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Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake News

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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Mar 20, 2022 10:30 pm

Washington rushes to hide its
    NED funding in Ukraine
Many sections of the corporate media and a legion of propaganda agencies are openly and secretly funded by the US

As Russia finally invaded Ukraine – on a rationale similar to that of the US invasion of Iraq, but with greater substance – Washington rushed to delete funding details of Ukraine groups through its Congress-funded ‘National Endowment for Democracy’ (NED).

As US Professor John Mearsheimer said, Washington created the crisis in Ukraine, hoping to surround and fragment Russia, using NATO expansion and its Neo-Nazi allies. Instead, it seems that Russia will dismantle Ukraine. In the meantime, the U.S. in decline uses financial assets and networks to subvert most of the world.

    Despite the attempt to hide this sponsorship, an 80-page document showing US government NED funding for hundreds of Ukraine groups has been leaked
Now posted on several sites this document allows us a window into some of the internal U.S. influence since the CIA orchestrated Kiev coup of 2014. Many of the allocations have to do with anti-Russian propaganda, usually in the name of ‘transparency’, human rights, ‘independent journalism’, monitoring and so on.

For example, the list shows us that a Ukraine group ‘InformNapalm’, set up “to debunk myths and expose secrets of the Russian hybrid war” and which claims to be “a purely volunteer endeavor which does not have any financial support from any government or donor”, is actually US Government funded. The group publishes anti-Russian propaganda on its website in 31 languages.

Other sources show us that the U.S. Government funds Ukraine's Neo-Nazi linked Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (the KVPU), through its NED funded partner the AFL-CIO’s ‘Solidarity Center’. There are few sectors which the NED has not penetrated.

In Ukraine, this has meant that, especially since 2014, the anti-Russian feeling already embedded in Ukraine nationalism and ultra-nationalism, has been inflamed, setting the country on a collision source with its Russian-speaking minority and with its big eastern neighbor. The NED has culturally reinforced NATO’s drive to war.

NED & USAID openly finance propaganda operations

As the New York Times pointed out in 1997, the NED was set up under the Reagan administration in the 1980s “to do in the open what the Central Intelligence Agency has done surreptitiously for decades”. Since WW2 Washington, “usually acting covertly through the CIA, has installed or toppled leaders on every continent, secretly supported political parties of close allies like Japan, fomented coups, spread false rumors, bribed political figures and spent countless billions of dollars to sway public opinion.”

While the CIA and the US military continue the covert subversion of ‘enemies’ and control of ‘allies’, the NED and USAID openly finance political and propaganda operations.

Marjorie Cohn recently reminded us that William Blum wrote: “the idea was that the NED would do somewhat overtly what the CIA had been doing covertly for decades, and thus, hopefully, eliminate the stigma associated with CIA covert activities”. NED co-founder Allen Weinstein affirmed: “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”

Washington often complains about ‘state media’ propaganda in its targeted countries, but its own agencies including the NED have funded corporate media in friends and enemies alike – e.g. by pouring millions into ‘independent’ British media groups - and by funding individual journalists, as well as auxiliary ‘independent’ propaganda outfits like Index on Censorship, Article 19, Finance Uncovered and Bellingcat.

The annual report of Thomson Reuters acknowledges NED funding; Open Democracy acknowledges that it receives funds from the NED; and Bellingcat, used to run US war propaganda about Syria, Iraq and Ukraine, also acknowledges NED funding.

A history of subversion

The obvious subversion through this foreign funding has led several independent states to ban NED operations. For example, NED grantees have been arrested and charged with criminal offenses in Cuba and Venezuela.

In 2000 President George W. Bush quadrupled NED funding to opposition groups in Venezuela, including to a right wing union group (the Confederación de Trabajadores Venezolanos: CTV), an educational group (the Asamblea de Educación), the political party Primero Justicia, the Chamber of Commerce Fedecámaras, Súmate and some others.

Venezuelan prosecutors laid treason charges against Súmate leaders, saying that NED funds were used to finance an anti-government political campaign, rather than for the claimed ‘educational’ purposes.

A few years later the NED was said to have “channeled multi-million dollar funding to .. [the] political parties Primero Justicia and Voluntad Popular” as well as to Súmate. The NED also funded Venezuela’s opposition coalition, the Democratic Unity Table (MUD), via the US International Republican Institute (IRI).

Washington has used several agencies, including the NED, to subvert its small neighbor Cuba, against which the U.S. government has mounted an economic blockade for the past six decades. The U.S. has spent many millions in failed attempts at pseudo ‘democracy’ promotion in Cuba.

Other U.S. agencies are involved. In 2010 it was revealed that the directors of U.S. state media Radio and Television Marti had made secret payments to at last nine Miami journalists to ensure (if that were needed) that the trial of five Cuban anti-terrorist agents was seriously prejudiced.

