hello everybody
I just found this site, think its a great idea!
I am a bit curious where everybody is from, and where you guys live.
I myself am half kurdish, but twice as proud!
where are u from?
kurdimemin_diako wrote:hey baris u are from Minneapolis or los Angeles ?
Barış wrote:kurdimemin_diako wrote:hey baris u are from Minneapolis or los Angeles ?
I was born and raised in MN and the abbreviation isn't for Minneapolis.
I'm now located in Los Angeles.
kurdimemin_diako wrote:Barış wrote:kurdimemin_diako wrote:hey baris u are from Minneapolis or los Angeles ?
I was born and raised in MN and the abbreviation isn't for Minneapolis.
I'm now located in Los Angeles.
In America if u say MN then everyone think u say Minnesota . but what do u mean by MN ? I hope it is not for Los Angeles
kurdimemin_diako wrote:Монгол улс ??
that sound like Russian .. oh it is Mongolian !
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