Author: thearabchildren » Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:21 pm
The Turkish public is merely taught nonsense by its government. It is not responsible for its stupidity, but I do think the enlightened among it are responsible for fighting the government's lies and reeducating the people (as in every state). For example, you say many Turks are ultra-nationalists and repeat the government lies and even refer to the minor recent reforms as traitorous. Surely this is true, and I've met many such Turks, but I have also met many Turkish Kurds who repeat the same sentiments! So shouldn't we also blame the Kurdish public in Turkey?
For what you say about the treatment of minorities in Northern Iraq/Southern Kurdistan, I can't agree with it simply because I haven't been there, but I would love to come. However I will say that a Turkish friend of mine (from Kayseri, living in İzmir) says something similar (that Turks in Northern Iraq are treated better than Kurds anywhere in Turkey). From my perspective, the problem isn't a lack of progressive Turks, but that so many of them are ambivelant. That they don't see the Kurds as the top priority they are, being such a large nation inhabiting such a poor part of the country and so systematically attacked by the organs of state. They say they're opposed to it, but they often ask me why I'm so obsessed with it. The people who do seem to spend a lot of energy thinking about the Kurds in Turkey, sadly, are the fascists who tell me I'm trying to "divide Turkey", who tell me the Kurds don't deserve anything more than they already have, that this is how nation-states work, that everyone in Turkey is a Turk, even if they're a Kurd, that the Kurdish flag is a terrorist flag, that the PKK started the problem, or rather that filthy foreigners like me started the problem and created the PKK, and that the Kurds are happy in Turkey and that the country is richer for its diversity (even as they oppose any public display of that diversity!), that this is how France treats its minorities (France also deports gypsies and collaborated with the Nazis and puts foreigners in great ghettos outside Paris and don't give them jobs and the cops kill them! Not everything about France is so great!) that America is worse (I agree, but I don't ever defend America) that "Israel" is worse (maybe, but I never defend the Zionist state), that Armenia is worse (maybe, WHO CARES!?). The people who you're talking to, I agree, have no self-criticism, but let's not forget what sort of country they live in! People often play this weird game with Turkey, where they call it an authoritarian state (almost a redunancy, with which I agree of course) one minute and then ask why Turks "choose" to be the way they are the next (I thought there was no freedom in Turkey? Why would the Turks be "free" to choose their chauvanistic, militarist, pro-American leadership?)
As for your links, I'll check 'em out. I think we all have ancestors who were something other than what we think were, but I am getting very curious about this Kurdish/Jewish connection... Do you know about the Mountain Jews? They speak something like a dialect of Persian, I wonder if there's a shared ancestry there...