The Cuban government sent these men to Miami in the 1990s to collect information on U.S.-backed groups which were making terrorist attacks on Cuba; the US government, in turn arrested and charged them with ‘espionage’. Some of the paid journalists were themselves members of para-military, anti-Cuban groups.

In recent times some NED funding, like that of the CIA, has moved off the public record. In 2021 it was reported that the NED had “failed to disclose 21% of Cuba grants”.

In 2013, Bolivian President Evo Morales expelled USAID from the country, for similar activity to the NED. Several years later US agencies were found to be complicit in the 2019 coup against President Morales.

In 2015 the British Guardian reported that the NED “was the first ‘undesirable’ NGO banned in Russia”. This was half-true. The NED funds NGOs but is not itself an NGO.

In 2021 a report in China’s Global Times called the NED an “obnoxious pest” and certainly not an NGO, nor anything to do with promoting ‘democracy’. Tens of millions had been provided to anti-China separatist groups the World Uyghur Congress (WUC), the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) and several ‘independence’ preachers in Hong Kong.

In Ukraine, the Russia invasion provoked a strong US reaction to the exposure of their clients. For much the same reason, the NED hides the identities of most of its funded agencies inside Iran, Cuba and Venezuela. The NED was a key sponsor of Iran’s failed ‘Green Revolution’ of 2009. These paid propaganda channels, in the name of ‘liberty’, facilitate the desired cultural context for economic wars and direct interventions.

Washington’s NED ‘octopus’ reminds us that U.S. ‘state media’ is not just Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia and so on. Many sections of the corporate media and a legion of propaganda agencies are openly and secretly funded by the US. ... in-ukraine
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New



Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Mar 21, 2022 3:39 am

Russia needs help evacuating Mariupol

The head of the Russian National Defense Control Center, Mikhail Mizintsev, said on Sunday, that the Russian Defense Ministry has urged UN, OSCE, and Red Cross representatives to assist with the humanitarian operation to evacuate civilians from Ukraine's Mariupol

"To fulfill this task [evacuation], we are also sending an official appeal to the UN, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other international organizations, inviting their representatives to accompany this humanitarian operation, as they say, directly 'on the ground,' that is, in the city Mariupol, as part of Russian and Ukrainian humanitarian convoys," Mizintsev said.

He also stated that Russia demands an official written response from Ukraine to all of its humanitarian proposals for ensuring the safety of Mariupol residents and the city's infrastructure by 05:00 local time on Monday.

it is worth mentioning that Russia has constantly opened humanitarian corridors allowing civilians to leave Mariupol and other Ukrainian cities in routes agreed upon with Ukraine ... -assist-in
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:23 pm

Ammonia leak in Sumy

A top Ukrainian official says that Russia's armed forces have not planned and are not carrying out any attacks on Ukrainian facilities for the storage or production of toxic substances

Russian defense ministry spokesperson Igor Konashenkov affirmed, on Monday, that a provocation by Ukrainian nationalists resulted in an ammonia leak detected in the vicinity of the Ukrainian city of Sumy.

On his account, the head of Sumy Regional State Administration Dmitry Zhivitsky stated earlier in the day that an ammonia leak was discovered at a chemical facility, adding that the incident occurred at 4:30 a.m. local time (2:30 GMT).

Russia's defense ministry issued, on Saturday, a warning about the threat of provocations with toxic chemicals in the area by Ukrainian nationalists backed by the US and several EU countries in order to put the blame on the Russian army.

"In the city of Sumy, a planned provocation by Ukrainian nationalists, about which the Russian Ministry of Defense officially warned a few days ago, was carried out at night," he told reporters.

The official reiterated that Russia's armed forces have not planned and are not carrying out any attacks on Ukrainian facilities for the storage or production of toxic substances.

"The coordinates of all such facilities and data on poisonous substances stored there on the territory of Ukraine were obtained by us during the capture of combat documentation of the 4th brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard," he stressed.

He went on to say that Kiev is directly liable for any incidents involving Ukrainian facilities that store toxic substances.

At the beginning of this month, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that Ukraine's Azov battalion is preparing for a provocation that could lead to radioactive contamination in Kharkov.

The Russian Defense Ministry Spokesperson Igor Konashenkov pointed out that Kiev wanted to accuse Russia of creating a radiation focus at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (NPP).

On March 9, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that Ukrainian nationalists struck Chernobyl NPP's power supply.

It is worth mentioning that the Russian Defense Ministry has frequently warned that Ukrainian military and nationalist groups are planning grave provocations to blame on Moscow. So far, the West has ignored Russia's worries and warnings. ... rainian-na
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Mar 21, 2022 2:15 pm

Please Click Photo to Enlarge:


A local walks with a child past pro-Russian troops in Mariupol Donbass

As the saying goes:

A picture says a thousand words

When you read all the lies and propaganda online and in mainstream media - I want you to remember this photo - this man is not terrified of Russians - he feels safe enough to walk past the Russian tank with his child
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Mar 21, 2022 10:39 pm

Note: this report was produced prior to Russia's intervention and support of Donbass

Far-Right Groups in Ukraine

In recent years the country’s significant democratic gains have been paralleled by a dramatic increase in the activity of far-right groups. While radical far-right groups have existed in Ukraine since the 1920s, they now represent a sophisticated and politically influential element of society.

