Author: Nistiman » Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:53 am
I can't describe my emotions...wait, maybe my emoticons can help
it's been so long since I've been in an english/kurdish forum! And what a nice suprise to see some of my old friends from Kurdishmedia -- I feel uplifted.
i'm still upset at those who sacked the kurdishmedia forum but i'm even more upset that they never fixed it. after weeks passed i eventually stopped checking and slowly i forgot it even existed).
I see Cheryl is here ... HI Cheryl!!! I saw Arcan-dohuk (did you get a new nickname? good for you!), Pesh17, and luv-kurdistan (whom I didn't really know very well but with a name like that the recognition factor kicks in). I also saw Piling...this couldn't be the Piling in or Berxwedan in Kurdishmedia...nahh, this Piling's posts sound too sensible
Once again, hi everyone, and I look forward to discussing all things Kurdish!