard he was famous in Syrian Kurdistan in KDP and also being one of those who established the Latin-Kurdish alphabet.

My mother is circassian, but her family lived in diaspora in Syria. There are many circassians in Syria, and especially in the Golan Heights, where she lived.

Bi xatirê we.

PS. I can also add that I am 18 years old. :)

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:18 pm
Author: Diri
Qamişlo? :)

Ser çawan... Bi xêr hatî...

How long have you been based in Europe? That is IF you are based in Europe... :lol:

Good on your grandfather... :) Dest xosh...

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:01 pm
Author: Comerd
Belê, bavê min ji Qamişloyê ye.

I have lived in Sweden all my life, that is 18 years.

For those who are interested I can tell a little about my life. I am currently studying in 12th grade and this summer I graduate. After that I'm off to some university somewhere here in Sweden. I am very interested in psychology, social studies, social psychology and behavioural science. So I am in to social circumstances, culture and people in general. :)

Diri, I saw that you are studying Middle-eastern studies, I was interested in that education. Can you briefly tell me what they teach you? Just curious about the education since it sounds really interesting. :)

And thank you for the welcome everybody. :)

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:40 pm
Author: Diri
Gelek başe :)

Glad to have a Rojavayî Kurd here...

Middle East studies is what's it's called here, but it goes by other names elsewhere ---- Anyway, that also means that the structure of the Bachlor is not the same from place to place...

But basically:

first semester: Compulsory philosophy and logic
second semester: Compulsory History of the Middle East from Islam till today + a mixed course which combines 3 subjects = Religion, Archeology & Social antropology
third semester: Free choice of specialization (religion, history, archeology or socialantropology)
fourth semester: Compulsory Arabic language (three parts: oral, grammatical and lectures)
fifth semester: Specialize in either Arabic, or the subject you specialized in at your third semester - start working on your Bachlor paper...
sixth semester: Write your Bachlor paper...

In Sweden, you can probably choose to study Kurdish, Turkish and Persian in addition to Arabic... Probably - since they are available...

If I would have chosen again today, I would have studied psychology or political science...

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 9:54 am
Author: K4L_2007
Hi and Welcome to this forum :D