In electoral politics, the Svoboda (Freedom) party is considered the most developed political arm of Ukraine’s far right. The party’s greatest political victory came in 2010, when it received 10 percent of the vote in parliamentary elections and several ministerial positions in the Ukrainian government

Far-right groups are also highly active outside the formal political arena. Emboldened by the struggle with Russia and greater societal acceptance of a radical and intolerant brand of patriotism, these groups target perceived internal threats and “impure” elements of society—including Roma, LGBT+ people, and religious and linguistic minorities—that do not align with their exclusive “traditional” vision of Ukrainian identity.

Their methods range from brutal violence, such as pogroms on Roma camps, to aggressive efforts to prevent the LGBT+ community from using public spaces and participating in public life.

According to recent data from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the number of hate-motivated incidents in Ukraine has grown steadily in recent years, with 178 incidents recorded by the police in 2018 alone.

The war in the east has provided newfound social legitimacy to far-right groups, bringing with it unprecedented levels of sophistication, funding, recruitment, and organizational capacity. According to Vyacheslav Likhachev, a Kyiv-based expert on right-wing groups in Ukraine, the activity and visibility of these groups has increased significantly since the war’s outbreak, drawing new members from a generation of youth who have come of age in a new era of war patriotism.

As the hot conflict against the external Russian threat has wound down, many young people have turned to far-right paramilitary groups in search of new ways to prove themselves, seeing membership as offering opportunities to defend the Ukrainian homeland against supposed internal enemies.

Worryingly, Ukraine’s far-right groups are not sustained on ideology alone: their activities are supported by various homegrown commercial and political operations, which regularly hire out the groups’ services as paid thugs.

The Ukrainian government itself is one of many stakeholders that draws on far right groups’ violent skillset both formally and informally, even going so far as to integrate right-wing paramilitary groups into the Ukrainian armed forces.

Likhachev observes that the establishment of far-right violence as a lucrative industry in Ukraine has resulted in greater fragmentation and radicalization of these groups, as they compete amongst themselves for resources and prestige. Thus, the instrumentalization of far-right groups by various actors pursuing personal gain has actually made the far right more dangerous to their ideological opponents by reinforcing the violent character of their activities.

Violence and intimidation by far-right groups has taken place with near-total impunity, as Ukrainian law enforcement has rarely taken meaningful action to hold perpetrators accountable in recent years.This is primarily due to a lack of political will among policymakers and the Ukrainian public to take a stand on this issue in the context of the ongoing war.

This failure of political will is complex and stems from many sources, ranging from genuine popular support for these groups as defenders of threatened Ukrainian identity, to powerful interest groups who stand to gain from the thriving industry of far-right thuggery.

A weak legal framework to combat hate-motivated violence also aggravates the problem; existing articles in the criminal code do not provide investigators and prosecutors with the tools they need to hold perpetrators accountable for hate-motivated violence and are inconsistent with international standards ... ght-rising
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:50 am

Putin, Macron hold phone call

The Russian and French presidents discussed the issue of Ukraine and the talks between Kiev and Moscow over the latter's special military operation

The two leaders had also talked on Friday, discussing the situation in Ukraine and Moscow's approach to a potential ceasefire agreement.

"A thorough exchange of views on the situation around Ukraine continued, including on the course of ongoing negotiations between Russian and Ukrainian representatives," the Kremlin press service said.

The parties to the crisis held three rounds of negotiations in Belarus, and negotiations are going on an almost daily basis via videoconference.

According to the head of the Russian delegation, presidential aide Vladimir Medinsky, Moscow and Kiev have brought their positions as close as possible on the neutral status of Ukraine and its non-entry into NATO, adding that they were "halfway" on the issue of the country's demilitarization.

Commenting on the topic of denazification, Medinsky stressed that representatives of Kiev insist on the absence of Nazi formations. He also noted that the people of Donbass should decide for themselves the issue of managing the territories in which they live.

The crisis in question is due to Russia launching a special military operation for several reasons, including NATO's eastward expansion. Other reasons were the Ukrainian shelling of Donbass and the killing of the people of the Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic, in addition to Moscow wanting to "denazify" and demilitarize Ukraine. ... aine-talks
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:57 am

68% of Russians support military operation

67% of Russians believe that Russia's operation in Ukraine aims to ensure the security of Russia, disarm Ukraine and prevent the deployment of NATO bases

Russian Public Opinion Research Center conducted a poll over Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to conduct a special military operation in Ukraine.

The results of the poll showed that more than two-thirds of Russians (68%) believe that the decision to conduct the military operation in Ukraine was right, as 82% of the respondents aged above 60 share this opinion.

