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Kurdish Months

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:03 pm
Author: Diri
I just thought it was very off topic to discusse the names of the months in the HADEP forum - so I made a new forum here for the Kurdish months :D

Kurdish calender from the 21st of March:
The places you find two names - example: "AX LÊWE/XAK LÊWE" the first name is in Kurmancî and the second one in Soranî...

Spring in Kurdistan : Bihar / Buhar

1) Ax Lêwe/Xak Lêwe/ Awdar - Dirt (AX & XAK) becomes clear when snow is melting. "Awdar" means "watertree" it is the month when life is given to the tree - water (AW) passing through the tree (DAR)...
2) Awrêl / Banemer - This is what happens when the snow is melting - we get "Awrêl" it means water coming down the mountains - and flooding... The name April used in the West may have derived from this name. "Banemer" Means the "mating time of sheep and ram"... As the translation tells you this the time Kurds let their rams into their sheepflock to mate...
3) Gulan - This is the time when the flowers blossom... (Gul means flower)

Summar in Kurdistan: Hawîn / Awîn

4) Poshper - This is the month when the grass turns yellow... (Posh is the sound of the grass when it becomes yellow)
5) Tîrmeh - This is the time when the SUN is standing at its tallest on the sky - 90 degrees... "Tîr" means "ray" (sunray)!
6) Gelawêj - This the the month when the star named "Gelawêj" becomes visible in Kurdistan.

Autumn in Kurdistan: Payîz / Payêz

7) Chotmeh / Xerman - This is the month when the farmers start digging their fields and turning the dirt to make it ready for next season. "Chot" means "dig"..."Xerman" means harvest - before "digging" they harvest...
8 ) Rezber - This is the month that grape is harvested - "Rez" means a "bunch of grape"...
9) Kewchêr/Gella Rêzan - This means that the leaves on the trees are falling. "Gella" reffering to "leaf"... "Kewchêr"- "Kew" is the name of the bird that is the national symbol of Kurdistan and "chêr" means "scream (directly translated its the sound they make)" This is the time when kew that had hatched from their eggs in GULAN have become "young adults"- but they can't make the proper sound that and adult Kew makes yet so they make a sound that we call "Chêr" whish means "squeeling" in English.

Winter in Kurdistan: Ziwistan / Zimistan

10) Befranbar/Sermawez - This is the month when the first snow falls - "Befir" meaning snow and "bar" meaning "falling"..."Sermawez" reffering to the cold wind that sweeps across the mountains at this time of year. "Serm/Sar" means "cold". The world becomes cold...
11) Rêbendan - This is the month when most roads are blocked by the heavy snow - "Rê" meaning road - and "Bend" meaning "block/hinder". "Sermawez" reffering to the cold wind that sweeps across the mountains at this time of year. "Serm/Sar" means "cold".
12) Reshemeh - This is the month when the winter is the hardest - loongest nights... "Resh" meaning "black" and "Meh" meaning "month" - "BLACKMONTH"

And this should be satisfing - I did research on the net - but much of it contradicts other sources on the net... and the month of Gelawêj was TOTALY wrong in one of the sites where it said that Gelawêj means "Gathered crop"... It may be the right time for gathering the crop - but Gelawêj is the Kurdish name for VENUS (the star planet)- have a look at this site: ... st%C3%AArk)


1. Rêbendan (January)
2. Reshemeh (February)
3. Awdar - Ax/Xak Lêwe (March)
4. Awrêl - Banemer (April)
5. Gulan (May)
6. Pushper (June)
7. Tîrmeh (July)
8. Gelawêj (August)
9. Chotmeh (September)
10. Rezber (October)
11. Kewçêr - Gela Rêza (November)
12. Befranbar - Sermawez (December)

This is a KEW: (Scroll down when you enter the site)

GOD THIS TOOK ME A WHOLE DAY TO GET AROUND!!! Hope it's worth the time -and that all of you can use this as a source when talking of Kurdish months...

This is a relieable Kurmanchî Kurdish site:


PS: Names that were left out were left out because they may not be of Kurdish origin... The ones that ARE here are secure names that can be trusted...

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:07 pm
Author: cheryl
here is a list of months from Baran Rizgar's Dersên Kurdî

Çieyê Pashîn = January
Sibat = February
Adar = March
Nîsan = April
Gulan = May
Hezîran = June
Tîrmeh = July
Tebax = August
Îlon = September
Çirîya Pêshîn = October
Cotmeh = October
Çirîya Pashîn = November
Mijdar = November
Çileyê Pêshîn = December

don't ask me why there are two Octobers and two Novembers. the only further comments that are made regarding the months given here is that there are over 100 names for the months but the ones listed are the most common.

