Author: bamerni » Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:52 am
INFORMATION ON Bamerni"...with Bamerni airport and the two additional airfields the Americans have acquired full control of the skies over the two oil cities of Mosul and Kirkuk, as well as over the Syrian-Iraqi railroad, which they can now cut off by aerial bombardment"
from kurdistan iraq, i'm bamerni which bamarni has airport. but ...........u know what
n northern Iraq, work on building or extending six air bases has been wrapped up. Three of the biggest bases will be able to handle C-130 Hercules cargo planes or CA-130 gun-ships. They are: Beni Harir, north of Irbil, in an area controlled by the Kurds and where US special forces have been deployed, Bayrajo, along the main Suleimaniyeh-Kirkuk highway, and Bamerni outside the Kurdish city of Dahouk. ... undup.html
...on Wednesday night, August 8, Turkey executed its first major military assault inside Iraq. (Israeli) military sources learn from Turkish and Kurdish informants that helicopters under US, British and Turkish warplane escort flew Turkish commandos to an operation for seizing the critical Bamerni airport in northern Iraq. This airport, just outside the Kurdish region, lies 50 miles north of the big Iraqi oil cities of the north, Kirkuk and Mosul. With the Turkish commandos was a group of US Special Forces officers and men. Bamerni airport was captured after a brief battle in which a unit of Iraqi armored defenders was destroyed, opening the airport for giant American and Turkish transports to deliver engineering units, heavy machinery and electronic support equipment, which were put to work at once on enlarging the field and widening its landing strips.
The American unit, reinforced, went on to capture two small Iraqi military airfields nearby.
Bamerni Airport- Sirenky
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