In response to a question about the objectives of the special military operation, the poll indicated that 67% of the respondents believe that the operation aims to ensure the security of Russia, disarm Ukraine and prevent the deployment of NATO bases on its territory.

According to the center, 51% of respondents believe that Moscow's operation primarily aims to protect the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics.

It is noteworthy that the poll was conducted in 53 Russian regions, between March 11 and 13, 2022, and included 1,500 respondents aged 18 years and above ... in-ukraine
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:37 pm

Hunter Biden's Investment Fund
    Linked to Ukrainian BioLabs: Kirilov
On Thursday, Russia’s Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense Chief Igor Kirilov denounced that the Rosemont Seneca Thornton Investment Fund, which is owned by President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, supported the U.S. military-biological activities in Ukraine

"The documents found by our army during its special military operation in Ukraine show the scheme of interaction of U.S. state institutions with 30 biological laboratories in 14 cities," Kirilov explained.

From 2018 to 2020, Rosemont Seneca, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Soros Fund, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) granted US$32 million to laboratories in Ukraine.

Other research institutions such as the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which developed nuclear weapons after World War II, also supervised the scientific development of the bilogical military programs.

    The best way for the US to prove its innocence on the issue of the biolabs in Ukraine and other places around the globe is to open up for international scrutiny.
    — Spokesperson发言人办公室 (@MFA_China) March 24, 2022
Kirilov also warned that the documents revealed that those institutions, their personnel, and contractors were exempt from paying all forms of taxes in Ukraine.

Thanks to this "collaboration," the United States extracted at least 16,000 samples of dangerous pathogens, transmitting agents, tissues, and blood from the population to conduct studies that would determine which pathogens would be the most dangerous for the region. The samples were taken to laboratories in Georgia, the U.K., and Germany.

“This situation, therefore, poses not only risks to the biological safety of Ukraine, but the entire European continent,” the Russian officer stressed. ... -0010.html
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:35 pm

US Fuels the Ukrainian Conflict

A month has passed since Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine. The United States has not only failed to take practical measures to de-escalate the situation, but continued to "fan the flames" through weapon assistance and sanctions

The root cause of the outbreak of the conflict is the continuous eastward expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). To maintain its hegemony, the United States has never hesitated to sacrifice the interests of other countries, including its European allies, which has long caused dissatisfaction among all parties.


Russia's concern that NATO is expanding to its borders has never been heeded by the U.S., "which is only interested in maintaining its hegemonic status in Europe, and which has been steadily retreating from that collaborative policy which the West committed itself to after the Cold War," William Jones, Washington bureau chief of Executive Intelligence Review, said.

After the Soviet Union disintegrated, the U.S. has kept squeezing Russia's development space through the eastward expansion of NATO, which not only did not disappear with the Cold War but has increasingly gained strength to become a military bloc that engages in bloc confrontation under the leadership of the U.S. In recent years, NATO has also wooed Ukraine to join, which eventually crossed Russia's strategic bottom line.

President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly warned NATO against deploying its troops and weapons to Ukraine, saying this represents a red line for Russia and would trigger a strong response. In December, Russia presented the United States and NATO with a set of proposals for binding Western security guarantees. Since then, Russia has conducted intensive dialogues with the United States, NATO and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe on security issues, but no substantial result came out of them.

    Analysts say the United States is the real initiator of the Ukraine crisis. Till now when Russia and Ukraine are deeply mired in the conflict, the United States is still trying to reap economic and political benefits from this crisis
Shares of U.S. military companies have risen sharply recently. Former Pentagon analyst Franklin Spinney said the U.S. Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex stands to benefit from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine as it ramps up defense spending for what could be a protracted affair in Europe.

While Washington has made huge bucks from its military industrial complex, it continues to demonize Russia's security threat to Europe and discourage the latter's pursuit of strategic autonomy so as to consolidate its hegemony.


European countries are bound to bear the brunt of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. On one hand, a multitude of Ukrainian evacuees were flocking to other parts of the continent, with knotty problems arising from the mass evacuation; on the other hand, the crisis has also dealt a significant blow to the international trade of energy and agricultural products, threatening the global economic recovery.

Obviously, the whole international community will have to pay for this conflict, which broke out owing to Washington's inflaming tensions. According to data updated Wednesday by the UN Refugee Agency, more than 3.67 million Ukrainian people have been displaced. As the situation continues to worsen, the figure is estimated to surpass 4 million. Filippo Grandi, head of the refugee agency, described the Ukraine conflict as "the fastest growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War II" in a recent tweet.

"The combined speed and scale of this movement is unprecedented in recent memory," noted the agency's spokesperson Matthew Saltmarsh.

The inrush of Ukrainian evacuees of this magnitude may put a strain on the countries accepting them and trigger political and economic problems. In late February, Slovakia has declared a state of emergency in connection with the mass influx of Ukranians.

