Author: Diri » Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:51 pm
viko wrote:Hello Diri!!
Yes, You right. My boyfriend is from Iraq ( and the name of city is..hmmm Im not sure that I write correct -> Zakho)
I wish know Kurmanci...sometimes when my boyfriend speak with famlily and friends I udnerstand some words, so is not bad.. heheh in this summer it was my first time, when I was hear in real how they nice, I wish know more
I will study! and my English, because sometimes when I want say something .... >silent< I can't speak.. so I must study, study
Diri can You tell me, if You know, some poems for birthday? Because my boy have birthday soon, I wish write something for him in Kurmanci:) hmm..if not, I will write something in English, then can u translate? Gelek supas
:) Now I must go sleep, tomorrow hard day
Seva te xwes
Yes, Zaxo...
You see the "kh" sound in Kurdish is written "x"...
I thought so, logically as the way you wrote gave a hint of the Southern (Iraqi) Kurmancî dialect...
Has he been in Poland for a long time?
Don't worry about your English... It's the same with EVERYBODY... I stop up MANY times to think of better and more suiting words myself... It's natural: we try our best!
There are no traditional Kurdish birthday poems... Because birthdays have never realy been important in Kurdish culture... Most elder people don't even know when they were born... As is the case with most Kurds who were born more than 40 years ago... This is especially true for Kurds in remote areas of Kurdistan - where rural life and farming is the dominant lifestyle... In Kurdistan, children are in a hurry to grow up so that they can be of service to their parents and surroundings... Children in Kurdistan are trusted with a lot of responsibility from an early age - wether it be goat/sheep/cattle herding or looking after the family buisness while the father is away...
Anyway - if you want, you can write a poem in English, and I will translate it into Kurdish for you... But please, make a new topic in the "Kurdish Language" section of the forums
(Make sure to write in the English section, not the Kurdish one)!
Şew xoş