i don't know why but it was difficult to register
so i'm here!
Roj baş ji Rusya ye!
Lost wrote:Xêrhatî bira.. zor xêr hatî ser çava suhrabê!
welcome a thousand time To Roj baş kurdistan! hope you enjoy your stay,
Kake cwan, Ez jî gelek hheş dikem hendek liser xo baxivî bume!
I hope hear about you and yourself, so tell us something about your self bira!
I'm Sîver from Hewlêr ( Şarî qellaw minare! ) in 19 of age .. and so great to have you hear brother..
Lost wrote::( hey sohrab gyan ..
sorry dude, I've made a mistake about your name's Spelling which was Replacing (o) by (u) ..sorry
serçava! = upon my eyes!
ser çava suhrabê = upon Sohrab's Eyes
in badini dialect if they wanted to say: Upon Siver's Eyes they'll say : Serçava Sîverê
this (ê) is stand to (his)...
Diri wrote:@Bariş
Are you bored?
hingiv wrote:My dear friends! thank you very much for your nice english kurdish russian replies.
So i'm not a boy Diri i'm your sister and.. i'm not a kurd.
But my friendss are kurds and i'm glad to learn kurdish language and culture.
Diri wrote:Good - I finally found you, my lost twin sister...
Xarasho... You are most welcome to Roj Bash Kurdistan - and may you enjoy it as much as we do!
So - are you based in Moscow or St. Petersburg or somewhere else? I know there are many Kurds in those cities - but not sure about other ones..
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