Meanwhile, the crises of energy and food security stemming from the Ukraine conflict also gave Europe a headache. Europe, as a major importer of Russian energy, has been feeling the repercussions of Western sanctions on Russia, given the skyrocketing energy prices in the continent.

As the grain supply from Ukraine, widely known as the "breadbasket of Europe," is cut in the short term, and possibly in the long term if the hostilities drag on, the military conflict is expected to further push up food prices.

Earlier this month, Jean Pisani-Ferry, a senior fellow at the Brussels-based economic think tank Bruegel, published a blog post assessing the significant economic policy consequences of the Ukraine conflict on the European Union. He estimated that the corresponding short-term direct budgetary cost for the bloc and its members could represent US$193 billion, or about 1.25 percent of GDP in 2022.

Following a meeting of the International Monetary Fund Executive Board in early March, the organization cautioned against "very serious" economic consequences of the Ukraine crisis.

"Should the conflict escalate, the economic damage would be all the more devastating. The sanctions on Russia will also have a substantial impact on the global economy and financial markets, with significant spillovers to other countries," it warned.


Instead of sanctions, which carries a hint of the Cold-War mentality and the United States has kept imposing on Russia together with some European countries and even attempting to lure and coerce more into, countries including China have championed peace talks as a way out.

Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi said on March 19 that China has always advocated for peace and opposed war, which is not only a tradition rooted in the country's history and culture but has also been its foreign policy. His words has been echoed by many countries, which oppose unilateral sanctions that have no basis in international law.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a phone call with Putin on Feb. 24 said that the differences between Russia and NATO "can only be resolved through honest and sincere dialogue," and called for an immediate cessation of violence and "concerted efforts from all sides to return to the path of diplomatic negotiations and dialogue," according to a statement on the website of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on March 6 slammed Western envoys based in Islamabad, who had released a joint letter on March 1, urging Pakistan to support a UN resolution condemning Russia's actions in Ukraine.

"What do you think of us? Are we your slaves ... that whatever you say, we will do? We are not in any camp," he said, adding that Pakistan would remain "neutral" and work with those trying to end the conflict in Ukraine.

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi in a phone conversation with Putin on March 9 emphasized the importance of "prioritizing dialogue and diplomatic endeavors for swiftly settling the crisis politically to curb the deterioration of the crisis and to preserve the stability and security of the two countries," the Egyptian presidency said.

South Africa aligns itself with the UN calls for de-escalation, dialogue and a return to diplomacy, and stands ready to support "genuine multilateral efforts to end the conflict and achieve a lasting peace in the region," said South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on a national assembly plenary on March 17.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said in an interview with Nikkei that he sees "double standards" in the Western response to Russia's military operation in Ukraine, the news outlet reported on March 17.

Many non-Western countries "don't trust the West's willingness or ability" to manage the economic consequences of the conflict in ways that protect the interests of non-Western states, a columnist wrote on Monday in The Wall Street Journal. ... -0005.html
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Mar 26, 2022 2:53 pm

Who stood with Yemen?

Seven years ago...

At 1 am, the first Saudi airstrike shook Yemen and plunged the country into what has been designated as the world's worst humanitarian crisis. Seven years of aggression led to 46,262 casualties, martyrs and wounded.

Seven years later...

The world continues to maintain silence on Yemen, Western powers didn't halt any arms sales to the bloody coalition, and millions of Yemenis are still at the brink of starvation. Today, the people of Yemen learned the truth in the hardest way: Humanity is selective and the war on Yemen is not a choice.

After Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine, which just turned one month old, the international community was quick to launch funding campaigns, Western powers imposed all-out draconian sanctions and banned Russia from all international events, all with the aim of completely isolating the country. Doing so, the international community aimed to halt the military operation.

Now ask yourself, why didn't the international community put the same effort into Yemen? Instead of sanctioning Saudi Arabia, the international community heavily armed it. Instead of securing humanitarian corridors and humanitarian aid, the international community preached empty statements in false solidarity with the children of Yemen.

Despite all the atrocities in Yemen, Western media remained silent on the aggression. Reports indicate that mainstream US media have aired an approximate cumulative of 92 minutes of coverage since the beginning of the war; that is, a war of seven years so far. If this major humanitarian crisis fails to make the news, what do US news outlets deem newsworthy and headline material?

How does media shape the war?

The modern age relies desperately on the media and social platforms to keep up with global events. As a weapon, the camera can be used in favor of or against the oppressed and oppressor. Media bias is inevitable in a world of so many opinions, but the question here is - is humanity a matter of opinion?

The power of the media relies on what content is broadcasted and what is not

The extremely limited international attention directed toward Yemen can mean two things; the war on Yemen is not important or the international audience is not be informed of what is happening in the other part of the world.