Baran Rizgar also makes a note that the months you listed as "how kurdish months would look like in a western perspective" are the names of the months used in south kurdistan and that those are the names the kurdish institute in istanbul decided to use.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:18 pm
Author: Diri

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 9:29 am
Author: kurdistani
Mangi yek
Mangi doo
Mangi se
Mangi Char
Mangi Penj
Mangi ses
Mangi Hewt Mangi hesht
Mangi No
Mangi De
Mangi yazda
Mangi dowanzda

Thats what people say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:02 pm
Author: Diri
Okey lets get back to the mean mean mean English girl... :lol: (I hope you understood my joke) :

Çileyê Pashîn = IS not a month as it is a Kurdish word for the 20 last days of HARD WINTER.
Sibat = This is one of those new-age turkish/Kurdish months
Adar = A Jewish Month - The Kurdish version is "AWDAR"
Nîsan = A Jewish Month
Gulan = This is a Kurdish month---
Hezîran = Another one of our conversions of Turkish months
Tîrmeh = This one is right...
Tebax = This one can not be used as it is a "new" invention - we rather stick to the old month names...
Îlon = This is a Jewish month... as Emunnah has confessed :P
Çirîya Pêshîn (in Kurdish we have a rule that says an "Î" can not come before a "Y" only after it = Same as Chiriya Pashîn...
Cotmeh = this one is correct... SEE: My post on months
Çirîya Pashîn = Some wrong here are december... it's NOT a month just a term used for a certain amount of one type of days.
Mijdar = What the hell does THAT mean??? All kurdish months are linked to nature!
Çileyê Pêshîn = Is not a month but what Kurds call the 40 first HARD DAYS OF WINTER.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:48 am
Author: cheryl
Dîrî, you craaaaAAAAAAaaaaAAAAaazzZZZZyy boy! :P i am not english! i am american. i think you are confusing me with someone else.

anyway, i'm only posting the information that is in baran rizgar's book. he also includes this list that you posted:

1. Rêbendan (January)
2. Reshemeh (February)
3. Awdar - Ax/Xak Lêwe (March)
4. Awrêl - Banemer (April)
5. Gulan (May)
6. Pushper (June)
7. Tîrmeh (July)
8. Gelawêj (August)
9. Chotmeh (September)
10. Rezber (October)
11. Kewçêr - Gela Rêza (November)
12. Befranbar - Sermawez (December)

i guess there needs to be a standardization of kurdish months. maybe kurdistani has provided a simple answer to the problem :wink:

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:55 am
Author: kurdistani
Its not my solution it is what people say in Hewler...

Bona Muna Em mang mangi penj e....
or whatever.... It is simple and logical... that is why people use this system of month...... :wink:

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:12 am
Author: Diri
It's not a smart thing to do - our months names tell us SO much about Kurdish culture - just a name but a thousand words! ;)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:16 am
Author: kurdistani
Diri wrote:It's not a smart thing to do - our months names tell us SO much about Kurdish culture - just a name but a thousand words! ;)

I fear Kurdish months will go the same way as the word Ramyari (Politics)...
Nobody uses it every one says Siyset.....
The number months are what people are using....

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:19 am
Author: Diri
Nope - acttually that word HAS been "lost" bbut people use the months that Cheryl listed FIRST time... They do so in Kirmancî dialects - However I don't know what goes on in Soranî... But you are probably right ;)

May be I can direct your attention to KURDISTANICA

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 1:48 pm
Author: Binyamin
May be it is good to look at the research done by KURDISTANICA team in 1997 ... endar.html

and even the program to calculate the Kurdish months ... erter.html

One thing is important to have inn mind, what is calendar for and who is serving?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:54 pm
Author: Rumtaya
very intresting there are two months we call the same like i said

for nisan april


ilon september

now the question is who had take it from who


PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:04 pm
Author: Rumtaya
have a look here are the jewish months

Marcheschwan (Cheschwan)Als Schaltmonat
KislewAls Schaltmonat

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:09 pm
Author: Rumtaya
here i have assyrian months

SHVADT - - - - February
AADAAR - - - - March
NEESSAAN - - - - April
YAARR - - - - May
KHZEERRAAN - - - - June
TAAMUZ - - - - July
'TD'AABAAKH - - - - August
EELOOL - - - - September
TISHRIN QAAMAYAA - - - - October
KANOON QAAMAAYAA - - - - December

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:45 pm
Author: ellinas
here is the hellenic months:

Ianouarios - January
Febrouarios - February
Martios - March
Aprilios - April
Maios - May
Iounios - June
Ioulios - July
Augoustos - August
Septembrios - September
Oktobrios - October
Noemvrios - November
Dekembrios - December

is deferent the write with greek characters and also the spell.
There are also some other versions different from this in greek.
This is what the official.