Evin wrote:Diri wrote:@Evîn
Haha I know what you mean... Just keep repeating those words "work to live, not live to work" Hahaha
I haven't had the chance to go I'm afraid - it's been sooooo distant in both mind and place... I'm still around in Norway, yes... And I don't think you should be going either - with the recent events... But maybe things will settle till spring? Nothing's ever safe, realy... Even ones own home can be an accident waiting to happen... Right...?
God forbid, of course...
You know you're right of course Dîrî but even in a democratic country like England, it's harder for women to get on in business, it seems we have to work twice as hard as the guys to achieve recognition, not to mention bringing up a family too!
Things are getting easier though now, my kids are growing up sooooo very fast and are both very independent these days, so I've much more free time than I used to have, weyhey!
The more 'S' talks about Kurdistan in Spring, the more I think that'd be the best decision, Newroz parties and picnics sound great and hopefully things will have settled down again by then.
Keep having fun and love to 'Z' x
Guess what...
I just came back from York... And I don't remember if I told any of you here on Roj Bash before I went... Did I?
Well - I'm back now... It was just a 2 week stay - study trip - to be exact...
Indeed - I agree. You should put it off till spring - when the grass is green and the birds sing with joy while the rivers form and flow from melting snow from snow covered mountain tops... Kurdistan is so beautiful! Mashallah!
I wish I could go... I'm stuck with my studies...