That said, the narrative on Yemen cannot be easily criticized by Americans without implicating themselves. Considering that the United States backs the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen how would it justify its intervention there, noting that Saudi Arabia is responsible for high civilian death tolls and a list of war crimes?,

Political US coverage

Structurally, the media carefully broadcast content to avoid touching on the United States’ longstanding relationship with a country like Saudi Arabia, which would expose the US' bloody intervention. That is why it would rather ignore the Yemen situation altogether.

Did you know that since Saudi Arabia declared war on Yemen in 2015, it was listed as the World’s largest arms importer from 2015 through 2019?

    According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, its imports of arms increased by 130% compared to the previous five-year period. In numbers, the US exported a total of 73% and the UK a total of 13% of these arms to Saudi Arabia
Moreover, US arms sales amounted to $3 billion in five years from 2015 till 2020, also agreeing to sell over $64.1 billion worth of weapons to Riyadh, which is around $10.7 billion annually.

On the other hand, during Trump's administration, the collaboration between Fox News and the Republican Party could explain a thread of the network’s negligence to highlight the current administration’s foreign policy failings, however, other opposing networks were equally silent because of Obama's involvement in the war.

Media outlets can't use the US support of Saudi's atrocities in Yemen because of the consequences that would be bestowed upon the administration.


Seven years of raging war on Yemen exhausted the population’s capacity to cope, and the global attention shifted toward Ukraine following Russia's military operation. The darkest forms of irony have been heard by officials concerning Ukraine with complete disregard for Yemen.

Simply, the core players fuelling the Saudi war on Yemen have taken a stand in solidarity with Ukraine.

In numbers, so far, there are 17,734 martyrs, including 4,017 children, 2,434 women, and 11,283 men, while the number of the wounded reached 28,528, including 4,586 children, 2,911 women, and 10,032 men.

In the latest international campaign, #EndTheSiegeOnYemen was trending in solidarity with Yemen. Activists, human rights advocates, and media professionals around the world launched a wide international campaign on social media demanding ending the siege on Yemen which caused the country to plunge into the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.

The campaign was launched under the title "End the Siege on Yemen" to shed light on the forgotten suffering of the Yemeni people as a result of the blockade imposed by the Saudi-led coalition on the country and to mobilize efforts to end it right now.

Media's "less global" shift

It is as simple as that, the United States and its Western allies have rediscovered the importance of international law when it comes to Ukraine but continue to turn a blind eye to Yemen.

Russia's special operation in Ukraine, unlike similar incidents in times past, has taken the social media platforms by storm, with memes, misinformation campaigns, and scams all adding to the growing maelstrom of information, which can confuse and cloud what’s actually happening.

    Meta's Facebook is censoring all state news, accusing any Russian outlet of spreading misinformation. In return, the social platform is actively working in solidarity with Ukraine. But one can't help but ask, did platforms like Facebook ever closely monitor misinformation or any information about war-torn states in the world?

    It also announced that it will restrict access to content from Russian state-affiliated media outlets RT and Sputnik in response to requests from EU officials, suppressing all claimed notions of freedom of expression.
Moreover, social media platforms chose to selectively censor fake news, keeping misinformation that hail Ukraine on the internet. Ahed Tamimi was a Palestinian girl, depicted as a Ukrainian girl, for global sympathy.

Double standards in censorship were highlighted when the all-Yemeni Ansar Allah resistance movement in Yemen was censored, but all mercenaries in Ukraine were being promoted. That made the reach on Yemen minimal, while news on Ukraine witnessed overwhelming worldwide traffic.

Moreover, the internet was widely active in promoting an anti-Russian campaign, which triggered Russophobia, to feed the Western agenda in Eastern Europe.

Social platforms have become powerful tools to recruit international "volunteers" to fight in Ukraine in the face of Russia. In a first of its kind, the White House held a special briefing on the Ukraine war with TikTok stars such as 18-year-old Ellie Zeiler, who has more than 10 million followers. The US has adopted a new approach to grab the younger generation and recruit them against Russia.

Earlier this month, up to 20,000 "international volunteers" have traveled to fight Russia in Ukraine, mostly coming from European countries, according to a Ukrainian top official on Sunday.

"This number is around 20,000 now. They come from many European countries mostly," Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told CNN. "Many people in the world hated Russia and what it was doing in recent years, but no one dared to openly oppose and fight them."

This comes alongside the 16,000 foreign mercenaries whom Zelensky announced will be fighting in Ukraine.

The conflict in Ukraine shed major light on social media’s political role as a tool. Its part in broadcasting the conflict highlighted the importance of media in shaping the internet forever.

    It is worth noting that Russia had launched a special military operation for several reasons, such as NATO's eastward expansion, the Ukrainian shelling of Donbass, and the aggression of Ukrainian forces against the Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic, which has been ongoing since 2014, as well as de-nazifying and demilitarizing Ukraine.
United Nations

The UNSC is expected to prevent war, but it has instead backed the US-Saudi-led military coalition against the country.

At the end of last year, the UN Special Envoy Hans Grundberg filed an empty and useless report that read "frustration" regarding the war on Yemen.

