sheytanElKebir wrote:the pipeline is a very good development. Basically they truck the crude out now. when kurdistan is independent, they can lay the turkish side of the pipeline straight to the sea. Are the Turks working on their side of the pipeline?
sheytanElKebir wrote:excelent news. that means that Kurdistan will be able to quickly ramp up production and export soon!
sheytanElKebir wrote:i really don't know if reaching 1-2M barrels is possible or not. of course in theory anything is possible.lay enough pipelines and drill enough wells, and have enough water for reinjection etc... and you can pump as much as you want. but there;s the factors of maintaining well pressures and not allowing water seepage into the reservoir which limits ultimate output.
Its certainly possible that kurdistan can pump as much oil as they want, as long as there's enough export pipeline capacity.
anyone know what the capacity of the pipeline to turkey is? that would provide us with a clue to future production plans.
sheytanElKebir wrote:anyone know what the capacity of the pipeline to turkey is? that would provide us with a clue to future production plans.
Cewlik wrote:sheytanElKebir wrote:anyone know what the capacity of the pipeline to turkey is? that would provide us with a clue to future production plans.
Do you mean the Kirkuk–Ceyhan Oil Pipeline? According to Wikipedia the capacity of this pipeline is 1.6 million barrels per day. But I dont know who controlls the Kirkuk station of the Kirkuk–Ceyhan Pipeline, do someone know that?
it goes right thru Duhok ,so we can charge iraq fee when we separate .But this pipiline dont goes from Kurdistan to Turkey, because all piplines are only in Iraq. The KRG should build own piplines, its important for the independence. I dont know why they dont build it until now, without own piplines Kurdistan dont can increase the oil exort.
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