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Hello ^^

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:48 pm
Author: Kecke_Kurd
Hello everyone,
I think it's good to introduce myself. ^^

I am a 20yr old girl, and I study Law with international relations at uni. I am a Kurd from Duhok (South Kurdistan) and speak Badini. I am also trying to pick up my Sorani again.

When I was 5yrs old, I spoke Dutch, English and Kurdish-Sorani fluently eventhough my family speaks Badini. My friends were Sorani, that's how I picked up Sorani in stead of Badini. ^^
But I am trying to pick up my Sorani again. =) (It's going pretty good :P)

Hope you are all doing fine. :)


Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:41 pm
Author: Kulka
chony bashy - chowany :D Kecke_Kurd xan

nice to meet you here, its great that you study, coz i think kurdistan need educated people - those who will change things to better (coz i dont believbe that politicians will do that, i believe in people, in nation).

i am trying to learn sorani as well, i am 2 years with sorani people, but i am still very poor with the language, partly because the older you are the more difficult is to learn thing and partly, coz i dont have any books and teachers (which is my personal tragedy :D ), but now i say: enough! and i started to annoy all my kurdish brothers about that. one from RBK is already helping me, that i really appreciate, but i am going also to "use" my brothers from work.

once again i welcome you here and i am really happy to meet you, coz i have a lot brothers, but very, very few sisters, so its double nice for me.

Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:12 am
Author: Kecke_Kurd
Silaw Kulka! :D

Gêlêk sûpas, ez başem, huma tu ya baş bi. =)

I am doing my best. I want to help Kurdistan with all my heart and hopefully be a good example for people. :D

Aaaw, you're trying your best, so that's good. :D Another way of learning the Sorani-dialect is by watching tv, programma's that you like (in Sorani) and bit by bit you'll built it up. The pronunciation and the language itself. Maybe it'll help you ? ^^ (That's how I learned English at the age of 5)
Xoşbext bî! =)

I try to pick it up Sorani so I can communicate with more Kurdish people, in stead of switching to English or Dutch because we can't understand each other.

That is so sweet of you! ^^
I'll be sticking around, so that's good. :P

Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:48 am
Author: Barış
Welcome to RBK! :D

Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:36 am
Author: Londoner
Welcome to the site dear Kecke_Kurd.

Legally I put it to you you are going to be a good lawyer. :D

Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:58 am
Author: Kulka
dear Sister!

when i am at home i always put on kurdistan tv, which is working good in internet (i dont have tv), and it its on all the time, sometimes i listen to music, but kurdish music, so its still sorani - from time to time other music. yesterday it was interesting programm about our people in germany. next week i think is ngoring to be about england, but i am gonna be at work so i will have no chance to watch.
but the problem is that for me is very difficult , coz i never had contact with that kind of language or similiar to that, so everything is completly new for me and considering my age it seems almost hopeless. writting is ok for me, i can write sorani quite easy, but reading is a bit worse and pronunciation is nightmare :shock: .
anyway - i keep going on ](*,)

Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:55 pm
Author: ideas
Hey welcome to the furom homie!


Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:23 pm
Author: Kecke_Kurd
Barış wrote:Welcome to RBK! :D

Thank you! :D
Londoner wrote:Welcome to the site dear Kecke_Kurd.

Legally I put it to you you are going to be a good lawyer. :D

:D Thank you!
Haha, hopefully! :P

ideas wrote:Hey welcome to the furom homie!


Thank you! :D


Ah, I understand what you mean, I had the same thing in the beginning. :P
Maybe it helps to watch something that has English subs underneath it - Because knowing and understanding are different from each other.
On youtube - you can find some music clips with Eng. subs - it's something that helps with the understanding part - So it makes it easier for you to know it.

Also, there is a CD-ROM available - to learn a language, and one of them was to learn the Sorani Language.
I should have bought that one when I had the chance! :P
It basically gives like basic sentences and stuff. Maybe that's useful ? (I don't know if it's good or not, but at least one other option :P)

Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:41 pm
Author: Kulka
yes, i watched "Turtles can fly" with subtitles and i put songs with it a lot as well - but still they talking TOO FAST!!! #-o - and also not too much clearly. at the moment i am working with that book for the first class primary school ( - things like : dara duu dar di :lol: . its simple of course, but the more practice, even with very simple things, the more better its gonna be. i think this book is better for now, coz before i used to work with that - ... rammar.pdf - and all my kurdish brothers run off when see that :lol:

Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:29 pm
Author: Kecke_Kurd

Kulka wrote:and all my kurdish brothers run off when see that :lol:

Hahahaha :lol:

You'll get the hang of it eventually. :D

The thing with me is that I can understand it but I can't speak it myself. My boyfriend can talk to me and I'd be able to understand it - but I can't talk back. I really need to get a hang of it because if I want to represent and help Kurdistan, I'd rather do that without a translator next to me. :D
Practice practice practice - That's what we've got to do. ^^

Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:35 pm
Author: Kulka
Exactly! when someone speaks not too fast i understand a lot. of course all my great brothers speak very fast and not standard sorani, but the language they speak to each other, that is a little bit informal :lol: and not very clear. and me too - i cant speak, coz i exactly know that even if one letter in the word will be pronunced wrong way - the word may change the meaning or doesnt mean anything. but i know i have to start and i am going to do that.

Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:35 am
Author: Kecke_Kurd
Hahaha :lol:
I know exactly what you mean! :lol:

It's even sadder with me - because some friends of mine (oke, most of them:P) speak Sorani. When they talk, they do it so fast that I think it's 1 word XD
And when I respond with "What?" They say it again as if I'm deaf :P omg :P

We have a lot to learn - at least you know where to start. That's so good of you! :D

My parents know Sorani & Badini - and look at me, I don't :P Sad innit ;p

Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 3:35 am
Author: Akam
Welcome to the site Kecke_Kurd,

where are you living now? i am guessing nederlands

Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:19 am
Author: Kecke_Kurd
Thank you so much Akam! :D

I would have guessed the same:p - But I don't anymore. =)

I lived in the Netherlands for about 13yrs. but moved to England. I live here for almost 4 years now.

Re: Hello ^^

PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:45 pm
Author: Kulka
your case my dear sister makes me to feel that i am not alone with my tragedy. and considering the fact that 3 years ago i even didnt know where is Kurdistan and i had no idea who are Kurds - my score for today doesnt seems that bad as i think :lol: - but i am wondering whats wrong with these people? why they dont want to talk NORMAL???? All the time they seems like being in hurry. but one day my friend, who at the same time is my supervisor at work - call me in the evening, he was a bit drunk (only a bit) and we talked almost one hour, out of it half an hour he was speaking sorani to me and the most funny is that i understand almost everything! maybe coz he is originally badhini :lol: - and sorani is not his first language, he talked very nicely - slow and clearly. but all my brothers have no mercy on me - they just speak to me like to each other and they expect me to speak sorani as well - its hard job to be kurdish #-o - but i will not give up.