However, his statement isn't the first or last of empty promises to fight for Yemen and against the humanitarian crisis. Nevertheless, Washington's disguised backing of the coalition remains behind the curtains.

The UNSC remains in favor of the government under "conflict resolution", but what the UNSC is doing is betray the Yemenis day by day. It is no longer a "conflict" with the government, it is a full-scale war by the Saudi-led coalition against the people of Yemen.

Yemen in the shadows

Recently, the UN said the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen risks being forgotten as the world focuses on the war in Ukraine. And according to experts, that conflict is also likely to directly impact Yemen's already stricken food supply.

Apart from drawing attention away from the war on Yemen, the war in Ukraine threatens to worsen the humanitarian situation in the Arab nation, with 22% of the country's wheat coming from Ukraine and Russia.

In 2020, the UN Security-General released his annual “list of shame," which included several violations against children committed in 2018, in which at least 729 children were killed or maimed.

However, the Security-General chose to list the Saudi-led coalition as a party that is improving the situation in Yemen, despite the overwhelming evidence that proves otherwise.

In addition, Security Council members call for a ceasefire in Yemen and go ahead with providing arms to prolong the war, instead of suspending all arms sales. In other words, the Council has offered nothing but empty statements regarding the war.

Who is looking behind the curtains?

Media outlets are dedicated to broadcasting global events and issues around the world. US media coverage is also dedicated to covering global issues, especially ones that help spread its agenda across the map.

However, the tragedy of the people of Yemen, in the meantime, is completely shadowed, as the international community continues to turn a blind eye to the ongoing atrocities.

The lack of mainstream coverage for Yemen raises many questions on where the media’s priorities stand: Is the US hiding the atrocious crimes in Yemen to protect its relations with the Kingdom? Are the billions in arms sales fueling the US economy more important than thousands of human lives? Keeping Yemen in the shadows will spare the US the need to justify its interference and its intimate relations with the Gulf.

With all eyes focused on Ukraine, who is willing to take one look farther to behold the sufferings the Yemeni people have been undergoing for full seven years? ... with-yemen

NATO's top players, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, and 17 other European nations, have provided lethal weapons worth billions of dollars to Ukraine, thus further fueling the flames of war, while many of the same core players are fueling the Saudi slaughter of Yemen
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:28 pm

Slowly the truth is coming out:

Hunter Biden secured funds for US biolabs

Hunter Biden played a key role in ensuring Metabiota was able to conduct lethal pathogen research just a few hundred miles from the Russian border, according to leaked emails and defense contract data

Moscow's claim that US’ President Son, Hunter Biden, helped finance military research into dangerous pathogens at Biolabs in Ukraine is TRUE, according to new emails from Hunter's infamous laptop.

The commander of the Russian Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Forces, has lately stated that there was a “scheme of interaction between US government agencies and Ukrainian biological objects”, stressing on the “financing part of such activities by structures close to the current US leadership, in particular, the investment fund Rosemont Seneca, which is headed by Hunter Biden.”

"Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it”

The Western media claimed that Russia is spreading false narratives to justify its war in Ukraine. The Daily Beast, for example, declared in a headline, "Russia ramps up the craziness," while state-funded NPR and other outlets referred to the accusations as "false" or "propaganda" with no apparent investigation of the facts. Even before receiving the latest Biden emails, the Daily Mail reported that Russia had increased its "wild propaganda campaign" by making its bioweapons claims.

    However, emails recovered from Hunter's abandoned laptop show that he played a major role in the acquisition of millions of dollars in funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons
The reaction was similar to the reaction in October 2020, when the New York Post published a story alleging overseas influence-peddling by the Biden family, citing emails obtained from a laptop Hunter Biden had left at a Delaware repair shop.

The report's spread was stifled on social media, where the Post was censored, and legacy media outlets speculated that the scandal was the result of a Russian disinformation campaign.

On his account, Russia’s State Duma speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin, has also affirmed that “US President Joe Biden himself is involved in the creation of bio-laboratories in Ukraine.”

“An investment fund run by his son Hunter Biden funded research and the implementation of the United States’ military biological program. It is obvious that Joe Biden, as his father and the head of state, was aware of that activity,” Volodin stressed.

President Joe Biden's son and his Rosemont Seneca partners also invested $500,000 in the contractor, the emails show.

Hunter's Ukraine venture

Metabiota's interest in Ukraine went beyond research and profit, according to at least one of the recovered documents.

In an April 2014 memo to Hunter Biden, an executive with the contractor, Mary Guttieri, discussed "how we can potentially leverage our team, networks, and concepts to assert Ukraine's cultural and economic independence from Russia and continued integration into Western society."

Another memo revealed that Biden had pitched a "science project" involving Metabiota and Burisma, the Ukrainian natural gas company where Biden was a board member and earned millions of dollars.

