Author: Marie K. » Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:43 pm
I found about the proof that Kurd are aryan this too:
Genetic studies reveal homogeneity amongst Iranian peoples and common origins
As more and more genetic studies are carried out comparing Iranian populations, the myths of the Western neocolonialists are being shattered - by their very own hands.
The evidence that the prehistoric Aryans were, in fact, indigenous to Iran and originated from the Caspian region is becoming ever more present, and the fact that Aryan Iranians have been racially-conscious and preserved their distinct and unique races over so many thousands of years, unlike the Europeans, is becoming ever more clear.
The neocolonialists oppose the purity of races because only the most diverse bloodlines are able to be easily controlled and manipulated. The more pure the bloodlines, the more aggressive and independent such populations will be.
What is true for one society is true for all: if the ancient bloodlines of the world are not preserved, then there will be nothing to stop the impending tyranny that will surely ravage and rend asunder the Earth.
"Populations located west of the Indus basin, including those from Iran, Anatolia and the Caucasus, exhibit a common mtDNA lineage composition, consisting mainly of western Eurasian lineages, with a very limited contribution from South Asia and eastern Eurasia (fig. 1). Indeed, the different Iranian populations show a striking degree of homogeneity. This is revealed not only by the nonsignificant FST values and the PC plot (fig. 6) but also by the SAMOVA results, in which a significant genetic barrier separates populations west of Pakistan from those east and north of the Indus Valley (results not shown). These observations suggest either a common origin of modern Iranian populations and/or extensive levels of gene flow amongst them." ... 40813.html"Kurdish groups are most similar genetically to other West Asian groups, and most distant from Central Asian groups for both mtDNA and the Y-chromosome. However Kurdish groups show a closer relationship with European groups than with Caucasian groups based on mtDNA, but the opposite based on the Y-chromosome, indicating some differences in their materal and paternal histories." u see it had been proved by science u cant deny this fact..