In 2014, the US awarded Metabiota $23.9 million, with $307,091 allocated for "Ukrainian research projects," according to government spending records.

Metabiota worked in Ukraine for Black & Veatch, a US defense contractor with close ties to military intelligence agencies that built secure labs in Ukraine to analyze dangerous diseases and bioweapons.

Earlier this month, US officials warned Congress that 'Russian forces may be attempting to gain control of these 'biological research facilities'.”

After his father's tenure as US Vice President ended in January 2017, his pay was cut in half.

    Just weeks before Biden's election, the original laptop story was seemingly debunked. The New York Times only recently admitted that the laptop and its contents were genuine
According to government records, Metabiota was awarded an $18.4 million contract by the Pentagon, according to the Daily Mail.

Furthermore, emails have recently been unmasked, in turn revealing that Hunter Biden assisted the contractor in "getting new customers," including US government agencies.

Hunter Biden’s criminal history

Hunter Biden has a long history of crime. In late 2020, Biden was subjected to federal investigation for "tax affairs" related to business dealings in Ukraine and China, and Fox News reported that he had failed to report $400,000 in income from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings.

The announcement was preceded by a scandal in October 2020, when the New York Times published an article about two emails that the 52-year-old had supposedly received from a top Burisma executive while serving on the company's board of directors.

Burisma Board Advisor Vadym Pozharskyi allegedly asked Hunter Biden to "use [his] influence" to help the Ukrainian company gain political support in a May 2014 email, while Pozharskyi thanked the younger Biden for setting up a meeting with his father, then-US Vice President Joe Biden, in an April 2015 email.

The claimed emails were allegedly obtained from the hard disk of a damaged laptop belonging to Hunter Biden that was taken to a shop in his native state of Delaware for repairs. ... ne:-the-da
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:05 am

Ukraine studying neutrality: Zelensky

One of the main issues raised by Russia during the negotiations with Ukraine is neutrality, and it is being discussed within Kiev, according to the president.

The Russian demand for Ukrainian neutrality, which has been a key issue for Moscow throughout its negotiations with Kiev, is being closely looked at by Ukraine's negotiators, President Volodymyr Zelensky said Sunday.

"This point of the negotiations is understandable to me, and it is being discussed. It is being carefully studied," Zelensky told the press during an interview.

Earlier this month, the Kremlin has said Sweden and Austria offered models of neutrality that Kiev could adopt to help Moscow take the decision of ending its special military operation in Ukraine.

Negotiations to put an end to the war in Ukraine have been taking place between the two parties for a month now, and their focal points were Ukraine staying out of NATO, disarmament, and security guarantees.

The parties to the crisis held three rounds of negotiations in Belarus, and talks are going on an almost daily basis via videoconference.

The first round took place in Gomel, Belarus, just four days after the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine; the second took place in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Belarus, and the third took place in Brest, Belarus. However, most of the talks took place online.

Russia had launched a special military operation in Ukraine due to NATO's eastward expansion, the Ukrainian shelling of Donbass, and the killing of the people of the Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic, in addition to Moscow wanting to "denazify" and demilitarize Ukraine. ... :-zelensky


Russia has been asking for Ukraine to become a neutral country for more than 20 years
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:13 pm

Forces of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) have, with help from Russian troops, managed to surround Mariupol, reclaiming it from NAZI thugs, including the airport, and started to clear the city of the remaining Azov NAZI battalion fighters

It would appear that the Nazi Azov battalion's leaders are abandoning their troops

Let me remind you, the NAZI Azov troops are actually part of the main Ukrainian army along with many other NAZI battalions

Most of the NAZI thugs are openly NAZIS, wear NAZI emblems and celebrate Hitler's birthday

The Neo NAZI groups are well know in the Ukraine and have been attacking and killing innocent civilians in the Donbass region for many years

I may not have been alive during WW 2 but I am well aware of who Hitler was and what the NAZIS did

I find it impossible that so many people are actually supporting the NAZI loving Ukrainian government
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:20 pm

Also, after the US trying to deny the existence of biolabs in the Ukraine, the existence of such labs are well documented, as is the US involvement

Please note: as I have previously mentioned, the US has a large number of Bio-labs in the Ukraine and other countries - yet they do not have them on US soil - ask yourselves why that it - are these Bio-labs not thought to be safe enough for US
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Re: Ukraine: US Lies, Provocation, Broken Promises, Fake New

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:32 pm

EVERYONE knows that the US and NATO broke their agreement with Russia not to move their forces closer to Russia

The US and NATO have broken that agreement on several occasions

Also: think back to Castro and Cuba

On numerous occasions the US tried to assassinate Castro

When Cuba asked Russia for help, Russia went to their assistance and placed missiles on Cuba soil to protect it from US attack

The US went crazy as it did not want Russian weaponry so close the US borders - Russia pulled out

Yet the US and NATO are doing the same thing to Russia by placing their weapons on Russian borders

ALL that I have said is PUBLIC knowledge
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